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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Yeah from the Tallgeese. Knees, back skirt, shoulders and head are 3D printed, couple parts here and there mixed from other areas to get it closer to the look. It was a fun and simple conversion I didn't have to look at the instructions much to pick out what stayed and what got left in the runners. Used flat green, brown, German gray, and yellow.
  2. I honestly can't wait until my copy arrives in a few weeks. It'll be a really nice birthday present.
  3. don't see it as to big of a deal but yeah it's pretty easy to tell who's playing and who's not. There's a hot spot not far from my work and a co worker and I went to check it out and see what we could find.....someone had set 4 lures out of the 6 pokestops there and must of been 50 people crowding in the middle. I went and I set a 5th lure to kind of seal the area and it caused everyone to crash and I just played innocent the whole time.
  4. Pretty much half done and just gotta do paint work to the head before I finish the upper body. Lots of the work was done over the weekend
  5. Been getting hot and heavy this weekend on my custom MG Leo conversion.
  6. oh, cause according to the director I'm a trump supporter. Oh wait, guess that's the same thing isn't it? I dunno.
  7. God that shield so simple yet so different. Mine is coming, probably arrives tomorrow, no later than tuesday at least. It'll just go into the pile like all my other HGGO stuff right now until I got more time.
  8. also gave his blessings to salvation and Gynesis and look what happened there? Then again, not like they really need anyone's blessing to do this. Ridley and Cameron didn't even create the franchise, they just directed it.
  9. God I love the make toys variant and I even have the upgrade parts for the rts Optimus so I thought the robot would be a real similar design to the hasbro style and boy was I wrong on that. That's a figure I really like.
  10. Finished my custom PG GP01 today after a very long build time. had special made upscaled water slides based on the RG build. in scale with RG, MG and then PG. It's probably the most solid build between the 3 versions I own, I dislike the RG immensely being so floppy and gap ridden, the MG is fine but required so much paint work. The PG was just right for me with lots of nice inner details and sharp lines.
  11. Yep, pretty horrible guidelines, and a good way on craping out on the fans for everything they've done for what? 50 years? I can understand why so many will want to boycott Paramount and CBS.
  12. just read this too....that's HORRIBLE! first movie I ever saw him in was Terminator Salvation, I thought he made an excellent younger Kyle Reese, his raspy voice just fit so well with Beihn's that I had hoped that future war stuff would include him. God that just sucks so much.
  13. they're made exclusive to the figures. HG's usually don't have so many stickers.
  14. Lucky break for 28 bucks. Just bought a GM custome and it was a cool 50.....kinda cringed a bit at the price for its age.
  15. sounds like we'll have to put down ol' space yeller then.
  16. hmmmmmmmmm.............yeah probably. I mean I liked Daredevil and I liked Jessica Jones. Got really exciting as it drew closer to the end.
  17. Lol right? Well maybe not an idiot but to damn awkward for my tastes.
  18. Yeah I saw Roy first episode when hunk and lance are ducking down near the lunch room. I kind of just laughed thinking what a cameo even if it was just a coincidence.
  19. Just about finished. Feels like it's to short of a series lineup. Needed atleast 14 more episodes. Yeah it needed at least another 14 episodes, the way this ended was like it's a mid season cut like all the other shows out there lately. Bit frustrated that the show is called Voltron but we really saw so little of group merging and fighting anything. I mean I liked the show, but.....would of liked more.
  20. I'm liking the animation though I'm not a fan of shows like Kora or anything, but it seems to work alright for this. The CG is rather neat and I like that they've added bits of weathering on the Lions to give it more depth, those kind of things are always fun to reproduce on the toys. Koran pisses me off, he's my only complaint thus far. He really ruins the moment imo and when i think about it, he's my least liked character next to Hunk. That's about it though everything else I rather like of the series. But I did notice a mistake. Shiro crashed on earth, yet they're not on earth after that point. But in episode 3 they return to his crashed ship...............which should of been on Earth......
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