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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Aerialbots will be a buy, even if I'm not exactly happy with the design, they ARE in a sense G1 accurate I suppose which is kind of odd to me. I'm still debating if I even want Star Convoy....I don't really have room for ANOTHER Titan class figure, and I don't exactly like the way he looks. To me, Stellarus looks a lot better than this.
  2. Pretty disappointed truthfully. We keep going back into competition battles for no reason which result in sloppy story telling. And bad character development. we haven’t had like a legit war story of a tv series since I think Age and that was 2011.
  3. Here’s my thing, Keanu, good actor on screen. Flat when he’s doing voice over. I’m sure that was just a promo piece he had to do but even when he did cyberpunk I thought he was sorta just dull. hope I’m wrong in the end though! I’m still looking forward to it and hope it’s better than Sonic 2. That was an ok movie but not as fun as the first was for me.
  4. Yeah he’s just buying for the sake of playing, I’m sort of in the fence, I buy for the sake of collecting and playing but I do have a threshold where paying 200+ a cartridge is highway robbery for a used game. i sometimes have a hard enough time justifying 40+ for some old games as well but it really just depends how nostalgic I am for them. i don’t enjoy playing emulators on my computer like I did when I was in my early 20s soooooo long ago. But for a flash cartridge that’ll basically hold all my games, and play it on the preferred console, that’s a compromise I’m willing to make. His repros are supposed to show up today along with MMPR the movie for the sega gen I ordered, so as his Christmas present is making his a pokeball container that’ll hold all those repro units.
  5. Question for ya guys. Buddy of mine has been getting into retro collecting, and he recently was on walmart coming across the GBA Pokemon games at 5 bucks a pop so he bought all 5 at $28. Course he didn't realize they're reproduction cartridges. Anyone had any experience with such things and hopefully NOT had back experiences? I'd feel bad for him wasting 28 bucks on games that are gonna be terrible. I've actually been looking at getting the EZ-Flash GBA cartridge and just inputing a bunch of roms onto that since there's no way in hell I'm paying 170 bucks for a pokemon game. Has anyone had experience with the EZ-Flash before?
  6. I just got myself one of those Galaxy Version Blockees at Walmart an hour ago, according to their box these are the chances of having a specific character: Optimus: 1 in 12 Jazz/Ironhide/Ratchet/Prowl/Bluestreak/Megatron/Skywarp/Thundercracker: 1 in 9 Optimus Prime Secret: 1/36 This is kind of tricky cause it doesn't mean in a case sent out or anything like that, it means that every 9-12 or 36 figures produced in the line there is at least 1 of those characters. Now i'm not good with the odds or the math behind it, but you could end up spending quite a bit of money to complete an entire lineup let alone get the special figure which seems to be a different color Optimus with lots of highlights and comes with his energon axe. I cracked mine open and built it pretty quickly and I got Ratchet, which honestly disappointed me a bit, I really want Prowl or Bluestreak since I collect a lot of Nissan Z stuff and wouldn't mind having one of these in my 370Z like when I had a yellow Sentra SERSpecV I had one of those little bumper transforming Bumblebees. Honestly the price though isn't bad, these things are under 5 bucks a pop and fairly decent in size. I might take these little guys as part of my work desk display.
  7. after the first movie, you better hope those are nothing but pipes!
  8. I dunno, I've always seen the Predator as neither a bad guy or a good guy type of a character, it's just a hunter. That's what they are, they hunt for stronger prey. I'm willing to at least wait for a trailer and see how it goes since hollywood always unveils way to much and spoils the crap out of a movie. After that, guess kind of go from there.
  9. considering I don't own one, I'd probably be willing to pick one up. Don't really have much in terms of 3rd party MP figures, they're really expensive and with so many variations and options out there I always have a hard time figuring out what I want. I mean I am pretty satisfied with my MMC Mirage but the Cliffjumper version, not so much, I mean it's okay it works well with the Bumeblebee 1.0 I got so I can't really complain. Still though those prices are tough.
  10. Hasbro: Hey there fans! Do you like Optimus Prime?! Us: YEAH! Hasbro: Do you like Studio Series?! Us: YEAH! Hasbro: Do you.....LIKE DEVASTATION?! Us: OH YEAH! Hasbro: *plops down toy* Us:.............The hell is this?
  11. This is what happens when you keep giving Teen Titans Go attention after the original series is canceled. You get junk like this. Another easy pass for me.
  12. 5 star system, anything below a 3 star is utter garbage in the eyes of any prime video user. But if you start hitting the 2 range and lower, you're just gonna never have any stream sales and why bother at that point?
