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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. These were a set of test comics I was working on early in the summer for an Invader Zim series after noticing my chances of ever watching the series again had been shot...stupid Nickelodian...
  2. I haven't even bothered buying the Mospdea or Southern Cross remasters, and hearing this kind of ticks me off, but ya know what I don't really care cause I'll more than likely end up buying it cause it's Robotech, I could REALLY care that much less about it. Hell might even go buy Mospdea and Southern Cross tomorrow or something and call it a week.
  3. I went to Gamestop today, and got a Ben MPC for 20 bucks, gonna clean it up a bit and take it completely apart and customize it into a fanfic character's mecha, and make the "Robotech: A Soldiers Tale" MPC Collection, 1 down, atleast 3 to go...
  4. It was stated the reason they changed the HK's was because the timeline has changed for the third time. Since CRS was the new carrier of the machines, they took designs and changed them around to look more sleek. Remember, the war was to begin in 1997, I think in this story, it's 2007, not 2003...I'm not sure, once Terminator 2 rolled out the timeline when it was taking place was so f'ed up. I mean John was suppose to be 12 or something and in middle school...yet he was porn in 1984...and the movie was out in 1991, you'd think it'd be in 1990 or 91 which would put John at 6 or 7, but NO, he's freaking 12. So go figure when this all takes place really the ORIGINAL timeline though, from what I've read, was the most horrible and phsycotic of them all...atleast than, Skynet wasn't software really...
  5. I got it shortly after it's release, I thought Idolo met a very well with my expectations as a prequal to the ZOE history. It also fills up the gaps at the end of the ZOE game, and also the origins of the the Orbital Frame...it also helped boost up my level of cofidence in the Second Runner.
  6. lol sorry man I got booted offline, said something about a problem while I was fighting that monster and got booted pretty harshly, complete reboot.
  7. first question, it's between 40-50 dollars pending where you get it, it cost me 50 dollars. Than you are given your free month and wont have to pay for your PlayOnline status till the end of the month and it's 13 dollars each month paid by debit or credit card. You get 1 free character slot, after that it costs a dollar for each new character you create. To play with friends you need to figure out their worldpass number and server name with town during your character creation. You can not have an exisiting character change worlds since they are programed once they first log in to what server they belong too. Once you've got it all set up it's pretty easy to play so just go to FFXI Configuration and blah blah blah. As for the Jap servers, I have not a clue, didn't know we could actually go into them...I probably wouldn't
  8. Yes the beta ending was screened by a handful of people who all said "The Black highway scene left room for another movie if one were to be made." And inwhich commented by Cameron "Well Terminator 3...that's a secret" which could mean "Yeah a Terminator 3 movie would be good but who knows" I felt T2 was satasfying enough...T3 was nice but it's not that great I admit. Along with that, the reason I, along with others compare T3 to the original is the simple fact that it wasn't so "Special Effect" ' ed it was just as the first movie was, low budget almost and straight to the point. T2 dragged on with a few subplots such as going after Cyberdyne, getting sarah from the mental ward. T3 was just, "Get John and Kat and get them the hell out of there!" Another thing, is in the DVD extra's it's stated that the T3 video game was going to carry more information that the movie just never had, such as a lil prequal to the movie and from what I seen, it's decent of enough to give a try and it's out right now. It's like our complaining of the Aliens VS Predator movie, some will like it, while others will continue to bash it cause it's directed by the man whose Ruined Resident Evil for good. I don't think John Mastowv did that great of a job directing it, but hey, it's done it's over with get over with cause nothing else is going to be done for it.
  9. Oh Hey that's cool your in the same server as me, I'm a level 3 Hume in Bastok, my PC's name is the same as my handle here in MW...so if you ever find me let's hook up and play sometime, I may be on later tonight or tomorrow, Abombz is in the same server also.
