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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Well I think he also threw a bone to us old school fans who kept bitching about Megaroad 1 since we learned of it's disappearance shortly after finding Eden in the Macross lure. If nothing comes from that in next weeks episode I think we all need to look up in the sky, think of kawamori and give him the finger.
  2. I'll just wait for the Dutch synthetic to become a thing before I even consider buying these.
  3. Was waiting for the concaine to show up in that trailer.
  4. Super disappointing as it's only a 10 minute special. Was hoping for a new series : /
  5. something I noticed I'd have to double check but I think the back of the case stated that the film was presented in widescreen but it's traditional letterbox 4:3. After watching the restoration video I have some new found respect for doing what they did with changing the color palette back and keeping things darker in contrast, but I don't really like it all that much. I think I much prefer the tones and contrast of the DVD so it's a little brighter. The extras, yeah I'm a little disappointed myself, I mean 30th anniversary come on, you could get Peter Cullen, Frank Welker etc etc to talk a bit or something. Maybe we'll get something cool 20 more years from now, I don't know.
  6. I don't disagree seeing the toy gun laws around the world and the have to modification for it to come to the US. This is one of those figures that'll probably well sought for because hasbro won't release it even as an exclusive.
  7. I do feel like they really have a good design team the last few years on MPs. I actually just got my TRU exclusive star scream and I am rather disappointed. His fuselage won't slide down to finish the chest like its to tight. And there are horrific nub and stressed areas all over the parts. Sadly can't return him or anything cause I got him from a convention over the weekend.
  8. other than not pixelated subtitles I don't see what else could be improved between the DVD and Blu Ray releases. It's not like any of the Gundam shows we've received by right stuf are amazingly remastered.
  9. never really understood why commercials need to play on a streaming service you're paying for....it's one of two big reasons so many people cancel their cable and dish providers....1) We're sick of commercials, 2) We don't like paying for something and getting commercials. We buy enough crap as it is.
  10. fantastic! I just picked up my first hasegawa kit. Just a nice simple VF-1A Hikaru type. Very nervous......
  11. LMAO! That's gonna be some long ass wait time. Sigh......wish I could afford one these days....but nope.
  12. Both were crap. infact...........all of Aquarion is crap. I've been scratching my head on things Kawamori has done since Macross Zero. Why he's gone to this format of story telling is beyond me. I don't even know if it began with Macross Zero since I've seen very little of his stuff inbetween these points. I mean he nailed it out of the park with Plus. So I'm gonna say somewhere between Plus and Zero he lost his way.
  13. They could and have had Hikaru appear in numerous video game voice overs since Frontier became mainstream in the PSP and the last appearance I even know of was Macross 30 of which Mari was also apart of reprising her role as Minmay. I for one will be glad when this series ends...I didn't get bit with the Delta bug like I did with Frontier or any of the other Macross incarnations to date. This imo has been one of Kawamori's worse projects next to Aquarion Evol. What's going on in this guys mind these last 15 years?
  14. since we're talking about some combiners, I got my Takara Computron set.....and I must say that for retooled they're far superior and more authentic to the hasbro variation.....they should really be ashamed of themselves for putting that out.
  15. nothing to show right now but frustration lol. I tried using liquid mask for the canopy and it ended in failure, complete and utter failure. But I also couldn't get the right paints I wanted so I'm on hold until they show up.....bummer.
  16. I can just barely see it if I squint really hard.
  17. Sitting in the post office for pickup are my Keith and arad kits. Which btw, what's arad's canopy color? Is it red, yellow or orange? I see multiples of it based on different promos.
  18. Maybe the container box it's shipped in is of that size but judging that Neca even commented roughly 15 pounds shows a contradiction that needs to be addressed by BBTS. There's no way in hell something of that size is of that weight unless it was entirely done of solid laser cut metal.
  19. There's a local modeling competition in less than 3 weeks. Suddenly felt the need to enter into the scifi portion of the competition. Last year a friend of mine entered with a very basic HG gunpla kit he did in candy colors. I think I can top that! My idea is to use this wave 1/100 VF-1A I got from a convention a couple years ago and turn it into some kind of a low-viz scheme with some kind of a Macross First twist like Hikaru's VF-1J, not so crazy though. But I also thought I saw someone did a custom job on their take of the brownie but I can't find it anywhere. I'd like too if possible try to even replicate that. I may even go as far as to customize my own decals since I'm a bit of a graphic designer and we got excellent printers so long as I'm not doing white. Any suggestions you guys got to help make this kit stand out would be appreciative as I'd like to take home my first trophy. Couple things I'm curious over are seamline removal since there's 4 locations I'd like to fix in the nosecone and fuselage and than the underbelly at the knees up to the thighs. Also how to properly paint the canopy if there are good easy to follow tutorials. Some of the ones I found on youtube seem to have some really bad dislikes for some reason.
  20. atleast they would of been to shape and not squared or rectangular. Fascinates me that they contour cut most of their stickers to fit but they can't do similar or atleast decrease the bleed amount even lower to make them less conspicuous. I did note a few things to myself on improvement towards me like inner details under the wing assembly and the crotch and knees. I don't understand why Bandai gives you stickers for some of the inner detailings but they can't give you everything for the others. But the thing is still so sticker ridden I guess it doesn't matter. I mean I'd have to paint them. And speaking of paint, I can't translate the paint codes but I'm rather curious, anyone know what works best for the vulcan gunpods on the forearms? My Medium blue was close but it wasn't metallic at all. Looks almost like you need some sort of a blue metal shine to make it work right. In the end, I DID order Arad and Keiths kits from HLJ this morning. That'll keep me busy.
  21. I was just thinking earlier, it's been since the original run of the VF-4 came out that I had last bought a Yamato/Arcadia item......I remember way way back in 2005 when I got my first 1/48 VF-1 and I was so excited cause the size was just awesome and the detail was so nice back then. I think I kept buying them whenever I could but back then I think the 1/48's were like 150 bucks. Now what? We can't even get a 1/60 for less than 200? Kind of a bummer....I still got at least Hikaru's VF-1J, Max and Kakizaki TV variants. I believe even Hikaru's VF-1A. Rest went away and I remember their shoulder hinges disintegrating. I rather miss these things but god they're just so out of my price range it's not even funny.
  22. Well certainly not a small undertaking I"m sure. I'm always nervous when I mask stuff but I chose to keep the painting details to a bare minimum. I actually painted the rims of the canopy though I can't say I was very happy with my result, though it did turn out decent. Also painted the insides of that laser beam thingy on the weapons container, the bits of the head turret and of course the pilot figure. All in all I was fairly happy with the results but really when you break it down the damn thing is just to sticker ridden. But when I think about it, I should of used the water slides for the markings, that was dumb of me not to think of that either.
  23. think that's a much better recast than what I got 6 years ago.
  24. something kind of bugs me with the stickers......I can kind of understand why there are so many with the option to totally customize your color schemes or paint your details rather than applying these colored markings. But WHY dear god WHY would they not put on the markings with their stickers? I mean here you go you're gonna put on those big ass blue ones for the front of the wings, or the long white ones to the body but then you find out you need to put on some additional markings on top of those! It just feels so wrong to have a sticker on top of another sticker which that now said sticker LOOKS like a sticker.
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