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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. It almost seems like the VF-0 is a big pain in the butt, maybe Hasegawa didn't make the kit as well as it should of been? I was thinking of getting one today since I got paid yesterday, but now I'm starting to think maybe this kit would be too difficult for me.
  2. From a friend of mine, he said that after you soak the parts and dry them, use flat black primer and completely cover the model kit. After it dries for a day or two, take your second spray can color, like red, white, blue what ever and lightly spray over the now black model kit. Do it twice and make sure it's light and you should have a weathered/panel lined model kit. Is this true?
  3. oh sonavamonkey-itch, that trailer is by far one of THE best trailers I've seen since........oh god I don't know since movies were good! They revamped the Casshan design too, instead of having that lil helmet and V shape horn infront, it's just his hair and his face covered by the traditional looking face mask which just pops out like the anime did. What also caught me by the surprise is the fact there does not seem to be a Machine King, it looks like some guy who could possibly be just another Android. Also those battle androids seem to be redesigned a bit too but totally reconizable which is a plus. I hope to god there is either an official release or a fansubbed version. I mean hell they gotta be done with the movie if a 2 minute trailer is already released and maybe working on some retouching to give it a more pazas. George Lucas, kiss mah ass! CASSHARN IS KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR!
  4. For my opinion, I'd see if you could some how weather the armor, since it's the desert the Zaku would get very gritty and very nasty looking cause of the curosive sand.
  5. Oh hey I just thought, to contribute I could probably get you some sound effects and what not pretty easily I believe.
  6. You know you could always make a fanstory mixing with the gameplay. Like something similar to VFX. Where after every mission there's like a storyboard with drawings and such to it with little word boxes. After that's done, you start with the next mission where you can choose your next valkyrie based on the combat conditions. Just a thougth if you wanna give it a story.
  7. I can see it now, a lone lil boomer working diligently at a construction site and than you hear this "Windows AI illegal operation 404!" And it'll start like throwing stuff at people chanting "I AM THE SUPERIOR MOJO!!!!!" in a voice similar to Billgates.......think of the horror young childern will witness.
  8. I never thought the kits would be actually good, after all the show was very low budget I think, and there are so many scenes where I can see the driver of KITT when he's suppose to be moving around.
  9. I remember seeing some Knight Rider kits at a beaverton model shop 2 years ago, course it wasn't the original knight rider, it was more knight rider 2000
  10. Well if a nything, as a ameature voice actor, I'll lend ya my voice when needed for things atleast.
  11. no I'm not an "experinced" model builder to say. I do build a large amount of Gundam, model cars, and such. But for the Macross kits I generally paint what I want cause I enjoy making custom versions.
  12. Hmmm, looking at it now sorta makes me think twice about this kit. At first, I thought it might be rather good, Hasegawa makes rather impressive kits espically for Macross. But seeing this, I'm a bit dissappointed on it's overall appearance. Something I really hate are the decals, no doubt, those are water based right? I can't stand those, they dry so fast, their fragile, and they start to like tangle on to itself when coming in contact with one and other....it's just ugh! It's hard to line them up properly for me, that's why I always end up having to paint that stuff on there and it's a pain to do it cause I gotta outline the stuff and get it right! : / I did think of ordering a VF-1, but not from HLJ, they're TOO SLOW for me, took a month to get a 1/72 Bandai kit and it was broken in some areas... I'll look else where for a kit.
  13. The guys old but hey, he's got a voice for anime and he knows it since he's had the voice of roy for over 20 years, that's something to be proud of that when he dies, pretty much his character will never appear again...but than again, after Zero, I doubt you'll EVER see Roy Focker again.
  14. Now all you need is a Kakazaki Custom VF-1A and you'll have your own little Vermillion team. I would wanna do similar with my 1/48's, but they're too expensive to wanna custom and screw up...
  15. Well don't forget, the series is taking a different direction of the manga and anime, so who knows what to expect, but I'm glad I'm keeping tabs on this series since I find it interesting now that Kunzite has appeared. The dub was HORRIBLE, I've done so much better. They drown out the voices by tuning down the sound, if you pay attention you can still hear the original audio. Not too mention there are times there is NO sound but voices. Something I hated was the echo effect. It's pretty clear they were just using Sound Record from Windows in the acessory section. I wont denie I use it, but I mess around with the audio as much as possible...it's just...scary that they did such a bad job at this. Who ever did the script needs a kick in the shin I've written better for Macross and Macross Zero, hell I STILL got the scripts and they work flawlessly...I strive for your guys approval even if it would be a dub. Was able to check their site finally today, and it seems they still have a few roles to fill up, so I offered to audition for the role of Kunzite, I'm told I have a natural evil laugh 0_o no really I'm told that...I scare girls.