  10. actually in all honesty, Terminator 2 left a fairly good conclusion, what shocks me is if the test Audience 10 years ago went with ending two, there would be NO Terminator 3 movie. Originally T2 was suppose to be the ending mark of the story as a message "No Fate but what we make for ourselves", Who ever wrote Terminator 3, wanted to go back to the olden days of the first Terminator movie, as a sort of milestone. Terminator 3 wasn't meant to be a big "Shock & Awe" like Terminator 2 was, that was a given. Let's face it, this movie was suppose to be done quite some time ago and the script just wasn't up to par...I don't think it still was...but it DID give a rather faithful conclusion. I don't know why someone would really want to do a Terminator 4 seeing it would have to be during the Future War and the only real story line I could see is John Conner facing the T-800 again forgetting due to stress and fitigue of the war, that it's here to kill him...or hell Robocop could appear
  11. I just rented a DVD special edition version of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, the stunning "conclusion" of the Terminator Trilogy. CONTENTS: The box comes with two dvd's, one is the movie loaded with commentary's of both the cast and crew for each scene discussing the trials and errors brought forth during the production and what changes were made to give the movie the Terminator feel. The second DVD brings extra's such as Terminal Flaws, bloopers that were chosen for the DVD release from the production of Terminator 3, some are sort afunny, but it's not the eye candy. The EYE CANDY!!!!...Okay now this is hilarious, a special CRI propaganda trailer was made as a inside joke but I heavily doubt it was going to be in the movie, it would of made Terminator 3 too jokey from what it actually is. I suggest you watch this out of everything first, this will close all questions on why The Terminator just looks as he is...it's really funny if you pay attention. DVD Box: The box looks similar from the promotional posters, half and half structure face of Arnold as the T-800, and his endoskeletal skull wearing his shades, reflecting off that is the TX in a similar pose. Covered around as a frame is a gun metal silver, similar to the T2 DVD box set. What else?! The movie is widescreen, and presents many extras as stated previously. There's also a introduction by the governer of California himself, Arnold Swer;oiujsdkjfghjksf...*cough* I mean Schwarzenegger *looks at the box again* This movie is a nice to have piece for your Arnold collection or if you're a big Terminator fan such as myself who wonders "Just what the hell were they thinking when doing this CRI promo? Oh dear god " It's worth the money trust me lol oh dear god I can't stop watching the CRI promo, anyone else see it? I may rip it and keep it on my computer as a lil reminder to never take things to seriously.
  12. Final Fantasy XI Online, the first Final Fantasy title to feature Online and ONLY online capabilities. Released in Japan over the PS2, Final Fantasy XI reached the hearts of gamers to take the role of one of Fivedifferent classes of beings on a large midevil planet just in the post war era. You choose from being a Hume, a human like being which is beginning to take shape around the world who can have a number of skills from combat, to wizardy. The Evlaans, a proud warrior race, excellenet with the swords and many other type of weapons, one of the most populated creatures of the world. The Mithra's, a cat like race, mostly female who venture out into the city at the right time of age, and make skilled warriors and ally's. Than there's the Tuartaru, a midget child like race with magical abilities from White magic to Red magic, but their age carries with them a great wisdom. Than there's the final race, the Galka, heavy, large, stunningly strong beast like animals like Wookies almost. There is only the male race, but they are part of reincarnation, so when they die they are reborn, nifty huh? You begin the story 20 some odd years after a war against the five races and the "fiends" who tried to take over the world chasing after a odd number of powerful crystals. You take the role of one of these five races and hunt down Fiends which seem to be popping out of nowhere, ready to stir up trouble. Ally with friends or strangers, gain numerous amount of experince, skills and weaponary. Than go off into certain quests where small stories begin to unravel...where will your adventure take you? I picked up the game on Thursday night after work...sadly it's for the PC only, cause the Japanese are too damn advanced and yet very slow on releasing their new products here too america...that and it'd cost alot of money for the game since it is basically a new hardrive since the game is so large. The graphics are very textured and rich. If you have a good graphics card, and a decent internet connection, you wont suffer from any lack of there of. Unlike the original Online RPG, Everquest, the characters on Final Fantasy XI are more realistic, rich in tone, and very detailed. While Everquest uses basic map texturing and structures which limits it's shock and awe from it's PC and PS2 release. A down side of the FFXI game is less character customization compared to Everquest...while Everquest offers an aray of atleast 5-8 different features, body build, face, hair, etc, FFXI character designs only offer atleast 2-4 different features for each topic of choice...which henders your uniqueness quite alot...(I counted atleast 10 ppl today who looked exactly like my character) The battles are decents, you target an enemy in the distance, confirm you wish to attack. Once your in range your attacks being, mine are set to auto-attack so it's almost turn based. It's nearly imposible to dodge an enemy attack, but over time your character begins to learn to avoid, evade, perry and such your targets attacks, and becomes stronger....something Everquest doesn't seem to allow to much of. A bad thing of FFXI is it can be wildly confusing on what your tasks really are unless you go venturing far out around your area...unlike Everquest where you have a quest to perform right away... It's also best in this game to level up against the weak monsters and continue from there. Since FFXI was just released last month, don't expect to many players online just yet, espically in your area. But be helpful towards other players and they might be nice to you in the future. My overall experince of the game from one day is addicting...I just finished playing a few minutes of it and currently at level 5 pushing 6...sadly gaining items and money is very difficult unless you venture far out and fight intellegent monsters. For 50 dollars, plus 11 not 13 dollars each month and 1 dollar per new character...it's a nice game...but expensive.
