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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. That's a good one Keith, Part III is like watching Macross II, but than again I haven't seen Part III, nor part II, but I loved Part I and if she dressed as Eve she wouldn't be able to pry me away ^^
  2. Groovey Kimosabi, now I can finish my episode 50 of Zeta Gundam so i can finish putting everything to CD : / my Double Zeta episodes are slow as hell from Anime Skyscraper, I wish they would just put it one episode at a time and not 5 or 6 all at once, I HATE THAT...but I'll try and put those in Imacross 4 when I finish downloading 'em.
  3. Take your time, while your doing that I'm just downloading episodes 1-5 of Double Zeta and putting what I got of Zeta Gundam into CD so when I DO trash this computer I wont loose everything I worked hard to find. And if all else is cool, I'll try and add Double Zeta episodes to the server listings for others to watch...but I can only get I think 1-15...
  4. If it helps to say, I think all windows programs after 98SE just blow, my XP HE2K sucks monkey nutters and my laptop is just as bad to boot. My screen frags into lil pixels at random moments, it will turn off and shut down at bad moments, it's got memory leaks, viruses always get in and I gotta search and destroy with extreme prejudece. It really pisses me off and I've TRIED to contact the guys from FRY's to say "HEY! YOU SOLD ME A PIECE OF CRAP DO SOMETHING OR FACE THE FEAR OF A MAN WITH DUAL BARETTA'S AND CHEAT CODES!"
  5. Well guess I need a GM-C don't I? lol to bad everywhere I look it's sold out : /
  6. No no trust me the book is good, I just don't wanna give away alot of the plot, but trust me, it's a NICE plot, something those hollywood goons could NEVER think of, it's good. As for where to find it : / uuuuuuuh try Ebay or Amazon.com or even your local book store to research a copy. I only read this once back in the 8th grade, and that was from a library downtown and it was rather beaten up, so it had to of been an old story. But it's neat cause you see one group of aliens, who are Albino looking if I remember right, and than you got these purple ones, and they just nail eachother for all it's worth and the marine squadrons are just watching like 50 feet away just going "Uh........we're over here......" But the Aliens don't go after the Marines, it's like a battle of territory or something....it's very cool to read this story and to know this guy did alot of research of the original stories and added in his own twists. If I ever found that book again I'd get it, I never skipped one chapter in the novel because it had alot of good points. SO if anyone finds it and reads it, make sure they tell me what they thought of it, cause it's one of the few books I enjoy.
  7. I never got into the comics much, I only owned one predator comic and gave that up to a friend for xmas last year. But I have read some of the books and own 'em too, I personally would like to see Aliens GENOCIDE into a action pack movie. I know Dark Horse made a comic rendition of it and it SUCKED, it cut off alot of the good stuff. Incase you never read the book, it has alot of suspense, scary moments, great descriptive action, and not one bit of romance infact I think there was a moment in the book between the two leading characters, one being a big corperate hound dog, the other being a female GI, and the corperate guy was making moves on the GI till she just went, "If I had the chance, I'd rather bone an alien instead of you." It's a real good book, if you haven't read it I suggest looking for it, you can also watch some alien killing alien fun fun fun
  8. With THAT sort of a plot, I'd rather see a Gary and Ace movie or Bluntman and Chronic, BRING ON KEVIN SMITH AND THE BLUNT SAVERS!!!! Oh yes, maybe mark hamil too?
  9. You know to add to that theory, maybe they were trying to colonize their origins?
  10. lol you know what, I'm just not gonna see it why? Because Halle Berry is just a horrible person, she lies, she cheats, she's one of the worst criminals in acting history, I PERSONALLY think she should of gone to jail instead of getting community service, I mean if they can send Tommy Lee to Jail, why can't they do that to Halle? I'm sure a few inmates could tell her where to shove her oscar
  11. ^^ k'mon now, we should all know that if it's predator or alien related, it's not gonna be too good. After Aliens, everything went STRAIGHT to hell. Aliens 3 was horrible, it tried to recycle parts of Aliens and turned out to be a lil crack baby. Aliens Resurrection....I hate to say it, but this is a horror/sci/fi movie...I never got scared once. let's recall the moment in Resurrection where the lead soldier guy throws the granade and blows up an escape pop with a Xeonmorph inside...next thing you see is an alien standing right behind him and uses it's long range mouth and snaps right through his skull....that should of been a bit of a scary part.........*looks around* <_< I laughed my ass off.....really hard too the point I got stared at...that whole movie was a JOKE J O K E Predator the FIRST film was sweet, carried some good elements, top government military team to rescue hostages goes astray and the team begins to be hunted instead of being the hunters, and one by one each member is getting knocked off by an alien whose of course a hunter. I sort of didn't feel that presence of the first movie in the sequal...was too 0_o hollywood-ish. Ooooohhhhhhh well.....
