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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Pilot: Hikaru Difficulty: Hard I think...it's been a few years and I was a pro at side scrollers...last one I played was the DYRL game for the PS
  2. <_< I've seen playschool toys better than that... I don't like the Sideswipe though...his legs and arms are just TOO THIN...but if he came with that cute girl on one of the pictures I'd atleast keep him in car mode...
  3. to be honest, I didn't like the game...while it's popular amongst the fans, I found it boring...beat it in 30 minutes and heh atleast in the pics you get to see some minmay bewbies
  4. <_< all I'm gonna say is this: WE DON'T KNOW anything about how this dub is going to go through and YET we continue to bash it and previous anime dubbed related products. I've had a friend who loved DBZ, I had some fansubed DBZ stuff, he watched it...he laughed his ass off to the point I had to turn it off, he thought it was some of the lamest stuff he had ever heard. He thought the music was horrible, the voices were gagged and it was just horrible overall, yet he watches the dub and ENJOYS IT, I agree, some dubs are pretty nasty...like Love Hina, DBZ, Clash of the Bionoids...etc...but people chalk it up and go thru life by hitting the "AUDIO" switch...no big deal... I say, let's wait till we either find sound samples, video clips, or till the final product is released BEFORE we make to many more assumptions...is it that difficult to do?
  5. 0_o sounds like a bad spilberg movie really...oh wait...there was one
  6. I heard somewhere long time ago, a car company was building a few of their own robots which would great a customer by that persons name if they are a repeating customer, have conversations on current events and other topics...I can't remember which it was...I keep wanting to say Mitsubishi but I don't think that was it...but still none the less that was really cool, I REALLY liked when it threw the ball. ^^ my mom just said "It's nothing but lil midgets in suits." "But mom I can see the ball joints and servo's..." "So? Look at the Terminator and tell me that machine is real!" "....you just ruined my life..."
  7. Hmmm don't think it's THAT difficult to screw up Lacus part....she's pretty spacey thru most of the show.... She doesn't get good till near the end which was such a waste...oh wwwwweeeell.
  8. Brian Drummond, I remember he played Vegeta in the Saban release of DBZ back in the mid 90's. His voice is very regconizable by far of any of the cast. He has a very raspy like voice and does infact play bad guys rather well. If you watch some of the last few episodes of Gundam Wing while Zechs is mad as hell, he pulls off the emotion rather nicely in my opinion. Brad Swaile, no no no no, while he's decent, Dearkka is a very strong character and very "mature"...he's gonna sound like he's in puperty all over again now...I wouldn't even recommend him for Nikkol's role either... Lisa Anne Beley, hmmmmmmm that's sorta tough...I think her voice is too delicate even for this character...not too mention she really began to bite the big one after playing Relena in Gundam Wing...not too mention, the Narrator and Murrue the captain are one in the same, why would you want two completely different voices? Bill Switzer, listening to him play Hathaway right now (most of these guys I got DVD's too...so I know how they sound), not a great choice personally, Siie seems like the eldest of the bunch...Bill's voice might be to high toned for such a role...I might of gone for hmmm......gosh that guy who plays Tenchi, I don't know... Matt Hill, god I REALLY don't know...I really never saw Ronin Warriors to comment...but sounds fimilar, I can almost hear him in my head but it's the damn carlos voice...I say Bandai would need to release some clips... Sam Vincent, uh did he play the one edd with the beanie hat? 0_o I don't watch the show it seems pretty lame...I say he wasn't a good choice...maybe someone else...llllllliiiiiikkkkeeeeee hmmmmm, maybe the guy who played Tai from Digimon or something? Gabe Khouth, GOD NO!!!! I would go for the person who played the brainy kid in the first season of Digimon...that's who I wanted to atleast play Nikkol... Tabitha St. Germain, this one might be okay, and for information, I thin Torii means Bird in Japanese..., but playing 3 roles, 2 of the 3 shouldn't be difficult, and I'm not saying Fllay is one of the 2 Mark Oliver, his name REALLY rings a bell...maybe I'll find out who he is if I feel like it and let ya guys know...but him and Matt Hill sound REALLY fimilar like I know other roles they've played... Richard Cox, overused, overworked...I would not use him at all for this series, he doesn't even fit the character...much like many of the others really... That's all I can actually make something of a comment for...hmmmmm someone who watches alot of dubbs...
  9. Your right in assuming I know nothing on DVD burning, just this morning I didn't know about the +/- bit at all. Hmmm as for knowing what it is, my burner says "DVD+R/Writer" ....I don't think that helps much but I'm not sure really. One the help menu it said if it's an MPEG file or what not, I need to use a DVD authoring tool...I'm looking at Author tools, but to be honest, I don't know where to begin...the help menu is so vague really on what I need to do...and the examples are so different from the actual product that it digusts me a bit. For having the right dvd's, all I know is I spent 25 bucks on a set of 15 what seemed to be your run of the mill DVD blanks...ugh can't even find them right now to even say what brand they are...just it's one of those Maxell or something like that... Really I got no idea what I'm doing...but I'm trying since lastnight to figure it out and man is this tricky as hell for a newbie like myself....
  10. I know this isn't forum related really, but what I'm trying to do is figure out how to work my Nero Express 6 DVD burner... What I'm trying to do is take my sailormoon episodes I downloaded over the weekend and put them into my DVD blanks I just bought yesterday (Sorta my xmas present), but this thing is sorta confusing to figure out...I tried this DVD-Video but it wont reconize the movies at all...any suggestions?
  11. I just noticed something ¬.¬ my Air Show - Macross dub job seems to carry the MW...and yet it was ppl here in Macrossworld that did not want to even see Macross remotely dubbed espically by a fan such as myself...iiiiinnnnnnnnnteresting.......