  16. 0_o I just watched a peek of the fandub...why........deargod why......did......they.........do.........the..........theme.......song........in......ENGLISH! WHYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? Oh yeah, I'm at 97% done, but it doesn't want to finish, the download is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow at 0-1 and I get URL errors and junk...this is like the 4th time I had to erase it and restart, it just wont download fast enough for mY DSL.... It's STILL not finished after 9 hours of waiting. I did however get to watch 3:47 and laughed more often than I did when I first saw episode 1. But there are obvious mistakes... 1) The biggest mistake, using original TV footage not something from a DVD and ripped into the computer was poor choice. It's pretty obvious this was a RAW episode they've gotten off the net and just messed around with what they could. 2) Changing the lyrics and even dubbing the image songs...bad mistake. They should have just kept it as is, no exceptions, but nnnnooooooo someone who can't write music worth a lick, and even can't sing it had to do this...oh well. 3) The girl playing Usagi needs to work on her microphone a bit, using a muffler of some sorts, piece of tissue wrapped around it, something to cover up the "Peh" and "Sss" noises which come from either bad pronounciation, or just horrible mic's. When I first started doing fandubs (mind you I'm not that bad if you go to the Imacross 4 server and download AirShow) I had to use a muffler which was a few layrs of toilet paper around my old microphone to get out alot of bad sound. After buying a new mic, which had a muffler it wasn't so difficult to have the noises. 4) Actors just need to take it a bit more seriously. Unlike in anime, doing a dub in for live characters is very difficult. In animation, it's easy to work the script around and get just the right amount of words spoken before the mouth makes it's close. But with live characters they move their lips so fast and jabber around, pausing and such, it's difficult for a voice actor to really nail down the script. I know t here were times when I was dubbing as Hikaru, or writing the script, some parts just did not sound as well as they should of. So I would replay it again and again and again seeing what I could change. Was my voice to high? was it too low? Did I not put enough feeling into it? I like to take my acting serious since I did alot of plays during highschool...so it's important to me to make my character feel real...but you get such a small amount of time to do it.... Well that's all I'm gonna say right now since it's just started and I'm STILL downloading the damn file...
  17. I asked HG long ago, mentioned this many times before, but they stated that they have no clue where the liscences to DYRL went too, one company had them, than another, and another and boom it became missing after that, but they would like to do DYRL...don't know if it'd be in it's original or would they call it "Robotech: The motion picture" But I think this is a call to Big West to say, "Hey, HG leeches have gone and done something evil again"...I really don't think this is legal...they don't own the DYRL name, it's actually like it's own seperate thing from Macross...
  18. I'm gonna watch the fandub for the pure fun of it all, I'll let ya guys know what I think, a fandubber myself. I'm enjoying the series though to be honest, it seems to be taking a big direction away from the manga and anime which makes me feel good ^^
  19. I think I spot a hint of brown there
  20. 0_o bad hikaru!
  21. hehe....
  22. Well as of this moment I have episodes 1,3-12, 21, 30. 1,3-5 are subbed, the rest are all raw but most are in different resolution scales. If I can get these either into my laptop without wasting a CD, I can figure out how to subtitle and translate as much as I can. I was working on episode 30, just for fun as translating, had about 3 minutes written down, but once they start jabbering away and it gets pretty technical I start to loose the translation and have too go back and forth picking out words...I need a solid translator to get these right...most stuff I can do, but once eggman starts going on and on it's tough.
  23. You know it's really amazing, the fact that something that did not look to "fantastic" in it's animation debute, actually looks SO MUCH BETTER once it's presented as a model kit. Mostly because it'll have so much detail and admiration once completed. I never really liked the VF-2SS in the OAV, but once you see it as a model kit and how nicely it looks, you sorta feel something different for it.
  24. Well, would it be better if I could just get all the episodes together and just start making subbed versions for the pure enjoyment of it all? It looks like I can do it on my laptop since I got Adobe Preimer LE
  25. I've seen on Ebay, episodes 1-26, diffenitly not the whole series, in japanese with english subs, or chinese. Obviously these are HK bootlegs, and I have the fear the subtitles are horrible. But does anyone know if they are or not? Or of somewhere else that would be better to get the set? It doesn't look like Foxkids is airing the series in order or anything to me.
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