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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I got my blu ray copy of Zeta Part 1 and was a bit disappointed....footage clean up wasn't as good as I would of liked for 50 bucks, and we again don't have the original opening and closing themes. At least the japanese audio remained intact without the 5.1 screw up audio like the English version has.
  2. yeah but that made my interest perk a bit then I remembered the first trailer and cringed again.
  3. Pretty good turn out for Oscar wins is all I can say so way to go for mad max property!
  4. I was pretty surprised they won the majority of the technical department categories. Also was it just me or were the sound guys getting bleeped out? Sometimes audio feeds get cut when I'm watching tv cause direct sucks in my area.
  5. Tomino is different. A number of the character he killed off are characters people found irritating and unlikable. My problem with this is that a number of characters had chances to die that could of left just as much of an impact without it being a god dammit moment. I'm not happy in the least they made this move when a member of his specific family was already lost.
  6. Think those might be spoilers there but yeah I called it from about half way thru the series it would go in that direction and earth 2 episode stabilized it more for me.As for LoT and Slade, I believe Slade is about a decade or so older than Oliver and did mention he had a son while on the island but of a different name I think.
  7. Saying it's worse than AGE is fairly harsh. But I do agree that IBO is not all its been hyped up to be. I wanna say that the series hit its downfall after the controversial episode of shooting the first Corp guys.
  8. Hans zimmer, cause his crap is on EVERYTHING
  9. That's Bandai for you. They won't do an origins type anime but will remarked out unicorn is cheaper animation and drawn out dialogue. IBO has been bad enough in just using Gundam as a title name and then teases us with 2-3 minutes of mobile suit battles.
  10. Was at a convention this weekend, hanging with my cosplay buddies at the 405th and while roaming the show I catch this baby at the corner of my eye and spent 30 minutes thinking about it. Do I want it? Should I pass on it? I mean, it's official, it's a replica of the real film prop, and it's wearable! My friends wife acted like that little voice in your head going noooooooo nooooo you don't need that. While he's going DUDE! BUY IT! BUY IT NOW! REGRET ABOUT IT LATER! I bought it. I now fully understand why they can't hit anything. Like 2 inches to see thru and it's fairly blurred.
  11. I feel pretty blessed though it wasn't 1979 to see ALIEN on the big screen. Dark horse was holding a screening of the original print close to Halloween and it was just fun. I forgot that there were a lot of deleted scenes and kept saying "hey wait where's the infamous hard slap to the face?!" Or the Xeno smacking jones' crate.
  12. Hm a tad on guard as none of those previous write jobs or movies I'm fond of, namely ironman 3. Could Shane pull off as a director? Maybe good chance. I just feel that the monster franchise of this like aliens is stale even if you throw more money and ideas into it, won't mean it's a good movie. Predators had a good idea but imo bad cheesy story. Kind of like ALIEN, I think it can still be good, it just needs the right stuff to make it happen again.
  13. My mother is getting into legends after I introduced her to the series a week ago. She seems to like Mick a lot but he's a distant 2nd to her thing for Merlin.
  14. I think my blue destiny is a g systems so it's pretty well thought out but needs tons of cleaning and prep work to get things working. I haven't gotten any further than that as the weather hasn't been good to do paint work and the brass rods are still sitting in my car.But none the less the kit will look pretty good when you're done.
  15. That was a good movie I wanna see it again. The opening credits were perfect.
  16. seeing how I have nothing to do for the horrible single's awareness day, I got myself a ticket for the weekend. I don't care if it's shallow and mind numbing like a lot of the reviews I've read, that's exactly what I need right now.
  17. You are in a position to demand nothing.
  18. Finished my MG origin Gundam. Compared it to my GFFMC variant and was just shocked on what's all been skipped out not only in details but options for the master grade variant. Really disappointed in it.
  19. I was just looking it up and avatar 2 is pushed back again so it doesn't compete against Star Wars, atleast the theory is Cameron doesn't want to compete. Not to thrilled of a December 2017 release date as May held a bit more meaning behind it imo but not gonna bitch and moan. Not like I wanna see pirates anyways!
  20. That's some what interesting to know that Cameron will get the property back in just a couple more years, at which in that point a 6th Terminator film will certainly not happen.
  21. I still have no love for seed, won't touch it ever again. I did however begin work on my version of the origin RX-78-2. I love the little Amuro figure, my paint job on him turned out fantastic so very thrilled. However I feel like the inner frame on this thing was way to simplistic and that in itself was very disappointing in comparison to the 2.0 and 3.0. I'd call this frame aver 1.8. I'll be holding off the remainder of the build until tomorrow night when I meet up with my gundam buddies at our monthly meet up. Next month we get to finally hold our meetings at a Hobbytown they've been wanting to get us for a while to come over and finally lured us with a display case for some of our kits and special discounts.
  22. somewhere ryan reynolds saw that and went "Did he just f^&%ng compare me to fantastic f&%k-some?"
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