  13. BUMP.... I uh.......I uh...I bought it today So anyone gonna show me the ropes when ever I install it?
  14. Ugh, I had it all on the other computer and I didn't get the chance to ever print out how you do panel lining again without relying on some lil marker. I bought a lil 1/100 ARII VF-1J and I'm gonna continue a custome job I was meaning to do on a VF-1J 1/72 Bandai kit that was just pathetic on it's design real pathetic. Anyways, someone wanna help me out on how to do panel lining here correctly? I know it's a mixture of like two things, can't remember what they were, wha like Oil and Water or something? I can't remember... Just basically wanna know: Mixtures Applying and what ever else to make panel lines look good. Do I do this BEFORE or AFTER I paint? If this works, I may apply this technique on other kits not Macross related, like maybe Gundam or fighter jets
  15. I only ordered from them once, and never again. Not only did it take a week and a half to get the whole thing squared away with just confirmation, but it took another week for them to say they shipped it, and than nearly a month to recieve the package. When I got it, there was no package stuffing, it was just the box and the model kit. When I opened the kit, I found a few pieces broken and was so mad I almost sent it back asking for a refund. The sad thing is, you can't get refunds with opened packages, just exchanges, and I wasn't going to wait another month for the stupid thing to come back. Worse off, the kit turned out so bad I stopped mid way and gave it up, the paint was off, parts didn't fit right even when I started to stand some areas to help that out. So I more than likely will look else where for Macross merchandise or model kits period.
  16. I always thought of the earth chapters as the sequal to the other releases, it made more sense that way since in Rehea Galforce the war began because of an alien ship discovered on the moon, and in Eternal Story it ends on "Chaos" which was the moon at that time...but what through me off was god damn which was it....the one with GORG, and seeing all the characters from Eternal Story on there when it all takes place in a desolate earth and they all live in doms : / it made no sense...I just block out that one and think of the rest of the OVA's as making more sense.
  17. : / I think I'll still wait, I'm pretty tight on the cashola....but maybe on the 5th when I get paid I'll get it but not use it till I get my computer back. Wonder if it's joystick/ps2 like controler friendly...
  18. Dark Heroes, the tiny tiny tiny unknown organization I created and represent for anime projects, has arose to begin a new day.........yet again After careful consideration of friends who use to love my music videos and other projects, I've decided that I will again use my skills and limited resources in creating 2 new projects that will hopefully be finished within the next two months or so... Project one: Android Kikaider the animation, Mr. Roboto The choice was simple, listening to my states 80's station, and hearing Styx's Mr. Roboto I could only think of two possible anime's or characters that could go well with this song. It was either going be a collage of Megaman from 1-XX or Android Kikaider, what ever I could get my hands on first. The other day, I went ahead and purchased the first of 3 or 4 volumes of Kikaider, watched it, reviewed it, studied it, and found possible clips I can use. I've decided it'd be the easiest one to use since there are enough episodes with fight scenes and sometimes well detailed robotic moments that I can do this video. I plan on putting it out when ever I get the full series of Kikaider, I don't think there are that many episodes either. Project two: Gundam CCA: Beyond the time A classic in it's self, I have yet to see a Gundam music video featuring those from CCA. Why I wonder? Probably because it's somewhat of a slow movie, not much action and lots of political nonesense at times. Now why did I choose TM Network, a japanese 80's group now long expelled from radio and appearances? Beyond the time is quite simply one of the best songs that TM Network had accomplished, and it's the enjoyable theme song for CCA. So what better than to use the theme song with clips of the animation. This will be some what of a difficult project and hard to nab, but I think I can do it. Project Kikaider is already well underway with the dvd being ripped into my computer, some slight problems but should be able to go around it. Might edit the music a bit, pending if it's long enough or not, I'd like to make it seem like a fairly long video.... Watcha guys think?
