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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Nice! 2.5 is gonna rock
  2. Heh my big week long project. second time I built this one and this time I did it better. holding together a lot better than the first time. Still though, what a pain in the ass to transform but not nearly as difficult as Zeta.
  3. Let's analyze that a bit. How many with the name Gonzales do you know or aware of? As for the connections.....it's tattooine, their moisture farmers in the middle of the desert that's like being in Australia and your closest neighbors is 40 minutes away. And just as Yoda was shrouded by the dark side of the force on dagoba maybe something similar went on for Luke. I mean in the EU darth kryate put two and two together until obiwan cut his arm off.
  4. Incomplete endings in anime is nothing new or even uncommon really. So for Guyver to do this all the way around isn't THAT big of a deal. It's simply that the story got way to complex and the period of time this takes place in is long long gone now.
  5. Enjoy those many many detail stickers! Oh geeze.......it was bound to happen. Yeah that's the one but hm sold out now. I saw it at a Toys R Us ........last Friday.....(?) not sure for the same price. he was cute. But seeing how they're damn hard to get ahold of I think I might just download the plans to the deathstar............I mean R2 and build my own life size replica. I've found several ways of building it that are while time consuming, are not terribly difficult.
  6. So here's a question, would you pay 190 for that interactive R2? Came across him recently which kind of made me laugh and kept hitting his demo button. I got a fairly nice area I can put him but I dunno, 200 is pricey!
  7. I always saw it as "Oh god, FINALLY I have someone to talk too who isn't tinted blue and partially see thru!" But I'd say he had a pretty good idea of what's been going on around him using the force much like how Yoda was able to feel his companions being slaughtered by the Clones in RotS.
  8. I can't believe someone actually asked that question.....and that there was an actual reply to that question too. Oh god
  9. So did bale as batman with his mouth always gaped open.I finished JJ over my Christmas break. It was okay. tenant was delightful as always and that's about it. Didn't really care for anyone else or much of the story.
  10. Getting my Star Wars motif going! Love the FO trooper despite the painting I had to do I loved how the helmet came together. That was just so much fun!
  11. In the latest comic adaptations by marvel, Luke was kidnapped by a Hutt who was a serious collector of Jedi artifacts and some of the items included a vast number of holocrons 1 which Luke found back in tattooine in Obis old hut.
  12. The attention to detail on the Garland is great, I like that. But then you look at that shogo figure and it while detailed still just doesn't work for me.
  13. Brand and quality of paint. Course why it's 20+ for you i have no clue while it's about 8-10 for me. But honestly that gold is not really all that great.
  14. Seeing how the resistance doesn't have as much backing as it use to that's understandable. Just read that the film finally hit the 1 billion box office sales this weekend. I'm sure Mickey is snorting the longest line he's ever had in his life.
  15. Couple more images. Epoch, Gladius and Jade Fire. The Gladius kind of hurts my eyes cause I got it doing a flickering pulse kind of effect right now.
  16. speaking of sabers, my 2nd saber arrived, well I had to go pick it up. I got a text from Saberforge asking me to show up tomorrow if I can and I told them I'll be there in under 12 parsecs, 14.5 tops. So atleast someone got the joke cause a few I know it went over their heads. So either way, this is Saberforge's Gladius type built around TOR mmo from the first saber you get as a Jedi when you complete the first story arc. It's built with a Veridian soundboard so I can customize the volume, motion sensitivity and battle clashing. The saber also can channel 5 different blade effects which really go from variations of flickering or pulsing to still solid color. Custom leather wrapped handle and a deep blue blade, not as bright as my medium blue on my Epoch of the same brand, but good enough I think. 384 dollars though is still a pretty hefty price, but I'm glad they're located somewhere I can drive to and see what they got whenever I feel like it. If ya gotta have something for a light saber, you're better off with these guys.
  17. Last I remember they only do it due to faulty runners and living in Japan. Otherwise you need to contact a bluefin rep or website to request parts and they'll cost you some bucks and they have very strict rules on what you can get.But that's what I remember I could be wrong.
  18. Well I just got a rather nifty piece of merchandise. Over the last couple months every local news channel has been covering the company Saberforge who build lightsabers if no ones heard of them....they've been around I guess since after the recession when the owner lost his job as an electrician and opened up this place. I have a few friends who own some of their sabers so when I asked if they were awesome, I was told it was a stupid question and to just shut up and buy one. I go online on their Etsy page, ordered their Vengeance with an amber LED, Blade, charger, blah blah blah. That was back in October! Now into December I got pushed back 3 times, going from 4-6 week build, 8-10 week build and then a 15-25 day recevial from a company that's just a 40 minute drive from my house. Going back and forth with these guys on what was going on with my damn saber I finally got a refund. Today I had the balls to go to their showroom and saw all their wonderful merchandise, play with the products, ask some questions despite them being insanely busy with a dozen people wanting service and only 1 guy behind the counter. Needless to say, I walked out with a better attitude than when I went in. The guy behind the counter gave me more info on what was going on and what I should of done than they ever did online. So now I got a special unique built lightsaber being built for me and ready to pick up in the end of the month AND walked away with another lightsaber. So all in all I spent 618 bucks! But I mean come on! This looks so damn cool! and what's so awesome is I had my freaking living room lights on and I'm still getting that intensity from the LED?! Wow! Just wow! Can't wait to get my 2nd saber with all the trimmings in a week and a half.
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