  13. Zetas animation was really good for the time, and to me even in comparison to todays animation still holds out really well. but when they blended newly animated sequences inbetween, it was terrible. The zeta trilogy came out almost 20 years to late and should been done in the early 90s just like how the original trilogy was just a few years after it had aired. The newer scenes they made back then blended better, still noticeable by quality of animation, but it worked. they cut to much out and left things in that made no sense. Like Rosamia shows up at the tail end as a ghost, but her last appearance before then was in an ejection seat safely escaping her exploding mobile suit in part 2, then never seen again until the final battle.
  14. Nah, summer of 22 was season 4. So they’re sort of in the average I think for their releases, every 2-3 years. It is pretty dumb waiting that long for a handful of episodes.
  15. I"ve been going back to the original shows recently, this week I watched the first 3 Gundam movies, then I decided since it's been many years, to watch the Zeta trilogy. And you know what? It's terrible! The "new" animation they used mixed with the older footage, even giving it fake grain filtering, the echoey sound effects, the bad cuts and sloppy story edits, it's just absolutely terrible. I'm honestly wondering what in the world Tomino was thinking with this trilogy.
  16. I saw that this is now out on Amazon, aaaaaaaand it's at 2.5 stars. Ya know, it's interesting to me how a movie like the first one, which had so many oscar nominations and fame to it could suddenly just go to complete dog crap for a sequel. Rather glad I completely skipped this one, and I sure as heck won't be renting it at 20 bucks, they should pay me 20 bucks to watch it, at least then I could get popcorn and a drink.
  17. I mean the robot mode, it's neat, the design isn't terrible at all it's just the esthetics and lines are interesting and over done which brings out a ........neat appearance. But after that, you put it into the other two forms...damn is it awful to look at, just absolutely awful. Like the entire budget went to making the robot mode cool and the rest just after birth defects.
  18. I see the resemblance there for botropolis. I might still have countdown in a storage tub. There’s several micromasters I probably still own that I have yet to come across due to free time. as a kid I definitely had a lot of them cause folks thought the value was better, even if they came with a base, had several. gonna try my best to save up the cash to afford omega since I really want him. I’m happy with the old energon year of the dragon variant I’ve had for over a decade with the maketoys upgrade. But this is just a better looking figure to me.
  19. Seeing how I've missed him twice, and everywhere else is putting him at an outrageous high price, I bit the bullet since it'll be a good 11 months before he's released. I'm a little surprised Countdown comes with him, I thought that microbot was a Zone character which would been those base sets....I could swear I had this rocket base he came with. Well, that's still pretty cool, so. yeah got it.
  20. Wow....paramount is so confident in this series they already set it up for season 2? That's, rather odd!
  21. I just finished all 6 episodes myself....I'm not a fan of the japanese audio, with the type of animation they were using, the way that japanese voice acting is done just doesn't match well with the animation style given due to their over exaggerated sounds of grunts, gasps, groans and speed of talking, however with english it flows fine and the animation styling isn't anywhere near as jaring. It's sort of hard for me to articulate what I mean, but if you compare the two audio tracks you might get what I mean. The character animations are still rather flat for this kind of work, which is a damn shame because so many studios do a way better job, but it honestly felt like the entire budget went into mobile suit designs, battle coreography and environmental set designs. While there's very little change to Zeon mobile suits, and we get a nice heaping of the Gouf Custom, there was A LOT of liberties taken with the Gundam, GM and Guntank designs. You know what, they actually strongly to me, remind me of the G40 RX-78-2, almost like a marriage between the G40 and Thunderbolt. Anyone else get that feeling?
  22. So Mike, lemme ask you, is Dinoking worth it, either price point or collection wise? Besides Haslabs Starsaber and Deathsaurus with their mini bots, I don't believe there are any other characters that've crossed over from the Victory series right? I've got it pre-ordered, but I don't like the looks of these core-class figures at all, and with Dinoking, I barely even care....it's just more along the line of it being more Victory characters.
  23. It would seem next tuesday will be the digital release of the film. But what's odd is I can't find any confirmation just supposed rumors and a lot of those rumors are based how lacking the film did in theaters. Which I honestly call BS on as we now have D&W, Romulus and Beetlejuice 2 already out digitally and those time frames weren't to far from their theatrical releases...I just see it as the sign of the times. If you wanna see it now, see it in theaters or just wait a month or two, not 3-6-9 months like it used to be.
  24. I guess the next missing link toy to come out is going to be Sunstreaker.....I'm gonna guess $100 bucks.
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