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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Someone wanna tell me why those Wookies look like Gangsters?
  2. You'd think they'd come up with something clever for captial ships like in Nadesico they use the vacuum of space to charge their gravity cannon, with that they can do continious blasts without running out of energy....and coordinators say they're smart.....BAH!
  3. Hey I'd actually like to see more of this Blassty and its kick stand That's sorta whacked out that the cockpit is off centeredon the torso. But in some way that thing reminds me of that Omega Boost game that got like a crap load of hype back in the PS1 days only to really be a big dissapointment to alot of mecha players including myself.
  4. Hmmmmm........mecha.......mac's..........mecha.........mac's.............damn you guys I just don't know what's cooler......wait yes I do.......mecha.
  5. lol Sara's are bigger than Minmays
  6. So we've seen a Mecha with a kickstand and a mecha with a penis for a cockpit.....god I love ZOE
  7. Other than the fact they have long hair, over emotional, and hate war and both sing....I didn't see SQUAT of a real connection....
  8. Wha......? Copyright Infringment....? Is it liscened here in the states?
  9. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... wait....your kidding on that part right...? Personally I thought 5 was a joke....for 1 shin was injured as he was running away and got shot in the shoulder. Then there was his crash landing, weight plus the pull of gravity on uneven terms can be VERY dangerous, I've heard of guys breaking as much from their feet to their hips either breaking them or dislocating them after hard landings...you can't so much as probably get away from something like what Shin faced without limpin. Than at the end where his plane smashed into the ocean....think of yourself being in something thats a few tons, and just do a massive belly flop.....your probably dead on that one, not too mention the pressure would build in the canopy and pop filling with water....I doubt that thing was air tight after such abuse was given.... But also take into consideration that its not normal armor the VF's have....so his chances of survival were decent, but not perfect....I say Shin was killed once he impacted "belly flopped" into the sea. And more than likely Sara was killed by the nukes, I think she was more than aware she wasn't going to survive such an assault....I mean you just got 4 nukes sent at you....
  10. I saw just a bit, quick screen thru this morning, I think if you take the game animation style and you turned it into a series, this is probably 90% accurate to what it would look like on an anime point of view...now for the episode II game, that might be different....but thus far....I think it was nicely done in transending from game to anime. But I haven't watched it yet so I'm making an early assumption.
  11. To be honest I'm a lil dissapointed by it, its like Zeta and an M1 had a bastard child and it got beaten by a stick alot. I'd change the colors that's for sure.
  12. Will Justice eventually show though? I'm sorta curious on that since it was destroyed with Genesis wasn't it? I didn't even think Freedom would reappear after basically being manhandled by Raww and Genesis....I thought it was pretty much toast....but wha about Strike? There were still pieces of it left even after being blown to bits by Dominion....Hell if we had a Archangel lookalike, could we possibly see a Minerva one as well?
  13. That fake lacus REALLY creeped me out when I saw her....damn...."OMG!!! ATHRUN!!" 0_o uuhhhh.. But she did look a bit hot in that low fitting dress I should have 11 and 12 when I get home and 13 shouldn't be a problem at all..its hard to download 7-10 things at once
  14. I saw 6-9, lol I couldn't stop laughing as Shinn saves Athrun's life as he falls to Earth "Damn man, you need to lighten up" "Well what would you have wanted me to say?!" "Damn you save me you bastard! Or something like that." At first I thought Dillandul would be the bad guy, than I thought "Nah something happens and he goes nuts." Then after I think it was Episode 8 "Oh no....yeah....he's the bad guy"
  15. I've only seen episodes 1-6 of the Duelist Kingdom line out on DVD, haven't seen the others. Sorta pisses me off that they go and do this when they're 2/3rds done with the series....but still the GX series would be nice to watch....or atleast the old Series 0 based around the Manga.
  16. I can't believe there isn't a fansub release of Yugioh GX! There's got to be some group doing it somewhere isn't there? I've been looking but I find alot of message boards talking about the series...and I've seen 2 episodes raw since it came out back in October...but god you'd think there'd be someone subbing it wouldn't there?!
  17. I finally saw 1-5 this morning, man, Shinn is bitter....he's VERY bitter....and he clings to his past too much, granted tragic struck him like none of us have ever felt, but don't you think he might be a lil coo coo? I mean afterall he is seen when by himself playing with his lil sisters cell phone.....
  18. n00b!!! Damn even I did my research putting two and two together.
  19. Well like all 1/144's, its a fix-r-upper. There are only Black, White and Pink colors on the meteor units....and the decals are truely a pain in the butt. So you gotta do alot of plotting and time consuming to get the model to look just right. My buggest concern were the Exhaust Vents, I had too tape off certain areas carefully cause the Vents are almost stairs like where they each go down lil by lil into the next vent plate. But the weapons bays are the most difficult, you gotta tape that off just right or else the paint is gonna slip thru and start marking where it shouldn't, and that happened to me sadly. But you can't see it if I take pictures at certain angles. The Freedom needs alot of work as well, since its cannons are not correctly colored at all, infact the cannons on the wings are nearly completely wrong in size and shape...there are lines int he mold which shouldn't exist and I'm not sure why they are...The redplate on the shoulders, and the Golden V on the head are decals, I hated that. However the red plate decals are the ONLY decals which haven't begun to peal at all. Also the Beam rifle and the Shield are pretty much one color, its too sad.... Also there are decals on the Meteor which I think could have been made into seperate pieces and was truely unessessary...it was almost as if they got lazy in a few areas. I paid hmmmmmmm I think lil over 100 dollars for the kit, and I'm seeing an average of 89 dollars, if you can find it under that price range its worth it. But if you do end up liking the finished product after all the tooling around, I suggest getting another one and buying a Justice kit since its sold seperately.
  20. Hell one more of Wing!
  21. Here's the Meteor Collage!
  22. How about Flamingo Pink? Anyways here are some pics I got! I give you Dark Wing Gundam
  23. Fantastic! I'm gonna get the soundtrack then!
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