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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. My friends got an Xbox, modded the hell out of it, it looks sorta cool. I've considered getting one after the price drop, since it's not affordable. But I may go with a used system instead like I did with my game cube...its just difficult cause there aren't many games I wanna play on the Xbox...but there are games none the less I'm willing to play...the beauty of renting.
  2. I was looking around and stumbled upon some megaman stuff...yeah I'm actually that bored. Anyways, I'm into megaman since I was just a little kid....and I thought heh I'll look at some Megaman. Than I started checking out the latest version, NT Warrior or EXE. I've played a few of the games, hell currently playing one on the Gamecube. I stumbled upon what looks to be a PET, or NetNavi, an honest to god PET. There are two versions, a black and red but from what I'm reading there are other versions out just a bit different. They don't look like the normal PET system like in the series, these look like those old Digipets back in the mid 90's. Supposively you train your PET to do battles, and you even got a selection of Battlechips (not sure if there are like "Booster Packs" to buy to get better chips or what) and you plug your PET probably with another PET and duke it out using these battlechips. That's what I've gathered up so far...I had an idea long time ago when I first heard about PET's that maybe having something like that would be really cool. You could get your email, or voice messages, check out message boards, jack into the net using a DSL line connection blah blah blah and of course they wouldn't be cheap...they'd probably be a couple hundred bucks or something like that...but it'd be something anyone could buy, not just a lil kid. Not too mention it couldn't go out of fashion like the latest game craze cause of the fact you can do just about anything on this like a portable computer. I don't think these PET's can do that...don't think it can really do much of anything besides battle and learn minor stuff...but apparently these are "HOT ITEMS" and go from 50-60 bucks a pop...heh.
  3. Okay I just found a place...this thread can be closed or what not.
  4. 0_o I'm nearly 21 years old I sort of take offense to that comment. I'm a yugi nut like alot of my other GRAUDATED FROM HIGHSCHOOL friends All I wanna know is where I can get the DVD besides ebay...that's all....
  5. I saw them at the Gamestop I stop at, laughed my ass off the whole time, "VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM VVAROOOOOOOM RRRRRRRRRRR VROOOOOM!" "Wha the hell are you doing?" "Practicing for Project Gothem racing." "Your not gonna make those lame sounds during the game also are you?" "Hmmm...I might" "Oh christ...."
  6. Need help in finding Yu-Gi-oh! the movie on DVD, I've seen it on Ebay, but I really don't wanna get it from there, I've had alot of bad experinces using ebay so I stay away as much as possible. So I was wondering if anyone knew a place I could just put it on my card and such...I've only got a fansubbed version but I got a lil project I'm wanting to work on and need the movie....any bit of help is great...thanks in advanced.
  7. True the dub doesn't sound that great, but really I feel like th ey just waisted a big amount of cash doing yet ANOTHER dubbed version of part one...but maybe it'll be a bit more faithful to the original version...who knows. But hey nothing wrong with "And getting laid alllll summer"
  8. It's hard for me to get online with my PS2, easy with my 56K backup modem, but when I wanna use my DSL I get a bad connection...sucks for me. I've only played Everquest and Need for Speed online, I never tried it yet with SOCOM II cause I dont like the game.....thank god I bought it used. I think I might, RENT Resident Evil OB, but I'm not that interested in the games anymore...it's always prequal upon prequal...it gets old....
  9. lol I remember looking at pictures and thinking to myself, "Great detail, but can't be that big really..." When I got to gamestop the manager lady went under the table and kinda huffed and puffed and slammed it on the table with a lil "CLANG!" at the end. My mouth was like Coulda you know what with a brick fallin down. I was totally at amaze by it....It's just so damn big, and it's sorta heavey....maybe good 5 or 6 pounds.
  10. I could never get into Kill Bill if I wanted to watch a slaughter I'll go to a slaughter house you know? I'm not a big Tarintino fan...he's just..he's almost like a white version of Spike Lee with bad acting skills...somewhere somehow he's got some little part in all his films and mostly dies in the middle of it.