  12. I'll give it a try, it's troubling though, this is a brand new computer too, haven't even had it for a month yet...so it can't be the network card...but it's a very funky router for sure...actually the odd thing is it's a router and a modem from what I'm reading...so I could set it up as either or...but I'll turn it off here in a little bit...restart my computer and just wait it out for a little while, see if that works... WOHOO! It's working! Prepare to have your bandwidth FRIED!!!!!
  13. That's the sad thing, I was trying to do it ALL lastnight, Bit Torrent nor SmartFTP would work for me to get on anything I want...and my 56K is all messed up, not too mention I gotta give back the loaner computer today to pick up my messed up one and god knows if it'll work or not... UGH! I can't even get into AIM >_> how lame is that?! Can't even use Winmx or anything...this sucks...
  14. I sadly can't watch any of them unless I keep my 56K account around : / and it would be reliable. For some reason BitTorrent gives me this "Problem connecting to Tracker - (10060. 'Operation Timed Out') and I thought now having DSL would be a good thing?
  15. I now own a DSL connection, but sadly when I tried to get in IMacross4, I recieved an operation 1060 time out...which I have no clue what it really is...I also get that when I try to use Bit Torrent...so I"m sorta wondering what good is this new DSL connection I got when I can't even use it for what I want it to do for me?
  16. Well one way to prove that is when 0079 came out, though completely remastered in every way possible, it was canceled a few times on Cartoon Network. People just could not connect with animation, story, designs, and the dubbing was horrible. Alot of people who watched Cartoon Network are sorta spoiled getting new hip anime with up to date cel shade graphics, stories, hip techno music and all...you can tell diffenetly that 0079 came from the late 70's....atleast I could. Anyways, another problem was introducing Gundam Wing first...everytime I talk about Gundam to a friend he keeps going "Dude, Heero Yuy rules! He could whoop what's his name, the whimp!" "You mean Amuro?" "yeah! And Zechs could kick that Zechs clone's butt anytime!" "....Dude....Zechs is like a mask Gundam bad guy of Char Aznable...you dumbass..." "WHA EVER!"
  17. You know who the starbuck chickreminds me of? That one chick from Gal Force Eternal Story, the one with the punked out blonde and red hair and the star tattoo on her cheek who was the rebel girl.
  18. Hey now like I said, I didn't really ever watch the 80's show it was too boring for me and I didn't keep up with the new one cause I'm so busy and totally forgot about it so you can't blame me for something I already stated. It just sounded MORE like it was a sequal rather than a complete remake....damn.
  19. I find it interesting they got rid of the online feature for the video game considering there is a some number of people who own online adaptors for their ps2 (including myself who rarely even uses it...waste of 40 bucks). I would probably enjoy the game more if it carried the online feature.
  20. I thought this show took place 40 years AFTER the tv series? not a complete remake. Don't get me wrong, I watched it, and I liked it alot better than the tv series, but than again I didn't really ever watch the TV series cause it was boring to me and at times made little of no sense. But from what I was seeing, this is based AFTER the show...not a complete remake of the original...since there's alot of evidence to prove it's a sequal.
  21. Ugh I knew there had to be atleast a few more endings to the Thuroghbred story > I'm working on the TV edition of Whitebase and I like that one better than the Movie Edition...so I got no big complaints of the game other than sometimes you really need to replay a level a few times to finally get it right...not too mention it's sorta hard piloting the Zeong and fighting Amuro in his Gundam...ugh.
  22. I seeeeeeee......I was actually tempted on Friday to buy a Dreamcast for 30 bucks, and get Rise of the Ashes. That was the first Gundam game I ever played and I liked it's sense of realism by having the gameplay involve nothing but being in the cockpit of a GM. I wish they would have a game where it would be both 3rd person and first person/cockpit perspective, those were always fun...
  23. Well I got the game same day, Friday, only one in the store who ordered it heh. My take on it, is so so. I mean if you play Whitebase storyline on Movie Version, you can complete the game in 2-3 hours tops it's very short. But than theres the TV version which I'm seldomly am working on while playing the other storymodes. I've completed the Thourghbred storyline and was kind of disappointed by that but not much. The Ace Pilot games go from 0079-0083 Star Dust memory. Right now I'm concluding the Char Aznable version, working on Anavel Gato's next, just a few short missions left on that one. I WAS REALLY DISAPPOINTED by the Yuu Kajima story, it's only two missions with no storyline at all...nothing...I think I need a Saturn... Kou Uraki's was the longest so far and I liked it. I've also done the "Mission" mode where I customize my own pilot and it sucks...I don't even wanna talk about it. There isn't too much gameplay in the 0079 battles, it's taken up by alot of FMV's...and at times it makes less sense than it really does...so your better off buying the dvd's or 3 trilogy movie set trust me... It's a decent game for the Gundam line and I'm keeping it since I have all 4 so far. What gets to me is the fact they have MORE MS's and MA's than Feddie Vrs Zeon which got me so mad. Also there are ZERO ground battles it's all Zero G. Sometimes you can land on objects for a brief moment but that's about it.
  24. I stopped playing, I better cancel my subcription or else I'll get charged for it I think...I just haven't had time to play it nor do I really wanna right now...maybe again some other time...but it's a real pain right now to just travel around to get EXP.
  25. Damn, watched it just few minutes ago and that was by far one of the best of the 5 so far... SPOILERS: I mean wow...Atleast Shin gets a bit of revenge from the last battle and crap...but his poor Valkyrie went caputs...and now I'm really thinking, "The Macross is actually alive?" DNA samples from the ASS1 0_o...that's just...well CREEPY!
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