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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. well crap I wanna get a Draken now......the transformation looks intimidating cause it's so compact together tightly in place. But this is one of those where I REALLY enjoy the overall look and creative design of the Battroid form. First time in a loooooong time.
  2. Then maybe should of called it justice league: the dark arts or justice league vs the dark or justice league: Constantine in this crap. Or superman versus constantine
  3. Seems like another misleading title with the hopes of shutting up the Constantine fans.
  4. built an A-Wing recently. It was a fun build!
  5. just started work on mine. Panel lines are VERY shallow.
  6. Even when they have the molded inserts for weaponary they still tend to be a bit problematic it's almost tradition imo. I recently quit my local gunpla club due to some drama related issues so it's left me surprisingly with a lot more free time to build again. I kind of want to start working on a custom Nu Gundam ver Ka I got laying around and one of the things I want to do is add small magnets to the funnels while attached to the MS. Anyone ever come across anything ever detailing that kind of procedure?
  7. I'm now hearing things that Leto has yet to see the film (what about the premiere stuff? Isn't it in the contracts to go see your movie?!) and from what's said is he is very disappointed on how the said film he NEVER saw portrayed him after so long of him filming just for a few minutes of screen time.
  8. I got in my p bandai powered GMs (yep bought more than one.....) and when I opened up the box and looked inside I saw blackish gray Gundam Mark II parts......I mean like a ton of Mark II parts! Backpack, shield, head, I think legs and arm parts for the armor plating, beam rifle, bazooka, etc etc etc. WTF gives on that? It's just so random!
  9. was hearing that the developer who did the recent GB game filed for bankruptcy. Sucks to be them!
  10. Seeing how I have a dozen free movie vouchers I'm sitting on I may as well go and show some kind of support for DC. Well with someone else's money atleast.
  11. I kind of agree with ya, like the head and the feet. Hasbros is more Pax, while Takara's is a optimus head on top of another larger optimus head but so was the old g1 toy. For me, Takara's feels less like a retool of Magnus and more of an individual on it's own toy....you can see that in the cab for certain. And the color separation is nicer whereas Hasbros feels more cheap. But yeah, price wise it's gonna be double from Hasbros I totally get that. Can really understand on that being also a huge decision making point.
  12. So basically........the DVD transfer I guess was to bright of a color pallette and now they're going back to more of the original so it'll be darker and more "natural"? Hard to tell from a projector screen recorded on a camera....but I'll still get it. For me, this is just no contest like Takara's version of Computron, they're just going in all the right directions for the figure that Hasbro yet again fails to do to try and be "inventive" and failing at. I'll just wait for Takara's version and save me the time and effort to finding the hasbro. Happy with my Hexatron so this nah I'm good. Hotrod though, if he's anywhere near as fun as Blurr then yes he's gonna be bought for sure. Now then......time for a Kup version 2
  13. yeah the airsoft rifle is just to much money, I barely spent a third of that cost printing my own rifle even if it's static. But it was also bugging me for days since I finished that maybe it was to large. Seeing the video of the rifle again assured me that it's fine. Scales just fine.
  14. I was okay with it until the end, but there were things that kind of picked at me since they had to use the Enterprise TV series mythology as well and they kind of bunked it a bit there.....I thought Simon Pegg said he was a true trekkie so how did he screw up some of the technical bits? Hm. But yeah, thought it was way to early to introduce the next variation. Fine with the design and all, but no. Just ..........I guess my inner original star trek was just screaming so much and throwing a tantrum to enjoy it in the end.
  15. I guess that's cool and all.....but wow.....way to reuse a rejected piece of concept work to make a quick buck. This is basically just another piece of Star Trek history I'm going to dislike just like Beyond disappointed me.
  16. while I"m sure the film will be something of entertaining, I STILL am not getting the vibe from Jared Leto as a good joker. Maybe it's just this universe?
  17. I give up on those kind of things cause I just don't see how superman can stay so baby faced with a close shave. I mean....if he uses his heat vision then does he manscape? or is that even to dangerous?
  18. Yeah that's not the games fault, that's their dumbass fault. I hate it that people blame something like that when it's cause of their own carelessness and lack of common sense that gets them in trouble. I always make it a rule to never accept calls, texts or play pokemon when I'm driving. Don't know why that's so difficult for anyone else other than them being completely dumb.
  19. downloads and torrents are not allowed.
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