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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Could be Red Alert maybe? It has a slight resemblance.... But here's a thought how about Optimus Prime as a Nissan Titan? just for the hell of it, tomorrow I shall bring my digital Camera and take some pictures of Nissan Titans and 350Z on the lot. If prime were a Titan, I'd say it'd have to be one of those heavey modded, with a bank exhaust, long bed extended, maybe with the funky roof rack, sadly don't got that! Ah well I'll grab my camera tomorrow morning and take pictures of some Nissan vehciles which would make good alternators.
  2. I don't remember so much playing the Arcade in an Arcade but I DO remember playing it on my SNES alot, hell it makes me wanna go look for the damn game! As for the Computer game, I remember playing it once or twice at a friends house, but it never really spawned any interest in me, I'm not much up for FPS's, they just get so annoying to me and that I can't see where I'm going half the time tends to piss me off.
  3. This should piss you guys off just a bit at the end of the article....
  4. I'd pay to see a Robocop Versus Terminator as long as it's done close to right.....nothing like seeing an upgraded Robocop in Terminator fashion spawning off other Roboterminators shootin the crap outta Terminators!@
  6. You never know, I would suspect ASTRAY is probably one of the better side stories.
  7. In the Manga, Gold Frame is the second chapter in Volume 2, sadly it wont make another appearance till Volume3. But even with the missing right arm it was still more than a match for Lowe. After Lowe defeated Rondo in her Gold Frame, and destroyed just about all of the head unit, they went ahead using parts from Blitz. I'm getting a bit more auditions, so I've recieved a guy auditioning for Liam, and I just got someone who I work with in other dub projects for the Professor yeppie!
  8. I remember a few years ago that a metal yet flexable substance was in the works to make Air Craft even survive re-entry from space. And I think even Macross was referenced as one of those "Sci/fi thrillers which represented this material"
  9. Well now you got Macross Do You Remember Love, Macross Flashback 2012 Macross 7, Macross 7 Encore, Macross 7 the movie, Macross Dynimate 7, Macross Zero.........that'd be about it. I suggest going to Valkyrie Exchange to get the DVD's.
  10. Unfortunately I got the regular stock Strike, the Accessories weren't available at the time I bought this, not too mention it's pretty pricey for what you get....I think when I do I'll purchase an extra Strike so I can have one for all Systems, Aile, Sword and Launcher, that's the smartest idea.
  11. I'm gonna so take pictures of the "Phase poo" decals haha can't wait!
  12. lol, Yeah that is my kitchen......sadly those are the crappy knives, the super dudy knives I got can cut your finger off like a hot knife on butter, or a doctor who lost his bottle rimmed glasses and is gonna operate.....they're that sharp. The kit is hardly painted, assembled right out of the box with Panel linning done to it, crap ass job on the Panel lines but mhmmmm....the only major painting was on the Armor Schnieders which are black and silver.
  13. I can understand how that goes....my irish accent can't be pulled off to well and my family has a long line of Irish heritage....oh well? I recieved an audition for Liam and the accent wasn't bad at all, though I think the guys voice might be a bit too deep for the character.....I'm not sure yet. Wedensday I'm going to attempt the cut off point, I do have ppl saying they'll audition for roles, so I'll see how things go till than.
  14. What can you expect? It's a ball.......my Freedom went thru, so I'll be getting it in the mail Thursday, I'll take pictures of it as it progresses with my kick ass digicam , still contemplating if I'll do anything to it besides just building and inking lines......I might do some mechanical customizing or something, but nothigns decided yet, to busy with ASTRAY.
  15. I'm having a rather hard time believing that EVA was part of the downfall of Gundam X, sure it wasn't that great of a series, but I think one of the problems was the fact it just didn't have a very grasping story, and that at times it felt like it was side tracked by something else. They were suppose to go hunting to protect newtypes, yet they get sidetracked to do other things along the way.....not too mention the Gundam designs were sorta a joke.....they were very pleasing to my eye.......
  16. And this goes to Okawara san.
  17. Sadly, after nearly a year of owning this kit I have found long term flaws, the finger joints become loose and it makes it VERY difficult for the hands to hold the Armor Schnieders....sadly
  18. Here's the hand zoomed in.
  19. Here are some of the pictures to my strike, sorry to pump in. I don't personally know if the Perfect Grade kits established this before, but I'll get to it eventually, but the beam rifle is held pretty steady compared to even most kits that I've ever owned, even those who supposively get a good grip on the rifle can't hold it for as long as a Strike can for the simple reason of the slot that's put in both hands. With these slots, a small tab is on the helt of Beam Rifle which will securely slip into the slot to keep the rifle in place.
  20. The best place to know about voice acting and actually hear the fans doing videos, is Voice Acting Alliance. That's where I got 99% of my work from, I kind of had a feeling that Liam was something European, just couldn't make up my mind, however, while Irish is correct, your right, it's not easy pulling off an Irish accent vurses a Scottish or British accent....
  21. I actually like the Strike Kit alot, it's only junk if you don't make the most out of it. I did minor customization to it, mostly just on the armor schnieders, they lookde pretty blah as they were so I redid the handles in black, and the blade a perfect silver. I was very pleased with the result of it, maybe I'll show off pictures of it.
  22. Since the movies very short I wont be holding auditions for a really long time, I may just do them for half the next week and that'll be it. I decided though, not sure if it's a good idea, to have Liam with a british accent, since he's such a classy, sophisitcated type of character who doesn't talk any slang like any other person would with the "Don'ts" "ain'ts" "Gotznone" that sorta junk. For "8" I'm gonna see if I can find someone who can do an impression of that AI from Outlaw Star cause that'd just be perfect. If not, I'm goign to find someone who can do a child like voice much like the original VA from japan.
  23. Hikuro

    Hikaru's Bookshelf?

    lmao I'd pay money to see that! Man that gives me ideas.....
  24. Wouldn't you think the MPC prime would be good enough to near scale with the Alternators, I got mine standing next to Prime and it looks pretty nice. Just get like a G2 Megatron, a Prime and your altnerators and walah.
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