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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. FINISHED!!!!! I finished the freaking design ><!!!! Thought its only colored, I think I'll make some minor physical changes to it... I thought "Hey wow it'd be cool to drill some vent holes in the armor!" stuff like that...can't make any extra plastic molding or else I'd make some like Demon wings or something and do it OVA styled for the Wing Zero Angel version But STILL it came out rather nicely! I need several colors, and I already cleaned most of the parts off....I think tonight I'll start up on the armor or the endo skeleton....but I wanna work on it SLOWLY so it comes out right.
  2. I got it for my PS2 now......the PC version wont work any longer.....hasn't for a year......but my free month expired BLAH!
  3. Hikuro

    Dropping a deuce

    I got the funny papers, Bobe's got the back of a toy box
  4. From my experince a Low Viz color would be Tamiya's Haze Grey which would be so hella close.
  5. oh it will, that's just what I got done thus far lol just to give me an idea of what it would wanna be.....I said dusty white, but when I started doing something like that....it just seemed so blah.....really did. SO I'll have to buy some other colors to go with it. So pretty much Haze Grey on white......yellow goes black, Red will stay Red for now, Blue will be a darker grey....and I'll have to find something else that wont class with the greys for the mechanical end......maybe a Gunmetal color or something I'm not sure..... Oh and those stupid lil Red flaps that are on the face plate.....I'm thinking of ditching those, they really do look gay and they're really flimsy....so I'll change that with something else or wha ever.....BLAH! Designing sucks.
  6. Here's a rough Idea of what I'm going for...
  7. Hmmmm suggestions for color for something to make a "Dark" Wing Gundam Ka.....so far the color combo I got is: White = Dusty like white Blue = Hazed Grey Red = Dull Red Yellow = Black EXOSKEL = German Grey The colors are reletivally dark...and I'm trying to work up a scheme which is sorta blah right now. So any suggestions?
  8. Wait wait wait, the EA mobile suits were first developed by Morgenrette which is really stationed in Orb and Heliopolis...the M-1's, the G Weapons and even the Astray's were all developed from Orb.....so really....based off what data the EA could get off from both ZAFT and Orb....weren't the EA really the theives in MS Technology?......
  9. Friends of mine and I use to make alot of fun of The O because it has tiny lil hands below the waist get the drift? I thought it was a rather stupid lil mobile suit. I for some strange reason went ahead and bought ANOTHER Wing Zero Ver. Ka....and going to do a custom job on it.....slowly too. I shall call it Dark Zero muwahahahahaha!!!!
  10. I can oddly see a Zaku running into the battle field now, "LISTEN TO MY SONG!"
  11. For some odd reason, I need pictures of Ms. Inez and Dr. Chiba from Nadesico and M7 and lots of screen caps of various episodes of Macross 7 to give a indepth explination of Basara.....someone wanna tell me why I wanna do that? It seems so wrong.....
  12. Well if you think about it, America didn't produce the G Savior movie that was pure Canada with a few simple areas to show of that, almost all actors were canadian based, I believe most of the shots were done in areas of Canada, and now lets talk about costumes.......Star Ship troopers? Lets face it, only cool the FIRST TIME, after that we had Power Rangers Lost Galaxy and G Savior with the SAME FLIPPING UNIFORMS! And I even think guns... The CGI was 3rd rate beginners college students I bet who thought they made a pretty penny. Not too mention the horrid mobile suit designs I don't think were even drawn by an experinced Japanese Mecha artist....than again I can't remember. Lets see.......Bandai orientated filming industry...nah can't be SquareEnix.....Dream Works? Not much I can think of...... But I'd like to see a green light and know that a cast and script is together before I go "WOHOO! Gundam movie!!!"
  13. Looks whicked, nice "Test body" feel to it with the saftey orange and dull grey/white....and nice mods too with the boosters which makes it look more like a test body of Freedom. But sadly I wish he didn't butcher the cannons to there only being one left
  14. God bless the 5th floor
  15. Okay.......the biggest problem I can see is that your pages are to small to be easily read....you need to up the scale atleast X2 for people to actually wanna be able to clearly understand what they're reading.....atleast that's my opinion....
  16. You know, I'd kind of have to admit to that....if you really pay attention to what Basara is trying to do....he's not so annoying.....but he does seem to be some what of a tool and I find Ray to be at fault for that.
  17. *his best arnold voice* Dah Sperminator!
  18. My mom just has a real big crush on Tarence Knox's......she's got alot of movies that got him in it, ESPICALLY those that were aired of the Life Time channel.....I told her I was thinking on getting her Tour of Duty on DVD till I heard about the edits and she said, "Why? I got all 3 seasons on Tape...." But that's not the point!!!! ><
  19. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish this emote had tears with the laughter.
  20. I can't recall but I believe she does. Voices do diffenetly change when ya get older, I use to be part of a elite choir in highschool, Tenor 1 range down to a low Bass, now its hard to hit alot of notes I use to be able to do with no stress to my voice. I use to be able too do alot of the same notes that good ol' Basara could do, specifically the Yell and the high pitched wowwow from Angel Voice.....now I can't without cracking my voice but than again I haven't performed in 2 almost 3 years. God bless her
  21. Oh god I agree, the original MG RX-78-2 was HORRIBLE, the arms will fall off after just a bit of playing, the shield is poorly handled, and it really has ZERO possability...and took me 30 minutes to build...it really did! I also noticed a problem with my Sazabi, it seems moving the right arm a bit will cause it to pop out of its ball cup on the interior of the chest.
  22. That's interesting actually, spend the lots for nothing cash get a new strike and put in the conversion kits and walah! Sadly I gott pass on this one for a while its so hard not having a computer I found out I developed the "Phantsom PC" syndrom.....where at times I catch myself playing with my optical mouse, or sitting at the desk goign "Hmmmm......doh!"
  23. Now k'mon, they're being "Modern" now I think the change is just fine, I got no complaints, but it does ruin something of a stereo type.
  24. It'd be nice, go back to Walmart throw them the DVD, "What the hell?! Your wonderfully low low prices have gone and raped my child hood yet again!" : / I was kind of looking forward on getting the ToD set for my mom at Xmas, now I'm not so sure.
  25. 0_o wait wait I remember that one too......Ewokes...Droids.....Land of the Lost.....oh no......the Land in the Lost theme is stuck in my head......earlier it was the Ewokes theme....now this....WICKET ><!!!!!
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