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Everything posted by Hikuro
*snickers* generally....you just listen to the song, and you kinda pick up on the name, not too mention I think, if you got the AnimEgo DVD's, the credits will list the theme song and ending theme somewhere on either credits. Guitar tabs......hmmmmmm don't know but I know there would be alot of flats if it were over the piano....I can almost think of the keys in my head...
Well already I'm recieving final lines from some cast members, which is great, not many either double casted, which is good, but I pick my crew for their acting talent and abilities to turn stuff in on time. Instead of using a female talent to do Eight, I picked a guy, the reason behind this is cause I know a guy whose a very good actor and he pushes himself in sooooooo many ways that I admire his abilities, he's also done a few past projects with me, including Tekkaman Blade....trust me he's good, he'll yell till his lungs combust of firey depths of pain and discomfort. I did stick with Liam being british, and the guy who I casted to be Liam pulled off a nicely done British accent....he should do just fine for Liam. Kisato is done by a girl who I've seen in alot of Fandub roles, she's very talented and I'm glad to have her apart of my team for the first time....she also auditioned for Eight and it was VERY VERY difficult for me to cast her as either or....but atleast it was a good choice. The professor I casted a friend of mine to play, she's done ALOT of roles for me in the past, some Gundam SEED, Tekkaman Blade, Macross etc....she's pretty good and she'll go at alot of lengths to get the role right. When I showed her the clips for the professor she was absolutely in love with the character with her sexyness and baring it all ....plus its really about being able to really just be sorta casual, yet silly like attitude....she pulled off her auditions very n icely. As for me, I'm going for a similar approach to what the original Japanese VA went with, a lil bit of Vash I've flashed minor tests at ppl here and there with the original and than mine, giving me tips on what to correct when I do my final set....even went as far as altering the lines a bit so they make more sense....trying to make them flow instead of like rushed....I think I did very nicely. Audio is gonna get tweeked alot, you can't hear some things in the background that I would say need to be heard....just minor things...just one layer...music by be tweeked again too.....some parts didn't cut off as nicely as I would have hoped...
Official Gundam Plamodel Thread
Hikuro replied to Black Valkyrie's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
The Hi-Zak is basically an upgraded variation of the Zaku. Personally I think of the Hi-Zak as a back up to the outdated GM units. The Hi-Zak in replacement of it's Heat Hawk which can still be used, recieves a Beam Saber, it's flight pack is actually very similar to that of the MK-II's. Thrust capability, meanouverability have greatly increased of course with its upgrade and is actually used as sorta the main enforcer of the Federation. If you pay attention thru alot of the UC Timeline from the middle of the OYW till around the late 0080's, the Zeon units were used heavily, it might have been because they were much easier to maintain yet Quality control was present. However, the Hi-Zak introduces both Zeon and Federation technology. There's no real ace pilot that's assigned to them, pretty much any Feddie or Titan or even AUEG pilot can be assigned to it, its almost Cannon Fodder like it use to be, just more beefed up if that makes any sense. Pretty much check out the good ol' MAHQ site....lots of info. -
Official Transformers Alternators and more thread.
Hikuro replied to David Hingtgen's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Hehe..... must be Rumble. -
0_o haha......I'm almost afraid of going to Bestbuy to get this.....
Official Gundam Plamodel Thread
Hikuro replied to Black Valkyrie's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Mines OUT for delivery.....should be here by 9, and when I get home I'll take some pictures of my Freedom Gundam.....oh man it means a few days of nothing but Meteor from TM Revolution floating around......hm reminds me I need to burn the third volume to disc so I actually got good music to listen too besides Meteor. Cleaned up my work bench just for this. The box art for Hi-Zak looks nice, Maybe I'll give the Zaku one last try after a very dissapointing build last year. -
Official Transformers Alternators and more thread.
Hikuro replied to David Hingtgen's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Official Transformers Alternators and more thread.
