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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. a 1/60 sky grasper.....wow with an aile pack possibly, and amazing detail, 145 bucks doesn't sound right....theres gotta be a catch.
  2. They no longer hold the rights to MZ23, and they only had part 1 cause of Robotech the movie. I asked them about it a long time ago and they said they had lost the rights and weren't planning to get them back really....I'll email them about this later see what they deal is. Since ADV is an affiliate with HG, its possible they could uptain the rights if they really felt it nessessary, but I'll say no.... The other figures in the picture are the Flaggan (I think is the name) which is the hover craft just infront of the Garland, behind it in robot form is the Hargun which is a cannon fodder variation of the Garland, in Part 2 the Harguns pretty much went thru a big overhaul in appearance... The ones up top and below the Garland are the cannon fodder jet planes used to combat the Delzag in parts 1 and 2, you never really ever see them unless theres a battle in space. A nifty trick is that the Hargun and the Flaggan can connect with eachother to be like a special unit carrier. And than it can just release the Hargun and walah! But no, the fighters do not transform sadly, only Garlands and Harguns are the only ones I've seen be able to transform. Hell after part 1, you ONLY see the Garland transform, there's only like 1 scene I think when Shogo and his gang are being chased by Harguns that you ever see those transform.
  3. Here's the line art of the Garland from Part 1 to Part III, from what I'm seeing on the toy, this will be more close to the variation of Part 1 compared to Part 2 which had a very funky yet amazingly detailed styled. I wonder if they'll make an E=X Garland that'd be intersting to see moving hydrolic pistons on the legs! While the story wasn't great, I did like the Mecha.
  4. So basically their going with the Part 2 color scheme? Since Part 1 was a redish/orange and white.
  5. *chucks a miriya plushie into the air* GO FETCH!
  6. oh that's a must have, it needs a lil shogo too! damn thing better transform to G-form or I'mah be mad it also needs to be a Hargun when ever they get the chance for that! Wonder if they'd make a Original Garland? Or maybe even E=X Garland? Those weren't bad looking.
  7. Don't forget Your Under Arrest!
  8. Oh dear lord lookie at this.........makes me wanna do the Alpha 5 Ai Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai. http://images.cosplay.com/photo.php?photo=14378&u=35-544
  9. *GASP* The Zeta!
  10. the bad ass hero rarely ever dies unless you actually SEE HIM die....wait......Strike went boom......uuuuhhhhhhhhh okay okay I got it! Like he always says! "I make the impossible, possible!" so HAHA! Beat that yeah!....... .........haha........heh...... Okay two possibilities really.........either he's a clone of Mwu...or it is Mwu.....Takehito has a very unique voice to him, I can name ALOT of anime he's been in and I don't think he can disguise his voice too well compared to other VA's in Japan....so my guess is, clone or original of Mwu, if he's a clone, now wouldn't THAT be somehow an interesting twist if he came in contact with Murue? I mean Crueste and Mwu had a connection between eachother, would you think Neo could have a connection with Mwu and know about his feelings for Murue? Hmmmmmmmmmm now that sounds interesting I think. Kenichi should be good at playing Shin Asuka, since the character is suppose to have a rather dark attitude from his family being killed, and will more than likely try to act mature about things until he goes Beserk or something, that should be good.... but Shuuichi, now they're bringing in the big guns....I'd LOVE to see him just kick ass with the role, I hope this guy actually turns out to be like how Char was, cool, collective yet a bit phsycotic...I really hope this character makes a dynamic twist into the story. Hmmmmmmm........that's my 2 cents, if they got a rather impressive crew on them, this could turn out nice
  11. I will say it again in my best Exadore, "ooooohhh......THE ZETA!"
  12. creative hehe
  13. LMAO oh dear fin lord! >< god I haven't watched anythign Red Versus Blue since their 4th of July PSA which was great.
  14. Wonder why JHobby still has it listed under pre-order, it's been out for several months......who woulda thought....ugh...
