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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I'm sure this'll come out weird. But I redid the old mark 2 2.0 and threw in water slides I special ordered. The inner frame is completely detailed for more realistic look but right now it's a waste. I need to do some trimming to the decals to make them fit better then I can take off parts.
  2. I watched with bb and it was kinda funny. A lot of the kylo Ren appearances when he gets brutal he turns his head 180 to look away kind of whimpering. Must of seen this movie twice since my copy came in.
  3. I got one suggestion for someone NOT to do the score, Hans Zimmer. Done with his generic music. Everyone copies his style and he borrows to much of his previous works into new films.
  4. When I think about it, over the top was probably my favorite of the cannon projects. It had a good sound track, 80s montage that comes with Stallone at those times, story is more coherent than other cannon properties AND didn't have a lot of T&A their films are known for.
  5. Hm, no appeal towards me at all. So I'm gonna guess it's more fun young kids who can't really assemble HGs or something.
  6. Must not click spoilers!!! Must remain surprised!!!
  7. Gonna watch during my lunch, can't wait.
  8. They even mention the owners going as far as editing the film entirely themselves so whatever was originally done got scrapped. They were also responsible for superman to go to hell in 3 & 4 if I remember right. But man they were also into making a lot of porn.
  9. Can't recall that ever happening but it was going off around Barry a lot when he moved might of just been that. I believe they said they were kind of done with speedsters for a while but that seemed to of been proven false with Trajectory and the clones. Who knows, maybe Wally's speed obsession is something.
  10. Only way to stop the bad DC films is to just boycott them globally. So as long as we pay the money out of curiosity they'll keep making them. I'm on the fence, not been impressed but same time I have an abundance of free passes.
  11. Picked this up a couple weeks ago and built it during the monthly GUNPLA club meet. There's some quirks I had to work out like floppy skirt armor and vernier rockets. But also some damn tight PVC parts. Had trouble getting things plugged in. Also the decal instructions are basically non existent so I had to look hard for references to help identify what needed where.
  12. It's a MG conversion off the ez-8 mainly shoulders, arms and thighs of that kit, rest are all resin parts.Clear coat was to hot sadly and melted a good chunk of the paint but from a distance you can't tell. I seriously wish the forum would stop turning it sideways, this is the only place that does that to me.
  13. A few of the guys in my gundam group are rather surprised as they own the 0079 bluray series and say the footage is just so much better visually than it ever was before in past releases. But our theory is because Bandai/Sunrise have yet to release an actual Bluray remaster of Zeta which has us raising red flags on the ZZ release coming up in a couple months. Seems they're really just trying to pump out as many of the shows as possible to make a quick buck here in the US versus actually putting in some effort. The opening and closing animation is probably the best out of the entire package thus far and again, that just bums me out cause it's the same quality you can see in "HD" on Youtube, exact same thing. The english dub is still just as boring and almost lack of emotion as I remember back in 05 when I got the limited edition box set for big bucks. But at least the audio "enhancements" they did to that version aren't nearly as jarring as watching the 0079 movie trilogy, I mean we get the japanese audio but completely remixed audio track for sound....I just hate that. Why can't they just leave that stuff alone? It's why I couldn't even bother buying the ADV DVD's of Macross.
  14. Just gonna leave this here, mmk? Mmmmk. Ugh, whatever not gonna fix it. Go hurt your necks.
  15. hmmm gonna need another coat of paint on it all, it's kind of dusty. But once I slap on 2nd coat of blues and grays i can seal it then everything should be just fine.
  16. Yes he did, AGAIN. It's really noticing when he won in other ceremonies for that category and then aced out like he usually is by someone else. His brother flipped out on Twitter then had to apologize. I kind of flipped out as I thought he deserved it and the look on his face was sheer disappointment.
  17. Guess it depends where you get your MG kits. Right now my 30 kit backlog are 90% MG and then 10% NG/HG. There's a guy who works in a hobby shop in my build club who gives us 10% discount on any GUNPLA kit, that's kind of contributed to my collection as of late.
  18. Haven't seen any news in regards to something past the HG and NG side. Besides the NG models have a frame already.
  19. Been sitting on it for 6 months, but finally working on my conversion kit from RX-78(G) to an RX-78-BD-1. Cleaned it as thoroughly as I could with simple green for a day, rinsed and dried for another day, and tested my tamiya acrylic primer on it which seemed to work out well. Sadly ran out of primer so I'll have to go get another can.
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