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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I've used them for a few years now, never had to redo them once you use them. But it doesn't hurt to do it once in a while if you wanna keep them looking nice, it's mostly just how you use them that brings it out. Since your doing a 1/60 scale, you want to make sure you keep the pen straight up so you don't get "fat" lines or start cutting the tip.
  2. It looks nice and all but 26 bucks plus shipping is awfully expensive for something of its size Don't really wanna spend over 30 bucks waiting nearly a month and a half for something I could more than likely screw up on like my other kits.
  3. 0_o yes I noticed this the day AFTER 9/11...I was so depressed that day cause of the event and having been dumped by my ex that only DYRL could make me feel the angst get smaller and smaller. Than I saw the date and went, "0_o....wow"
  4. Just curious, way back when I was a freshman I was able to do some subtitling using Ulead, but there were alot of bugs in the program and kept getting illegal errors and had to shut down. So I'm curious on what people use to type up subtitles on anime, is there a program to download? Or a product you can find at a computer store or anything?
  5. Everytime I hear Hikaru, I keep thinking Jackie Chan's gonna pop out of somewhere.....I wonder if these guys did ANY rehersals?
  6. The dub was just out right horrible, no need for discussing that, but I don't think there were any differences in sound effects unless tones, pitches and bass were changed here and there.
  7. lol oh dear lord, I think that looks better than the animation!
  8. They started releasing the manga back in July I believe. I only seen up to episode 20 something but it's a pretty funny show, but the manga is a little bit better. I espically like the part where Kagero wants to see Recca's flame in the warehouse and he holds up a liter instead.
  9. Oh dear lord his head is nearly a complete rip off of the VF-1J...SUE SUE SUE!!!
  10. Well what I'd like to know is just where is this Episode one fansub? I keep looking around and I'm just not finding anything, hell it took me all weekend just to find episodes 1-4 of Sonic X and they didn't work. I don't find the series bad right now, but it's hard to actually keep track since I never got to see all of Armada so alot of this is just ugh right now...but I'm able to understand like a third of what's going on, like mostly the stealing of energon and trying to whipe out the Transformers by using Transformers to destroy them and steal the Energon on Earth...that sorta thing. But I'm not understanding the relationship between Prime and Kicker...or anything like that.
  11. I haven't been keeping up with the series for the simple fact it kept changing time slots so when I wake up it's not on, and when I'm asleep it's on...sucks. So is there anywhere I can go to catch up and watch the episodes 1-26 using Torrents or something? I tried various P2P programs but I just can't get them. So to not advertise the link here, just PM me please.
  12. Yeah I liked that DDR one but I made a better one using BOOM BOOM DOLLAR I think was the song with that same gir dance just a bit edited out, was fantastic till I lost it last year. My favorite episode would have to be the one where Zim and Gir are abducted by stupid aliens and fuse Zim with a hamster using tape. "I'm an alien too! and this dog is not a dog! He is GIR! GIR SHED YOUR DOOGY RUES AND REVEAL YOUR TRUE FORM!" *Gir does a flip ripping off his doggy outfit* "HI THERE!" *gir waving* "Oooooooh wh at a smart little doggy!"
  13. There were actually two releases done by the same studio who dubbed it, these guys I believe are australian actors I'm not sure. They were pretty horrible though, moments in the movie they kept some of the original japanese voices for the "Eh?" or minor dialouge during the opening like Hikaru's "Thank you". Further off in the beginning the dubb is truely horrible, many pauses and incomplete/broken tracks. They would be saying something and it would just STOP. I can't point out anything specific since I do not own the dub releases anylonger, haven't heard them in over 3 years. The first dub release was "Clash of the Bionoids" which was very hacked up, nearly half of the movie was butchered I think even alot of Roy's death and even Minmay singing Do You Remember Love was hacked up pretty good. I can't remember if Kakazaki's death was hacked or not. Than released by the same group was Super Dimension Fortress Macross: The movie. Same dubbing group and all, but uncut compared to Clash of the Bionoids. You can even find either or of the dubs on Amazon.com I believe. Yep just looked you can find both versions, of course Clash of the Bionoids is sold out, I also believe it's out of print, rather old. Before anyone would go asking why HG never got their greedy hands on it, I asked them few years ago. "Though we were well aware of the motion picture of Macross now known as Robotech in many other countries, we could not find the film rights to produce a proper english spoken version of the movie and it seems Studio Nue along with other affliates have lost the rights to this, it's completely disappeared at this time." So Harmony Gold wanted to send DYRL to the states, though I'm not sure if they would do a similar aspect to it calling it "Robotech the movie" or "Robotech: Do You Remember Love?" Or something.