  19. I don't mind the fee, I do think however it's to expensive to begin with, not to mentino ridiculious to even charge for each character you create. First off, the PS2 Everquest only requires you pay 10 dollars a month, that's reasonable from it's 20-30 dollar monthly bill on the computer (if I remember that right). They also didn't charge for character creation, but sadly so many names are taken that it's hard to really create something you want so badly. I tried to create an evil character called Dead End, even threw in some letter changes like D34D 3ND and it still didn't work. I couldn't even call myself Balmung, I had to change it to Seto Balmunk, Seto after Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Balmunk just a slight change from Balmung of the Azure Sky. I had really hoped to make myself some sort of legendary player by trying really hard and helping others. But it just really got thrown in my face. I even tried to create a guild, the Dot Hack guild, but it wouldn't accept it for no apparent reason. After about not even a month of playing the game, day and night, I just gave it up, I don't really even plan to bring it back up since character designs were so flawed and it gets pretty stupid just going out there, hacking and slashing away. To me, the whole point of an mmorpg, is to pretend your the character you created. I dislike being myself when I'm role playing. If I'm going to be a valiant, chivalery type of a character, that I shall be. If I'm an evil, manipulative type, I'm going to act that way and kill those in my way. And so forth, and so forth. It's too boring to create a character and just go out having help along the way and act as yourself going "Lvl 15 warrior, seeking group to battle evil goblin empire!" Instead I tried to go "I'm a warrior in need of assistance! Please if anyone could aplidge in lending me your strength and courage to defeat the evil goblins from invading this town I would be greatful!" <_< but I mostly just got ignored by many till I started acting the ".....lvl 15 warrior, needing exp, hlp, greatful!" even worse off was starting out with no keyboard for my ps2, I had to wait a few weeks and look for the cheap logitech version....ugh. Anyways, I don't know who really agrees with me on this, but I swear to god if I do an MMORPG again, I'm so not gonna cave in and be myself. I HATE that so much, it ruins all the fun of role playing.
  20. I had few problems when I was playing Everquest as a newb. Granted I leveled up rather quickly and did things on my own accord. But the only reason I leveled up from 1-20 in a few nights was because I joined a guild who had a player who was level 45 and we went against hard giant monsters. Anyways, there are many players in Everquest that just don't give a rats butty about you and will either take your kills, your items or even try robbing money off of you. I had alot of PM's from weaker players, and if they weren't too weak I let them aboard and led them around for some EXP, but I was a nice player alot of the times.
  21. I saw it on the shelves of Bestbuy, big collection, but damn 80 bucks is WAY to much for that series, remastered or not : / think I'll just stick with my Robotech box set, I mean wow....way to much.
  22. Mind telling us where you guys got to see this considering I'm a Nu Gundam fan along with CCA so I can atleast see it?
  23. I knew I was right when we're getting an episode or 2 late each week, that's fine though, as long as we're able to watch it who cares. But I do have this feeling it's going to end rather quickly, seems like they'll get all 5 senshi's and than a few episodes of Tuxedo Kamen trying to find the crystals, turns baddy, and well you know what I mean, I think it's going way to fast for it's own good, sad thing about live action shows I suppose.
  24. from what I was reading in Game mag last weeek, it's exactly $12.95 a month, no mention on the free tial, but when I got everquest I had too input either my credit card number or pre-paid quest card in order to get in, so you actually get two months, with one month free. Could be the same case with Final Fantasy XI. Secondly, the magazine also stated it's $2.95 for each character you create, doesn't say though if you are also charged the $2.95 for your first character, and yes it is continious or else it wouldn't be said "Per character creation". One problem I have or else I would diffently go pick this up tomorrow, is if I enlist into the game but than I have too take it off my hard drive and get my regular computer back. When I reload the game, do I have to pay it all over again? Will my account still exist like my files are all over the net? What?! It's a troubling thing I had when I was playing everquest on my PS2....cause it was my friends game and his account technically. But we ended up having me pay for a new account and game for him finding out later he can't even use his network adaptor since his ISP doesnt support online counsel gaming. Also another reason I'm more than likely to not buy this game tomorrow is the fact I got insurance and car payments, ranging to near 500 dollars in 2 weeks. So it could be as late as the 5th of november, or maybe even december since there's a convention I MAY go too in Eugene.
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