Hikuro replied to David Hingtgen's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Sorry for the delay.......I did manage to take some pictures at work, but I haven't loaded them into the computer, just too lazy.......but I took some comparison shots of how the 350Z would look with Sideswipe since they're both 1/24 scale. -
damn straight
Now just in case, I'm not bad mouthing WWII...its just....you know, in my schools it was all they could teach you cause there were SO MANY movies out based around WWII, even loosely.....it was cheap....not too mention the guy who was my history teacher was a dick.....he would eat pizza, wait no SHOVE IT in his fat mouth while watching a movie while we were taking a test. If we asked him to either stop being annoying, turn down the volume or to stop slopping grease on his face he'd go "THATS IT ESSAY! YOU FAILED THE TEST GET OUT!" ................lucky for me........I never liked him, nor did he like me, and my folks hated him, along with all the other kids at school who didn't rank up to the annoying chart like he did and he got canned....last I heard he was teaching elementary.....*cough* fired *cough* I got the indiana jones movies from some promotional deal Mcdonalds did like a decade ago....but I use to watch movies when I was just a baby, hell I remember going to see Predator in a drive in threater and still practically a toddler holding a little stereo thinking it was BLASTOR from Transformers......or was it Soundwave......it was one or the other. But I still remember seeing Indiana Jones as a little kid, yes basing my opinions on "cool" and "sucks" cause that's all that mattered at the time.........now it's just....."Hmmmmmm...........didn't get it but it was still good" But my main point is, its a remake.....it's not an update it's a friggin remake....and to say its gonna be based around the book is almost a slap on the face to me.....if you wanna make it close to the book get new actors, someone we don't know so we don't go "OH CRAP! They're gonna use strange futurisitic weapons and hot chicks to kill the aliens!"............cause that's what Tom Cruise is all about......you get a big named star who does ALOT of hero like action flicks......and you get junk.......in every movie I've seen him do except for Eyes Wide Shut which made NO SENSE, he's some sorta big hero holding all the cards waitin for you to call his bluff. Sorry I just can't watch a Tom Cruise movie without saying the family phrase "Sonavabitch....."
What I mean to say is, only the first 20 minutes of the movie, where they're invading Normandy, the start of D Day, that's based on factual events....but than the movie pretty much just spans off to it's own little way. I know Spielbergs history of loving to do WWII movies and he's done them before before he even really became a director, when he was a kid doing mini movies with friends with his fathers camera and such. But once you get past the invasion scene, it just doesn't seem as good as you would have thought during the fight in Normandy....that's my problem. And yes I do know that Jaws and Close Encounters are not related, except when it comes to Dryfess being part of the movies.... But yes, let the whiney fanboy have his moment its the MW way, I backed up AVP, and I sorta sorry I did.....DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS I!!!! WE ARE ALL DOOMED!
0_O Damn, sometimes I wonder why I don't do this stuff......building lil paper mecha.....haha must be because of Ink....
Here's another one, it's making fun of Turn A Gundam......if you get it let me know.......I thought it was pretty funny.....
LOL I liked Jurassic Park cause it had big dinos eating humans than again.......so did Conasaur....*cough* I know it may seem a bit ..........stupid, but one reason I didn't like: Schiendlers list: After like 8 years of learning nothing in history class but WWII and than hearing about it from your own father whose fascinated by it....to where your house has decorations of WWII items, books, posters, etc......you get sick of anything WWII related, to me it's overdone in learning, sure an important event, but myself and ALOT of kids in my school got sick of it.....it sounds wrong, but when you had a teacher who knew nothing BUT WWII based around Spielberg.....yeah Close Encouters: It wasn't a horrible movie, but the problem is I'm not a Dryfess fan, I never have been, which might be why I didn't like Jaws all that much...sure giant shark eating humans cool.....but the characters kind of suck, only cool guy was the shark hunter who got killed off. But still, special effects were cool, yet, I just couldn't stay awake.... Private Ryan: Like I mentioned I'm sick of WWII material.....I've been forced to watch SO many WWII flicks that have been SO poorly done in my opinion. My dad even knocked that Private Ryan was one big joke after the Normandy scene....like I said first 20 minutes great, after that, you just turn it off. Even in History we watched it, but only till the Normandy scene was finished cause after that it gets far fetched. Raiders of the Lost Ark: I myself yeah, I like Jones movies, espically this one, it wasn't bad, but I'm not intellegent