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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. My first valk was an old ARII 1/100 Miriya battroid back in 1998 which I stumpled upon at a down and out model shop where I use to live. Sadly it didn't last very long when an earth quake struck the portland region and my stuff came crashing down, with it, my 1/100 Miriya crashing hard breaking off the leg and head...and cracking the body...it wasn't even around for a month.
  2. A few things came to mind when I was watching the DVD's today... 1) The Zentradie and the Supervision Army were in fact both the same but different factions of the war with Protoculture. One faction of Protoculture created the Zentradie, while the other faction created similar giants, but called them the Supervision Army. So in the TV series, the Macross was part of the Supervision army, and with that there were Giants on board, only theorizing that all the aliens were giants, thus the Mecha was created to be alien size. While in the DYRL movie, the story is a bit different, never mentioning the Supervision Army, just that men and women broke apart and two factions were created, the males, Zentradie, and the females, Meltrandie. And the Macross was infact in the movie, a Meltrandie gunship...sorta caught me off guard. 2) In Macross II, yes I know alternate universe, but did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvie could of been related in some way to Miriya? Now she mentions she got it from her grandmother, if time is correct, that would HAVE TOO make Miriya a great grandmother...so a daughter would have to be the grandmother, atleast 1 of 7. It just sorta feels like she could be in some way related with her amazing piloting skills...but that's just me and it sorta sounds stupid. I've been meaning to spout this off since lastnight watching tv, and I couldnt sleep well cause of it racing in my mind....heh too weird.
  3. I really don't wanna mod my PS2, and I'm saving up for a Jap version and the game, but a friend told me the adaptor for the Jap PS2 is different from the American...like a different power supply and what not....is that true? Do I need something ELSE to use a Japanese PS2, or is it just like the American version and really have no worries, go ahead, buy buy buy?
  4. I wont be giving a review on the YF-1R for a while, it'll be in tomorrow...but I'd like to include pictures of it compared to VF-1J Rick type. So pictures of that should come in over the weekend with a very detailed report on my Macross Sanctuary site. Along with that, I'm nearly done after two months of working, my Robotech: Soldiers Tale Jeht MPC....it's not bad looking, I believe I included pictures when we were at the old format months back of what it would be like and so far it's pretty accurate to what I wanted. Sadly I don't think I got any pictures of it with me from the design art. But I'm working on panel lines, decals and final painting. The BIGGEST problem was covering areas that don't need to be painted and keep them clean...I sorta failed in many areas which I'll fix in future versions of Custom jobs. When it's completly finished, panel lines, decals, painting and so forth, I'll make sure to take pictures of it to show off...it's not as good as many customes, but I'm enjoying it. I REALLY REALLY need to outline the arch around the chest, that's the biggest problem right now.
  5. Here here! Let the love trio go off into the sunset, be dead or alive just out there somewhere far far away with the Jedi's and what not. What just hit me when looking at the nice screen caps was this, the Megaroad 01/Macross2 looks an awful lot like the original except it's like so much more bigger and see thru in a way...I mean....well.....uuuuhhhh I don't know how to really say this, anyone get what the point I'm trying to make is?
  6. I would have to say that's the great froating head himself.
  7. Hikuro

    CG VF-4

    0_o the day I see a VF-4 transform from fighter, to gerwalk, to battroid and back to fighter as a movie is the day I will be writing big hollywood movie scripts and trying to get them all to be movies.....wow Macross.......Macross.......Macross.......Macross......Robotech...oops how'd that get there? *tosses it*
  8. Well in a way, it's not like Armada atleast.....the animation was the biggest problem of that show.....here spared no expense since the Autobots and Decepticons are Cel Shade 3D
  9. I'm willing to check it out when it's subbed I think
  10. lol when I play the game I do YF-1R cannon fodder how weird is that?
  11. Here, this is a link to a site which has the OVA episode, FANS OF TENCHI
  12. I do sorta regret not playing the game anymore but I just don't wanna spend the money at this time so I completely deleted it off my computer but I still got till Feburary or March till the game data is erased from the servers...so who knows, maybe when I get the PS2 version...
  13. I was watching .hack//sign lastnight, and on the first episode when Mimiru meets Tsukasa, right when he leaves, and pisses off Mimiru she says and I quote off the HK bootleg DVD, "Man! That guy really touched my nervs!"
  14. <_< Well so they were....I remember seeing one at a DishTV office few years back, very creepy. Oh another mean comment about the series. Those two hours you waste watching this movie makes you want to travel back in time and smack yourself before buying the DVD. : / I'd try to get rid of mine if I wasn't such a pack rat on anime.
  15. Yep I've been meaning to get one for the last several months off Valkyrie but I keep forgetting to save what money I got ugh ...one thing at a time (cross off escaflowne box set and macross boxset, looks next on list) Giant man eating plant....hmmmmmmm pretty spendy there....... I forgot, it comes with instructions right? Understandable Instructions *nod nod* I need some blue, white, black, grey, yellow, red spray paint hmmmmmmm some masking tape, and sand paper.....*calculates that* good god this is a spendy lil project and I'm still working on my custom MPC....oooooohhhhhh boy.
  16. Can I just say, you don't wanna get it and should JUST forget it, even if your a gundam fan, the graphics were bad, the acting was horrible, the outfits are rehashed Starship trooper outfits...
  17. If you watch the show, I do believe Max and Miriya's VF-1J's head lasers are the same color...I made the same arguement last year and was wrong.
  18. I remember Anime Junkies was doingn .Hack//DUSK or aka LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT BRACELET and what not back in the early summer. Was sorta dissapointed they only made 12 episodes...but I've only seen about 1 volumes worth and own both volumes 1 and 2 of the Manga (but I don't like Tokyo Pop...) I can find most stuff like UNISON, GIFT, INTERMEZZO on Winmx, but I can never get the chance to download them. Also from w hat I heard, though UNISON will be released in the boxset of OVA's in Japan, it wont be released in the final limited box set here in the states, but INTERMEZZO the story on Mimiru when she was a newb will be in the set...kind of makes me mad if that's true, but I've only heard rumors.
  19. I got a digicam and soon to be in the mail boxsets 1-3 of Macross ^^ yepiie!
  20. More specifically, I'm looking for the newest release of the .Hack series, .Hack//UNISON, and the .Hack//LEGEND OF TWILIGHT series...can't seem to get them on Winmx, and Kazaa has spyware not only that but you gotta pay to use it : /
  21. Here's a miriya, not a good one bit it works
  22. I just got a digital camera for xmas, and been taking new pictures of my MPC's...the first set of pictures are not that great, but the stuff I'm doing now are okay.
  23. The original is just fine and dandy, very authentic to the movie, I got mine sitting proudly on top of my TV center with all the other Gundams and Macross figures. It was also my first Master Grade kit so I was very surprised on how much effort it took for me to put in, some measuring, percise cutting etc, I really enjoyed it. While I like this new edition, which I MUST HAVE being the Nu Gundam fan myself....it's too spendy...
  24. In the words of Christopher Walken WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOW! That's a big kick in change, I love the detail and upgrade to make it more "Robotic" than ever.
  25. I installed this program which came with the computer called "Instant CD/DVD", it's what I need, and it'll do ASF, AVI and MPEG files. BUT when I try to put in Sailor Moon, or Flame of Recca, I get an illegal operation, and it shuts down. Yet when I put in one of the sample movies the program came with, no problems at all.....what in the HELL is it doing wrong grrrrrrrrr Not too mention I tried to use that TGMPEGEnce thingy and it wont accept any of the files I try to put in it...just don't know what in the hell to do right now :'(
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