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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Just an update but AnimeKingdom I believe is their name, has released a better video quality and better subbed version, you can find it at Animesuki.
  2. *shrug* don't recall ever seeing that with brakes of any sorts.....atleast nothing here at Nissan....hmmmmm.......I'll ask around when I get to work for some opinions we got a few ppl who mod their cars.
  3. Hah I'm a bad boy I just spent lil over 100 bucks and ordered also the 1/100 MG Sazabi kit from the hobby store.....oh boy....well atleast I complete my Chars Counter Attack Master Grade set.....I feel so proud.
  4. it looks better in the manga, mmmmmmmm Fllay in a G String.
  5. How come the overly good looking girlish hair styled over sensitive types always get the chicks? It's not fair....
  6. OMG! Idea 0_o ding! I can just order it thru HobbyTownUSA, they'll order model kits MUWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!...............................................hmmm....heh I'll try tonight.
  7. Since I can watch what's going on in my terminal, it gets kind of dull and boring just waiting checking every 15 minutes "Processing........" 15 mintues later "Processing......." I have a big fear on my card cause the numbers are getting scratched off the back end....so half the time i don't get the secret numbers right But since I got a savings account for various things *cough* PG Strike *cough* I'm sure I can ditch 100 bucks for a sweet ass METEOR unit to be awed by many.
  8. should see who builds the better METEOR kit....I think you get parts for both Justice and or Freedom Gundam don't you? Hmmmmmmmm nope apparently not, bummer there. lol should have a size comparison between METEOR unit and the GP-03's full armor variant 0_o but than again, I think UC MS's were bigger....while Seed MS's range to like V Gundam/Wing sizes...... But on the Meteor unit I'm gonna have to do money order I shuld have it shipped with my RGZ if I can do it in time.....*looks at the time* crap....gonna have to do it tomorrow during my lunch break can't today >< AHHH!!
  9. You know, this reeks of conspiracy already we don't need to keep adding to it. Not too mention I think that Gilbert is leading everyone on....he's so bad guy-ish it's OOZING from his pours I see it too often.
  10. Hold still I see this bug right on your head *SMACK!* got it! damn thing was making you smarter!
  11. Jhobby has changed to a new website can't remember what the address was and I've been on processing all yesterday.
  12. Yeah that's Justice no doubt.... I was just thinking about it....looking at the line art of the new main characters for Astray X wasn't it? The guy with the goggles has a resemblance to Shogo Yahagi from Mega Zone 23 don't you think?
  13. *looks around..........*.........SEIG! ZEON!..........*walks off huming the Char theme*
  14. Here's an updated version, Steam is pretty much becoming constent..it wont end after the last weeks eruption which was measured to be t hat same from 1980. Magma is now only half a mile below the dome but they say we should only expect ash to fall atleast in a 10 mile radius.....last week they said 5....which is it? Do they honestly know? Cause they keep saying this is becoming unpredictable so they can't do much of anything in explaining....
  15. You know, that's something I'd like to get is a METEOR unit......I wish I could find one that'd be so cool to get.
  16. It's about a guy whose got a family with ESP abilities and he meets these two girls who are best friends, one of them is always hanging out with him calling him darling while the other does like him she tends to get a bit pissed off when he does something "wrong"......aaaaaannnnnnd that would be one of them. Its got its comedy, but its mostly a romance anime.
  17. I'm willing to try a fandub, but the big problem with that is the fact Ignite and Reason singles wont even be out for a month.....while I'm pretty sure I can easily make Ignite work....Reason or infact ALL Gundam SEED ending songs merge into the animation just before ending.....thus its really difficult to perform a dub...
  18. I'll download it and make notes off of the data we got here, and I'll see if I can come up with something better, sound good?
  19. Ah yes Uke fansubs, I heard that they fansubbed it just lastnight so I imagine after just a few simple days it's pretty rough. But if you can get the basic information of what's going on who cares. I'll download it tonight, and if its good enough I'll use it for a script on the fandub project.... HOWEVER SADLY! I don't have any of the original music for the series.........so till I can get a OST.....it'll just have to be regular ol SEED music but I can handle that!
  20. Could you tell us what was wrong with it? Mispelled names? Poor gramar? or did it just range in the "Inglish" HK Bootleg behavior?
  21. All ye lil theives take notes, this is how you steal a piece of fine machinary. Wait till someone gets out, knock them out GET IN AND GO! ......wait wait don't forget to blow something up afterwards too.....for a distraction.
  22. Hikuro

    Yamato SDF-1

    LMAO!!!! I'd be in the car pool lane with that! And if some granny got in my way.......MACROSSU CANNON HASHIIN STANDBY! UUUTTTTAAAA!!!! *roast granny while playing country music* AAAAAHHHHH DE CULTURE!!! ................
  23. lmao >< I couldn't help it!
  24. .......yeah......don't ask.
  25. Hikuro

    Yamato SDF-1

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