enough to understand 1/4th of Indiana Jones when he is searching for something, I mean for god sakes I was a little kid, the only thing I thought was cool was the people melting to bare bones, yep yep. But I got all 3 movies, like 'em alot....but once again.........World War II material....Nazis versus an american Archeologist..........hmmmmmmm Jurassic Park: Yeah a bit cheesey around the edges, but it made a way towards what CGI is pretty much at what it is today. Not too mention I didn't mind JP2, it was the third one I hated with a passion. Now than about remakes, this counts as a remake in very simple terms in my opinion. Once a movie no matter how old it is, has been released, and than someone goes and does the movie again in their terms or closer to the original way, its a remake. The Time Machine is a perfect example, it was already done around the same time as WOTW's was made, the movie was much better than the remake we see today....but when the new release came in, it was a remake, than again it didn't follow either the old 50's movie, NOR the book at all.....I don't know if the 50's movie followed either, I can't recall since I've seen both movies and read the book. Pretty much making another version of a movie already done, is a remake....that's my point of view.....WOTW's was done, maybe not to the book standards, but it was done. Now that Spielberg is doing it supposively "close to the book" its classified as a remake. Its even quoted as being an updated version, it's just a more polite term of saying "remake" no matter how you toss it around I think. No matter how you slice the cheese, to me, this movie is a remake, and it's probably gonna be WAY over done in effects....not too mention I can't see tom cruise being just "someone who is observing the end of the world" he's gonna have some big role, like a scientist or a military officer, SOMETHING....he's always got some flashy character, Days of Thunder, Top Gun, Far and Away, Last Samurai, MIMP, Minority Report, SOMETHING, I just can't buy that this will be closer to the book, not with Cruise in it.
Got it on Preorder from Gamestop yesterday, price doesn't bug me one bit, I paid regular price I think which was 60 dollars, 70 or something for the "limited edition" they had for the first game, and I didn't think it was a waste at all.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm is it just me or is Strikes Torso a lighter colored Blue than the rest?
how come when someone mentions a cross over or a remake, everyone tends to agree its gonna suck, yet when when it comes to Spielberg and TOM CRUISE! Doing War of the Worlds a REALLY good book and I thought a good movie........now everyone doesn't show any doubt? I personally enjoyed the movie, the guy wasn't a hero, he was like just some guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.....just an ordinary scientiest if I remember....who was lookin for a girl towards the end and than witnessed the aliens demise......and I think a Virus would still be perfect, just the common cold. Now if they go and do it in the 19 century, than fine, yeah I'm up for that, it should be as closely based to the book as possible, but when has really ANYTHING been close to the book? Espically by Spielberg.... Schindlers List.........didn't like........Private Ryan........first 20 minutes, fine, the rest of the movie, blew.........Close Encouters..........I fell asleep after an hour................Raiders of the Lost Ark, haven't even watched it since I was 10............Minority Report I hated it........just about anything with Cruise after the very early 90's, I dislike.......
Just thought you guys should know, TDK and HG are bumpin the RT: Invasion release to October 6th instead of the last week of October......that's a good thing right?
My god.....MY GOD! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHY GOD DEAR FREAKING A LORD WHY! WHY MUST SPIELBERG RUIN EVERYTHING!!!! God dammit he hasn't made a good movie since Jurassic Park! The 1953 film was just fine FINE! EVEN IN COLOR DISPITE YOU COULD THAN SEE THE WIRES ON THE UFOS! AND THE TV SERIES! AAAAAHHHH ADRIAN PAUL!!!!!!!! God just LEAVE classics alone.........leave it.......leave it.......LEAVE IT!!!!!!!! .........................anyone else agree?
Paging Paul Andersen, Paging Paul Andersen, your next bad script has fallen right on your lap!
Just finished the script and audio, casted a few people already, god I hope I hope I HOPE! I can finish it this weekend.
You can tell pretty easily by the price by the Non Graded and the HG, not too mention the box types. For example in the picture, any 1/144 regular HG kit is done in a landscape style box with pretty good art on the cover, not too mention it's got the seal approval for being HG versus the other....
Ridely Scott has also gone on record saying he'd LIKE to work on an Alien 5 and even have Ripley return for the last time, and talks to Weever about it over the phone from time to time thinking it'd also be nice, but like he would say, "It's just talk, will it happen? More than likely not"
dude my bellybutton is different from everyone elses ¬_¬ yet that's more entertaining than this movie really was.