  14. According from what I've read and sources as well, anytime between Feburary or April of this year, why it's being pushed back I don't know, but if it's going to be anywhere higher than 50 bucks I'm gonna pass, regardless of how nice it looks.
  15. I like the pictures, those 4 were the best ones they released for the game so far, looks like I may add this one to my list. But, I do have to say that FPS are so much better on the PC than on a counsel game system. I hate having to use every little button and joystick to just move and shoot. If the Alpha does appear in the game I'll love it even more. But I got this strange feeling that when it cuts to 3rd person, it's motion, stop, motion, stop, motion stop, shake shake shake, motion stop, like I see in so many FPS games when it cuts too something like that.
  16. Oh yeah keep forgeting but here's a collage of my custom MPC. Took a few months but it's pretty much done.
  17. lmao! That's really really funny, "Please date me" it almost sounds. It looks like TV Nihon is falling behind in their fansub releases of the series, I think the show is up to 16 and they just popped up 14 on Saturday...HURRY UP!!!! I wanna see Kunzite kick some sailor booty!
  18. 0_o I only see a resemblance of the VF-4 in fighter mode, nothing else...I suppose I'm really the only one who doesn't really give a crap about this since I take what HG says with a grain of salt, it's almost making me laugh at you guys JUST A LITTLE BIT when most of you just bicker about Robotech when just about 80-90% of all of us started out with Robotech. If you really wanna get at it, I almost perfer Robotech from watching Macross for my own personal reasons since I own both series now, so in a way, almost looking forward to watching a sequal to Robotech, but than again I don't really care since they've mentioned that over and over for the last few years going on and off.
  19. Uh.......anyone got a script?
  20. I wont be able to watch it till later tonight, but I'll give it a chance and check it out, I think I know enough Japanese I can figure out most of what is going on....I don't know
  21. ePSXe emulator is the best emulator you can get, it works very well, as for finding DYRL or VFX-2 for download, pretty much can only find it on the Imacross servers, chances of it else where are VERY slim to none like many Macross games over the net.
  22. I've been looking at buying a Japanese cousnel recently, I found out there are different colors for the ps2 now but expensive as hell. one that has caught my eye is the silver and the the white doesn't seem to bad either, relaly neat looking. And I want to get something that doesn't look something like my ps2, so maybe one of those colored versions would be sorta cool. Also found a few Japanese PS2 games I'd like to get...
  23. Hmmm yep yep I can agree with that, a thing I noticed from Kawamori-san was taking his projects when making the movie release and increasing the dark and violent side to them. I mean there was more death in Escaflowne the movie than there was in the series 0_o....debateable on macross and DYRL. But both movies used dark and rich tones compared to their TV counterparts, that is agreeable I think. But the Supervision Army also being a race of giants explains alot...but yet confusing in a way...both sides of Protoculture come up with the same idea for an army, but give them different names....and what not...just odd.
  24. HERE I just got my YF-1R review up so go ahead and read my detailed and yet vague thoughts I'm such a sell out lol. The Alphas were advertised in the back of the YF-1R manual so it's not a ditched toy thank god.
  25. What was meant to be said was, Zeta Gundam not to be aired on Cartoon Network, but Gundam SEED will during Spring line up. Good and bad, something very recent should help raitings for people to watch Gundam. A problem with previous shows like 0079 and such was the poor animation and the out of date coloring styles and graphics...it tends to give some kids headaches. I remember watching the movies back in 97, I had a big headache watching it cause the style was too out of reach for me, while I enjoyed the more recent styles. But with this said that April is the projected time of Airing for SEED, it makes me think they didn't take the dub very seriously and it'll probably suck. Than again, Gundam Wing's dub was something that shocked me as something not as bad.
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