  12. That sucks I'm nearly done with Zeta Gundam and after that was gonna load some Gundam music I downloaded a while back......oh well
  13. He's me!......*looks around* <_< wha.....it could be.....
  14. I thought Michelle played Catwoman real well, and for a fact she was suppose to be nuts. As for Halle being Catwoman.....uh why? Catwoman I thought was dead? I mean and god WHY would she suddenly be black? Wouldn't that really screw up the movie's? Personally, batman went straight to hell after Micheal Keaton refused to come back to repraise his role, he worked well as Bruce Wayen, I have all the batman movies, but I don't watch Batman Forver and Batman&Robin that much AT ALL, I thought they both blew.
  15. Alot of the episodes of Zeta Gundam now are unsubbed and my japanese is not that well. Anyone know a place where I can read the scripts of atleast from 44-50?
  16. In a way your right, it does belong there, but it shouldn't, the topic shouldjust be about Macross 7 Trash's delay, not about bitching and moaning about HG, we can not blame them for every mistake. Tokyopop's got a problem, and Harmony Gold is somehow invovled but it is NOT their fault, if it was, they never would of advertised it back in the early summer...we can only pin the blame on Tokyopop for screwing up, nothing else. And besides, HG wasn't really at fault with VFX-2 either, Bandai just didn't feel good about releasing a product with the Macross name in america where it's viewers who seen Robotech would be in their 20's, while kids who watch Digimon would simply beg and buy, not sure if you guys know, but they went ahead and pushed for a Digimon game instead of VFX-2 for the christmas release.
  17. 0_o It gave me a headache like you wouldn't believe, I just watched it cause Kenshin was on after that.
  18. Just one question, what the hell is a Barzam? I've never seen it before...
  19. Halloween Vrs Scream? <_< Looks like they just weren't doign their research during the writing of the script for this film AT ALL.
  20. 0_o I like that explination better, "Maybe it's just a big fancy battery" The graphics they show in the article DOES look alot like the N64 game....wish I still had it
  21. Just got my Miriya MPC today after work, and I'll say it's nice, very tight joints, very stiff...not difficult to shift the chest area down and up like my Max, but the right leg is sorta a bum, the magnet was places to high and wont keep the right leg up....sad sad sad... Also, might not be able to customize it cause I don't got the right screw driver I tried just a flat head and it's eating the screw up big time, only got one out alright, the second one is a problem. But it is rather nice.
  22. It's sort of an easy YET difficult question to answer. See in the past, Roy knew once he joined the military he was pretty much going to be there for life, and never had full cofidence that he would make it through each battle alive, much like his tragic wingmen. He's also told Hikaru, "You know, I think my plane is gonna live longer than me." and he was basically right. Roy was sort of looking for a death, but he was ready to accept his fate the moment it came....it's just sorta hard to explain.
  23. The graphics look almost exactly the same as the Journey to Jaburo game, but if it's coming out in Christmas of this year, than I'll more than likely get it, but I can't believe Bandai could do a good job, dubbing, and turning the text in english in just 3-4 months, unless you mean christmas of NEXT year.
  24. I don't have a problem so far with Sonic X, it is alot better than Sonic the Movie which had a horrible dubbing and plot problem from the getgo, and made you want to puke a few times. Not too mention the animation quality style was as bad as Tenchi in Tokyo which I think is by far one of the worst styles around...nasty proportions and angle's. But I enjoyed the original series that was on ABC what, nearly 10 years ago? I didn't even know the guy who was Steve Urkle provided the voice for Sonic back than, but it carried a great sense of darkness, action, romance and comedy. I really wish I could of seen the whole series cause it just kept changing timeslots around me and I only got to catch what was the defeat of Robotnix. I'm also having some trouble identifying Eggman, granted he's been eggman through out all of the sonic and knuckle games, but why Robotnix (Robuttnix in sonic terms) become the name instead back in the early shows? Sonic X is okay by my standards, but it's still going in Japan, and I think they barely just into the double digit episodes, I think it's REALLY new in Japan let alone America, only showing episodes once a week, so 4Kids has got too be producing these rather quickly. I think the Japanese Sonic X is hmmm I don't know somewhere past 15-16 by now. Oh well ^^
  25. I can't say anything about HCM's for I don't own one and if I did I would probably be upfront and say they were fragile cause back than in the 80's I was playing with toys like any child my age would of been. I own only a few brands of Macross like toys, Toynami, Yamato and that's it really...and I don't even really play with them, hell I never really do. I may put them in lil poses or what not, but I never keep them in the box that's just nuts. But there are some big differences between toys now and back than. Back than toys were made to last, I STILL got toys from the early 80's that have lasted longer than toys I've collected now. One thing I can say is my MPC collection is near it's completion as I purchased a Miriya MPC the other day from Twinmoons and should get it sometime next week since he's taking payment off it tomorrow morning, I love getting paid.
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