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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. wow, this weeks episode, wow. Ah well guess I shouldn't be surprised.
  2. score went up, it's now on par with the first film so it's still equally as lame. On a lighter note, original 2 movies still did better in ratings so that's always good.
  3. Those numbers just feel so wrong imo. Almost like someone just pulled those stats right out of their ass. I guess I'll be going to see it in a few hours, not entirely in the mood too but may as well cause I have nothing else to really do.
  4. 1 Day build of the RGM-79(G) Mastergrade. lined and weathered, love how it came out!
  5. All of CW's DC shows got renewed and now they'll be taking on Supergirl sooooo things'll be interesting. It seems Reddit or whomever the mass majority of internet trolling fandom that exists is ripping pretty hard over the quality that Season 4 has been done. Mostly along the fact that it started out real strong and somewhere down the line, it just got weaker and weaker and weaker and they're pretty upset still over the whole olicity crap and so forth. Even Amell has voiced up saying things were great and he felt like he did all he could to make the season work. I for one thought the whole season was pretty weird and not so entertaining, the flashbacks were to spread out and easily forgettable and the ending just didn't work well for me at all.
  6. Well for starters we don't really know how they're going to make this Alita into some modern day cyberpunk filmage.....since this is all we got, 1 actress to rule them all. As for popularity? Well, the manga is still going after 20 years. So obviously there's still some form of popularity. Yukito did state in his latest tale of the cyborg that he's aiming to conclude it with the Mars Chronicles which after some reading seems to be a blend of past and present storylines of Alita/Yoko since her return to mars at the end of Last Order.
  7. That would of been good even if his character claimed to be khan out of being an ego maniac, they did exist in his crew. Did anyone read IDWs post into darkness story on why his appearance changed? Was kind of cleverly done.
  8. Into darkness is one of 3 trek films I ignore entirely, but nothing tops it more than nemesis, HATED that movie a lot and then final frontier for a poor story and washed out acting. Seeing beyond so far I can say it looks odd, but do kind of like the retro look yet don't understand the downgrading look of the uniforms, that was odd.
  9. It's fully official since they're already pumping out promos using cbs material footage. But cbs also expressed interest in wanting the show back if cw changes their minds. There hasn't been word though on who in the cast is coming or going since they'll change shooting locations from LA to Vancouver BC.
  10. Yeah well just shows he didn't have his cool and just appeased everyone until he could do what he really wanted. Cause like thawn said, he'd never be happy.
  11. That does look rather neat. Mr Amell was out working the pizza ovens today somewhere in NY. He briefly forgot his Canadian politeness looking at a lady in line "what do you want?!" He has been in NY for to long!
  12. I don't even get the purpose of this game, just that it's squad based multiplayer shooter. why would I want that versus the dozens of other games released?
  13. Holy crap that's a haul even if practically worthless crap. Mine still sitting in the giant ass box I bought two years ago now......I mean I don't have time to assemble the figures and I don't have anyone to play with so wtf is the point?
  14. I remember reading the book to Genocide when I was in the 8th grade, just stumbled upon it. The story wasn't bad at all, I kind of liked it. Then a friend of mine a few years later told me he had the comic series and I read it....soooooooo much was taken out cause i think it was only 4 issues long. Very disappointed.
  15. yeaaaaaah, timeline sounds about right. my GP01 is just sitting in his box. only thing I even touched was the canopy and the pilot figure. Hell I was suppose to start paint work on my Grimgerde HG this weekend and with the way the weather is playing I might not get to it at all and will have to take my equipment to work.
  16. kinda sorta. The only thing I really liked was the shirt which I think I forgot to mention. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/avp/images/1/19/Bug_stomper.png/revision/latest?cb=20130327162036 it's pretty much this in shirt form. Which I'm okay with cause it'd work for my Colonial Marine outfit.
  17. I'm cool with a Bawoo, I tired to do a conversion kit of one of the much earlier phases of the Bawoo using the MKII RG....but the mold was horrible and nothing would fit together at all with poor instructions.
  18. I pre-ordered that facehugger, just seemed like it'd be a good gag to have. But also my ALIENS anniversary crate showed up, kind of some neat stuff but sadly not a lot that I really wanted either. I was hoping for some Weyland/Yutani gear and there weren't any. Instead I got some eggs with little facehuggers, a pop glow in the dark figure of a xenomorph, a hardcover B&W comic book, a metal poster stand from the Japanese promotional poster and of course my box turns into the ATV.
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