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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I just need some better hand control to get the LED more centered. I had to fiddle with the light so it fit better when closing up the Gundam. Now I'm just gonna LED all the things I wanna LED then bring it to my gunpla club tomorrow and go "ALL THE THINGS!"
  2. K, well recently well more like 2 months now I've been really pissed off over the fact that Bandai LED's have gone up in price and that you wait and you wait and almost half the time t hey don't work well. Then there's the fact the freaking 00 Raiser MG needs like a dozen of these! Not too mention some of the colors you want are P Bandai exclusive and the aftermarket stuff is just as nasty in price! So, bought 300 LED's, some CR1220 housing and switches, got out my soldering iron I've had and NEVER used. at first I was like "Is this seriously gonna work?" but then I was like "HOLY CRAP IT WORKED!" finally was like "Did I just hear the final fantasy level up song?"
  3. I saw the film again with a co worker today and we both agreed this is far and above better than the third and fourth films and I still left fairly satisfied. Sadly though I wanted to see this with the girlfriend during my visit this weekend but looks like it'll be pulled from theaters after tomorrow.
  4. Roiiight lets just sell a color scheme about a thousand others have already done at a premium.
  5. The Dendrobium? It'll be a while....probably in August. I wanna start getting use to pre-shading and possibly post-shading before I do it. For 300 bucks I really want this kit to look more like a piece of art than a snap together model. That's why I'm taking the really cheap models I got and practicing off of those. I think I got the general idea on it now but still....practice practice! I remember the test sample paper, but don't got it anymore, my box was thrown out as trash by accident. I looked on the iwata website and they don't mention anything about how to do it. So I'll be trying out some of the ideas I saw on youtube this weekend to get it going.
  6. I'm using an Eclipse HP-CS. I did panel line it, enamel wash after clear coating, makes the paint flow better from the tip of my paint brush after watering it down with lighter fluid. According to Iwata's website, my brush should be able to achieve hairline spray coloring and up to 2 inch covering. What i need to do is figure out how to get that hairline to show up and I've been watching a few youtubers doing it in different ways. 1 guy removed the top nozzle bit, got super up close pressing down the trigger to get the air flowing and the paint mixing then barely pulled the trigger back and just did it nice and slow. He got a pretty good straight narrow solid line from it all. I also realized I have smoke paint, I smacked myself this evening when I realized I could of just been using this the entire time I was airbrushing the pre-shade cause that was EXACTLY what I bought that color for. Cleaning my next kit which is the RGM-79G Command Ground type. I wanna get this sucker prepped before the gunpla meet up this weekend. Shouldn't be difficult as it's on a saturday evening and it only takes me half the days worth of time to paint and clear coat.
  7. It's finished. The shield came out as the best part of the whole job. But I don't think gray was a good option with the white top coat, I should of just stayed black on it all and it would of worked out a lot better. I did kind of figure out the pressure problem and had it topping 12-15 psi which is good, real good! Kit came out alright, it's a keeper, just not what I would of wanted it to look like at all. I still gotta figur out how to get that thin line.
  8. It's just the colors from the camera that make it look that way. The colors for the white were actually way to light and pretty much vanished by the time I did the main colors. The ONLY pre shading piece that worked the way it should of was the red....that came out great i think. I really need a dullcoat can pretty badly so I can finish this mold up. Sadly it looks to of gone missing.
  9. Trying my hand at present shading which I'm iffy on. I guess you really need an airbrush with a MAC valve or something. I kept the PSI as low as I could by just blowing air before pulling the trigger back on a thinned black and neutral gray. So? Do I pass?
  10. You know, there's a point where an anime looks cool and thrilling and you wanna watch it and then there's the live action adaption of that same thing trying to do it all over and it looks like C R A P This is that movie.
  11. And the interesting thing about it are upgradable parts. It looks like that 1:100 is a MG and yet we never saw anything saying IT IS a master grade. This could be a unique exo frame for parts swapping to make the barbatos cooler looking and add a neat flare to those who wanna make their own style. I'm interested but I'm iffy on the series in general cause there's not much to know. But I'm ok with the MS designs.
