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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. To bad I've never done Resin kits or anything, I would probably try and get one of those G-Systems kits. I finished my model kit Sunday, I have some spots I need to touch up cause paint cracked after a lil handling....it didn't dry as nicely as I hoped cause of the 30 degree weather in oregon , makes the paint dry a whole lot slower.....3 days with white....it was the last stuff I had to put in. I took a few pictures of the exoskeleton and that was mighty nice. I didn't build those weird pieces on the side of the head, I thought it looked just fine without them. Came out rather nicely.
  2. I checked my bank records lastnight before leaving work, and my 148 dollars has been approved so I've been paid in full for Zeta box set and incredibly fast shipping
  3. You know, I asked TAM about this today, It's like Halo 2, November 9th is the official date, and if you remember there were stickers saying "DO NOT SELL TILL 11/9/04" So chances are, between I'm guessing....between the 9th and 14th, just about anywhere that's going to carry the box set will recieve it. When F91 came out, Tam got it nearly a week before it's street release date...so technically I got my copy long before anyone else who went to bestbuys or what not.
  4. The CPU pilots of Clamity, Forbidden and Raider guzzeled their meds, not in the pill form. I also can't see Rau being a artifical coordinator considering in those days you can create a clone of yourself in a coordinator fashion which I believe is what Mwu's father wanted, something more superior to be an heir. Now the pills....it could be related to the fact he might be an imperfect clone....I think the mask was wore as a cover of his imperfect face perhaps....or it could be a phsycological thing....I'm not sure.......
  5. I'm personally against the Zeta movies....a mixture of the original film cels and than you got newly animated scenes and those wont meld well at all with the original art.....which sucks in my opinion...
  6. Hikuro

    Dropping a deuce

    Well, could always ask what the McRib is made of .....but I'll spare you from that this time. If they found out, 1 of 2 things could happen.... 1) They'd gross out....... 2) They'd gross out THAN ask for lessons on that.
  7. Aw damn I KNEW it, I just KNEW I forgot something! Not only 8th MS Team based just a few months before the end of the OYW, but also Millers Report which isn't really much of anything but takes place after Shiro is rescued and than suspected of being a Zeon spy or defector. I also think there's a 0083 Stardust Memory movie....but can't remember. Personally on the 0079 stuff, just get the movie triology....its uncut and japanese only....but I don't think its been remastered.
  8. Okay the stuff currently out by Bandai in the states. MS Gundam TV SERIES MS Gundam Triology Movies (3 2 hour movies from the TV Series) MS Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket (6 episodes based on the final week of OYW) MS Gundam 0083 StarDust Memories (13 episodes creates plot holes for Zeta) MS Zeta Gundam MS Gundam Char's Counter Attack MS Gundam F91 Only two NOT out here in the states which conclude the UC timeline is Double Zeta just between Zeta and Char's Counter Attack. And to Conclude after F91 is Victory Gundam....you could also add G-Savior if you wanna...since that's WAY after V Gundam......but....there's really no point at all. And that pretty much conclud
  9. That's to be expected, the stuff we stock at the dealership is much better and higher detailed, we only carry Nissan stuff though, and my dad, aka my boss freaks out when we get Skyline stuff cause its not AMERICANIZED Nissan product...so we're really only stuck with 350Z stuff, of which I got all of. I really wish in my honest opinion that the movie wasn't from HK, it just doesn't feel right. But the races better be as nicely done as they were in their anime counterparts.
  10. lol I got a fantastic mark down off mine, TMP was almost 75% off MSRP. I don't think though that we'll see a "None limited" individual release or anything....Bandai is really hurtin in my opinion on those old releases.....but really its their fault for that too.....in the early 90's with Power Rangers and the less stricked censorship laws compared to today would have been an amazing canadite for TV like Toonami and such.
  11. Wont make a whole lot of sense unless you atleast watch the Triology Gundam 0079 movies.
  12. Well with the knowledge that Bandai is acting shops that did pre-orders to pay up yesterday is the second to final step to completely finishing this massacare of waiting and test of patients. We have lost so many people :'( they will be sorely missed!..........wait............no one died.....dammit if a few of you died for the cause of Zeta it might have come out faster!!!!! Heh heh...atleast I got my christmas present coming now
  13. The series was mostly designed for kids, espically the first episode where it says, "Name these mobile suits and send your post card marked to Side #---- and win a trip to Jupiter!" than there's a lil disclaimer "Really don't believe that....its a show!" Somewhere just after they leave the desert on Earth is when things begin to get atleast more serious and almost confusing. There almost seems to be plot holes big enough to stick Fat Albert in. The second half starts to lead in where Char's Counter Attack would take place. During the last few episodes Sayla makes an appearance or two with Bright asking the where-abouts of Char and what his plans were going to be, obviously not friendly.
  14. Hikuro

    VF Girls

    .......Yeah.....I couldn't help it......
  15. lol anyone else look at that and realize it hurts your eyes lookin at that flare?
  16. The game released I believe last year....atleast in Japan. Rumors have it that the AUEG/TITAN game will be released in the states, its just not known when....no ones got any information. I don't think anyone even expected Feddie/Zeon was gonna be out but the day I got my PS2 2 years ago I got that game as well going "NO WAY?!" and atleast have 5 or 6 profiles on save mostly Zeon 0_o. But damn that comparison shot of looking up the Psycho Gundam is like
  17. Yeah woops on that lol didn't notice it till I got home on the print out. Oh well uh its still good, got my cheat sheet. I sprayed it lastnight, need to add a second coat of that tonight, and I also need to go to the hobby store and buy Gunmetal and Blue.
  18. Just got the word from TAM at TMP, Pre-order payments are due today for the December 14th release. So it looks like everything is all green and rarin to go!
  19. As far as we all know, What was once an October, pushed to November is now December the 14th unless either A) another flood occurs B) Horrible Winter Storm in California, or C) Big Nuclear Fire occurs. A few of us are betting on C
  20. Okay! Primer is gonna be done tonight! WIIGII!
  21. Here's the blue and darker grey....but now it sorta seems too Freedom like.
  22. Okay here's the Darker grey version....white wings
  23. lol okay I think I got some of this fixed.....is it me or does it seem not so intimidating? I want INTIMIDATING! I want Heero to piss himself knowing something like that would be kickin his ass.
  24. Okay so something like this?
  25. wha if I DO? whatcha gonna do? loose all respect from my model building and shun me from the world in a deep cavern of hell and injustice? BAH! I'm already there! *dances around like an irish man* But seriously, what's wrong with it? I'm not insulting his work by any means, but I wanna try something different....so what would YOU think should be changed? Is there to much red? Should that be a different color? Tell me, I want opinions other than "It looks like Deathscythe" or "That's an insult to the man!"
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