  15. I think I might have heard of them, but I can't recall ever shopping with them or the general response...but it does look a bit pricey. I suggest like jhobby.net they'll have what your looking for, and I think at a fairly decent price. Another place is gundamshop.com, they're just a bit cheaper and they got a flat rate shipping of 5 dollars and it goes priority so you'll get it generally within 3 days. But they're pretty horrible on confirmation that your order was sent....sometimes you'll get the confirmation and when ya do your package is already here...or they'll completely forget about you and you'll wait like a week....just remember to keep your order number *whistles*
  16. It's really apples and oranges, you either like it or you don't....I liked all 3 parts, but I also had my issues. Honestly its really just that part 1 and 2 were more thought out than 3...it seemed really rushed.
  17. watched it again in japanese this time....the english VA DOES sing in japanese, surprise surprise how often do we see that? and she didn't do a bad job at it either....she could atleast sing. I almost found the english adaption to be better too....don't ask me why but it almost did. But the story did make just a bit more sense to me in japanese than the english. Not too mention you don't have those weird lil phrases like "Snarfit" and what not.....why do t hey do that don't make up words!!!!!!! GAAAH! But like I said, I really do wish I knew what the hell just happened to Yui and the Trash Pickers....if Shogo caved into the system, something had to of happened to them all, either they died cause Shogo had them all killed, or something. Not too mention why after so long would he just want to whipe out humanity after being the one to save it? He respects human life than he goes saying he wants to destroy it...but that was the systems curroption now wouldn't it? Second of all, in the previous installments the system is never really once mentioned....except that everything was being controled by Bahamut...so I guess that would classify as the system.... anyways, I'm off, gotta do my job!
  18. Crusete! Its him I know it! he infiltrates the alliance and crap! AAAH! >< dear god!!!! The Zeta!!!!
  19. Doesn't hurt me one bit...if get the strike system packs and an extra model good for me, I'll display Aile and Sword, those were my favorites, I hated launcher it was an ugly set up.
  20. He was basically the main bad guy, he was ranked as the next generation decepticon....he was really bad ass and he REALLY beat the snot outta prime in the final issue of Generation 2. It's basically a 12 issue mini series which is really dark and horrible....done by the original guys who did the old comics in the 80's if I remember right. Great comic series I think, really deep and well plotted....I suggest to find it and read it!
  21. LMAO I gotta see thsi when I get home!
  22. Hikuro

    Minmay statue

    So someone tell me this.......was it REALLY the singing that caused the Zentradie to freak out? Or was it really the nearly invisible thong and highly hiked up skirt? I like it, I think its pretty well sculpted.....but I so hate it when these things gotta look a LITTLE bit sexual.
  23. Might wanna put this on the newbie form instead, but I tend to think the oppisite. The VF-0 is larger than the VF-1, generally the smaller of the fighter will be the more capable of moving around at higher speeds. Second, the VF-0 uses regular fueled exhaust engine which just sucks out gas as fast as a Hummer. While the VF-1 uses a thermo nuclear turbine engine which will last longer and is designed for space combat at its best. Transformation speed in reality really wouldn't be seconds that's almost impossible in real terms for now if anything could transform. But a good reason for fast transformation is animation mistakes aren't apparent. But if you really wanna get technical, I'd say because the VF-1 uses nuclear power, it can generate a faster transformation. If you really wanna get technical, the VF-1 is far more superior....
  24. thru every episode of Gundam he cried, and cried, and CRIED!!!!! Same with Kira and Athrun 0_o but Athrun cried cause he was overly mad and stressed out, THAN pulls the trigger Kira just cried cause he was a pussy.......Amuro cried cause everyone he cared about was dying left and right and he was in my opinion still just as overly emotional as Kira....wow how much they are so similar! But no, can't pass off a perfect grade Strike, what I'm curious about is if it'll have anything else besides the mobile suit itself. Now if they made all the equipment for it, you can count of the price going WAY up, maybe the most expensive PG around....but if they were smart they'd atleast offer up Aile pack. And if they were REALLY smart they'd get off their asses and start Freedom or Justice or Aegis! Hell I wanna know where my Master Grade Ginn is!
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