  12. I think he means we can name off more DC villains than we possibly could Marvel outside of loki and ultron.
  13. It's a fantastic piece on it's own. I bought it a few years ago but assembled as I didn't wanna go through that hassle and screw up. I can't remember who but they did an amazing upgrade on there's with LED lit city backdrop and some other gimmicks. I ended up taking the ARMD platforms and just giving them their 01 & 02 designations by tracing some images I had found online from line art then cutting them with red vinyl. Came out great! I personally would of loved a 1/2000 scale but that's a monster, incredibly rare, and incredibly expensive.
  14. Leto's appearance the way they did his joker is what doesn't work for me. But the rest is decent. I mean they threw in Killer Croc and that's cool. And well, the Margot Harley is rather hot.
  15. Decals are surprisingly a lot easier to handle once you got the science down. As for painting if you're thinking those tiny tiny details it might be a problem if your shaking like you had 15 red bulls. But more elaborate painting from air brushing? Shouldn't be an issue.
  16. I've been busy busy busy. Tomorrow I got my Dendrobium showing up, I'm clicking in cart and out cart of so many gunpla going from 5 to 15 to 13 to 7 etc cause I can't make up my mind on what I want. A buddy of mine got me the MSA-0011ext EX-S mastergrade and I'm thrilled to have it. I also finally got my RX-78-5 kit and excited to build it. I'm about half way done with my Delta Plus MG and I like it for the most part but the rub on transfers I wish weren't there. I also had a real big Gundam party yesterday at my place. bunch of the group came by and we sat and watched episodes 1-7 of Unicorn and shared our thoughts and opinions on the various model kits of the Unicorn line up. So was a busy weekend and just over all busy week.
  17. I got my GFFMC Origin Gundam today and everyone during my Gundam party played with it going "Dear god this is heavy!" I'm gonna mess around with it bit more tomorrow but I thought it's very cool looking and very nicely sculpted.
  18. Just bought my first GFFMC toy of the origin rx78-2 really looking forward to it!
  19. Special circumstances. It doesn't seem like it sometimes but my department gets a ton of business and sometimes our clients expect it 2 weeks prior for what we do. We're kind of like the engine room of the enterprise and one of us is mr scott pulling off the miracles. But besides doing graphics I have to photograph nearly 500 cars a month, some days I'm doing 20-30 vehicles in 1 go and it can be bothersome. I once I had to rephotograph and entire lot of 400 vehicles twice because they kept making layout changes to the photo room they give me. Each car gets roughly 20-30 photos and 30 seconds worth of video for advertisment and I gotta upload all those photos myself and edit the footage. It's an 8 hour+ day easy. So with that, one of our big bosses/clients gave each of us a big bonus this morning and I used a portion of it pay off my credit card debt which now I'm down to my last card. Another portion went to Arnold's After School All Stars program, and another portion will be taking my mother out to dinner sunday. If it were my own hard earned cash I would NOT be buying the Dendrobium or the Neo Zeong. If anything right now, I'm kind of wondering where the hell I'm gonna put either of these kits......they certainly won't fit on those detolf cases, and the top side is already full! Something is gonna have to give.
  20. There was 1 I found locally last month. If I had the money then I'd of bought it, but it also got snagged super fast. Pretty much all I'm doing is stock piling for the remainder of the year. Pretty easy to do seeing how I've slowed down a ton cause of life!
  21. it'll be the 2nd Dendrobium I've built yeah, the first one is long gone sold that sucker to someone I think from here in the forums back in 07 or something maybe. I didn't have an appreciation for that like I do now. Now if I can just get the compressor to work right so I can do some pre-shading, I would probably repaint the whole kit.
  22. Well..........I came into some money today. Ended up making the first half of a 900 dollar order for Gunpla. Yep, you heard me, 900 bucks. This first half doesn't come with much only 2 kits and a GFFMC. But one of these kits is the 1/144 Dendrobium. The other half of these kits will include 10 kits all being shipped by that Toy Shop japan joint. 1 of those kits will be the Neo Zeong.
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