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Everything posted by Hikuro
"I got called an idiot cause I gave a guy who got shot in the head CPR" "No no that's not stupid I would have done the same thing. One of the blue guys got shot in the foot and I just rubbed lotion on his neck and he felt all better" god I love RedVSBlue.
I think I use to have some Morning Mazume...or wha ever that group was called.....dammit it was 4 years ago ><
You got a job right? guessing it pays good money if your able too spend your money on PG's...oh wait! You got a wife sugar mama huh? Wish I had one but I got a sugar daddy....*licks his sugar daddy*.....wait that sounded wrong........crap.........
It wasn't so much I wasn't entertained, its just....it wasn't something I'd really wanna go and see cause it's a gladiator film and those are heavily popular as we all know it being an Oscar award winning film right? Was it not what I wanted....I can't really say that....I mean....its sorta cool seeing the hero die, its tragic and heroic for him to die killing the boss or main bad guy....
Oh I saw Gladiator, but it didn't leave an impression on me at all, infact I think I kept falling asleep with it....PLUS our good ol maximus is pissin me off alot too with all drunkin bar fights....I refuse to even remember his name as you can tell Hannible....eh....I read the book so I knew the movie wasn't going to compare too well....even though my folks said it was pretty good...but nah....cause they never showed Clarise as a total Nympho at the end.......wait was that her.....god its been a while. Black H awk Down...nope.....passed.....saw bits and pieces but it didn't interest me, I'm picky as hell on war movies. Mathstick Men...seen bits and pieces.....but I'm not a huge Cage fan....the only movies I liked him in was Face Off and Gone in 60 Seconds, also Face Off was one of the few John Travolta movies I liked as well besides Phenomena and maybe 2 or 3 others...can't recall them I'm too tired. But back to the point, just get an Alien with tenticles and a hot heorine and I garuntee I'll see the movie
that was probably the most graphic piece of the whole series watching everyone emplode into bacon bit particles...all it meant was even further escalation of the war and pissing off the Coordinators even more....sigh....angst.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Bacon Bit Fllay......to bad that didn't happen!
No...that movie sucked cause not only did it have him, but the hit and run actress who praised herself on being one of the few black women to win a best actress award....get off it....being black is nothing special your just a person I hate that. When a person gets an award and they start talkin about their religion or their race be it Latino, Black, Asian, White, what ever, I get pissed and never watch a movie they take part in ever again....Hell I can't even watch Die Another Day cause it has Hallie Barry in it I wish they could honestly get Ridely Scott or James Cameron in this, my god that'd be fantastic and you KNOW they'd get the best in creature effects from Stan Winston...even though Terminator 3 wasn't needed, Stan Winston did fantastic yet again on the Terminator effects like the TX and the 1/1 scale T-800 Arnold lookalike. But, I haven't seen a film from Ridely Scott in ages, and Cameron I think is just sticking to Documentry or touchy feely films like Titanic........gah....here's a touchy feely get a hot heroine chick and the aliens with tenticles! YEAH!
I personally can't speak much for MGS of any sorts other than the one that was on the PS1...man I love that ending >< "Look snake, squirals!" "...........yeah" shoudlah shot her.... ....atleast she can die if you don't hurry when she got snipped. I played just a BIT of MGS2, but sadly nothing much but I really should rent it or buy it or something for my MGS collection....its just I had a hard time coming to terms with him having a mullet.....in the words of Largo from Megatokyo "There are no more Heroes".
Wait wait, they had two cyclops systems? One in Alaska and the other on the Moon?
Odd I never had any problems with the game, I use a quick swap CD exchange system instead of using a chip or connector plug on the I/O port which doesn't exist anymore unless you got a fairly old PS1.
his answer "Everything! Cause its Robotech!" Personally could careless about GrandtheftAuto Super Duper Latino mix ....I was satasfied with GTA3 and don't wanna bother with the rest....they are copycats!!!!! COPYCATS!!!!!!!!!..............so is Driv3r too Also can't say crap about Halo 2 since it ain't out yet But something I didn't like about Snake Eater is the fact that it's based in 1963....the cold war man.....not interested.
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice legs
The ending theme to AC4 wasn't bad, but when ever I don't like the track to a game, I turn the music off and play my own poo
Anything with John Travolta takes a turn for the worst.....I'm surprised the bastard didn't dance in that movie or sing.
0_o I use to have a friend who made any type of sword or weapon, and one morning stayin over at his place alot of us were watching him taking his katana and screaming out "HITEN MITSURUGI RYU! SLICE DAH BREAD YO!" ............he missed.......many stitches.....bread tasted good though.
Wow this is almost as good as smoking crack .............................not that I would know........
Haven't had a problem getting them on the promised day at all. Unless it was Invasion.....had to get the stupid thing in PS2 format....gah! Anyone catch the signment in XPlay with the guy who brought in his racing SIM that cost him 30 grand to build? Now imagine one of those for Ace Combat 0_o oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I feel all warm and fuzzy already.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I voted for Macross 7! *smacks his ass*
hmmmmm......I just got bootleg with decent subs, could be worse, could you watching Yugioh OAV bootleg with all the "Dear Monsters" this and "dearing" that.
I personally had no problems with the 4th story, was fine in my opinion. But now we got exactly 1 week till the release and I can already just picture going Max Jenius style on this game 0_o.
Wait wait, are we talking about DYRL for the ps1.....cause that's a side scroller....now if your talkin about VFX....than ya just slowly follow the ship around, you can do that in Gerwalk mode without going to fast.....
I know i've done this before.....and it was mentioned in the old boards.....I managed to do this to Macross Plus for my Playstation by taking the Rom and burning it to CD so it's playable (well all but the music.....) so my question is how do I do that again? I can't remember if the game has to have certain files, and if I burn it like a VCD or something?
0_o I'm so out of room that I got no clue where Sazabi is gonna go, I'm even now using the TV area for display! GAH! And true, ZZ got better right around the time they land on earth in my opinion...that's when things got a bit more interesting. It wasn't so much good army versus bad army either.....if you looked at it, Haman even seemed a bit like a hero....plus the whole second half of the series began to change for the makings of Chars Counter Attack. In the final few episodes Bright is talkingn to Sayla about the where-abouts of Char aka Quatro Bajina Aka Casval Daikun and wha do we see just a few years after the end of ZZ? Time to freeze earth! The ONLY thing I didn't like was the final scene where everyone gives th eir goodbyes....I would hav eliked to of seen Camille just a bit more.
From what I know they don't do so well in the US for the UC timeline stuff....
that's not gonna fit on my shelf at all! oh damn!