  11. I got my prime yesterday, love it, but I'm pretty po'ed it wasn't Takara...and I lost 90 bucks of instore credit at Gamestop when I couldah gotten it else where for 70...so I'm pissed on that....but didn't loose anymoney so oh well. Also, I hated the fact the smoke stacks were cut down...so I gotta get those replaced cause it looks sorta dumb...but all in all he goes well with my Sideswipe and Smokescreen.
  12. I personally like the Energon Megs for the simple look of being unique...he's never been a "bomber" before....and personally I'm sorta sick of the tank look, he's had it for over 10 years...he needed another change. Though he looks like Galvatron, he shouldn't be called Megatron...need to move on...
  13. Ami chan is really cute when evil I think ....though I dont' really like her outfit, just looks like they hotglued a few things to her original outfit....she should be like all black or somethin like that. But saturday's episode was sweet I thougth Rei-chan has a very cute singing voice and I wish I couldah heard more!
  14. I think because we were so use to peace time after WWI that no one really wanted to go recruite to even be a pilot...compared to now-a-days. I mean it does take alot of brain work I think to pilot the aircrafts we have today, it's not like you can be Ben Affleck say you can't read or do math but HEY! it's just a 30 million dollar piece of equipment how hard can it really be?!
  15. I apologize for my comment, but we should see the 95% completed project instead of the torso, part of the head and half the lower leg. I've also seen just alot of projects just go to the scrapper and they were REALLY into making what ever it is. Now as for the Zeta Gundam just showed, that is a master piece all on it's own, that's the one I was talking about where people can actually climb inside of it and sit in the torso...but I think it was a 1/3rd scale...but still pretty big.
  16. I would say he needs to check his measurements....he REALLY got it wrong...even the 1/3rd scale Zeta Gundam I've seen is able to have atleast one person sit inside the cockpit area...
  17. I picked up the original Casshan OAV's today at Bestbuy, maaaannnnnnnnn am I glad it came with the japanese audio track, I switched from english to japanese faster than a poor man on crack...it was SO BAD but I don't like the japanese voices that much...I hate it when they keep calling Black King, "Black King Boss!"....ugh... Oh yeah on another note, if I understand it right, the movie comes out next month...so I wonder if a fansub will be available...
  18. chance are, it'll fail, it'll fail big time...and yeah I expected it to be much bigger, I mean the Gundam Wing mobile suits were gigantic in the series...couldn't tell at times if it was 50 feet tall or 100 feet tall....
  19. Man I remember how SIGNS almost made me piss myself at the very end.....GOD that creeped me out ><
  20. Every Halloween here in Oregon you get to hear the old radio tapes of Orsen Wells doing War of the Worlds and I remember reading in the history books it caused a good size panic in some areas to think Martians were invading...but that was because not alot of people heard the disclaimer given, and shouldah got a clue that News Casters back than couldn't travel so fast to an accident site after alien ships land from far far away...ya know what I'm saying?
  21. I went to gamestop last week just preordering the video game and I started to get into Transformers with the Manager cause she likes them, and she brought up the 20th AV prime, I asked if they carry 'em in stock. She looked at her computer and said no but she can get it ordered but it'd cost 90 bucks. I asked if it's the Takara or Hasbro, she wasn't sure but from the sounds of it, it was the Takara. Just to clarify, Hasbro didn't come out with the Energon Axe, or Megatron Gun or anything like that right? Cause if it did......90 bucks is STILL to much!
  22. Go Fokker, it's your birthday get your game on
  23. I tried to give the show a shot...but the audio was ruining the experince...and it just wasn't drawing my attention with the designs of the mechanical features......so heh.....
  24. In my opinion, that's like giving a hand gun to a 5 year old....you just don't do it...
  25. So wait, they wont be persueing a season 3 and 4 etc of uncut remastered Sailor Moon like they've been doing for almost a year now? So we only get seasons 1 and 2 pure and heavenly? THAT SUCKS!
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