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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I've been avoiding reviews, trailers, hear say, everything the last 2 weeks now.......I shall continue this endeavor until saturday am. But I'm also keeping a close eye on the weather report. We had a nasty storm thursday and it looks like it's going to return towards the end of the week. I've got 2 christmas parties and this movie to go too saturday so I'd like everything to work out. But gosh I'm gonna be one tuckered out fella lemme tell ya!
  2. picked up the black series trooper helmet today. what a pain it was to find this thing! I should of just bought it when I saw it back in october....I had to go driving around for 2 hours to find a shop that actually had it in stock and not of lost it. I mean yeah it's not a fantastic helmet, outside looks amazing I dig it. Inside it's uncomfortable to wear, the nose padding is horribly designed, the voice modulator is a joke just like the headband. I'm going to be modding the crap out of this helmet to make it more comfortable even if I'm not going to actually be wearing it as much as my TFA trooper helmet. But I've also been on a star wars frenzy. printing my own F-11D heavy type, hoping to have it finished by the time Rogue One comes out, but really this is for when Episode 8 is released so I have this and my First Order armor ready.
  3. yo, I'd raise my hand if I could.
  4. And to think they pushed back and possibly screwed the proper ALIENS sequel blomkamp was working on to make this film instead.
  5. Took advantage of the cyber Monday deals. Ordered the black series shadow trooper and Kylo ren helmets.,can't wait to modify them!
  6. Nah probably wouldn't read it. Last I heard was Harris was reportedly talking to a lawyer.
  7. I'mg ood, I don't need this at all.
  8. Kinda sounds like Ridley learned a lesson from screwing it up 4 years ago
  9. In all honesty and I think many would agree, while GITS is more Asian driven, FMA is more Caucasian specifically European driven, this case actors should be white people. I think there needs to be a trade.
  10. Individual zord images are released in toy form and the mastodon and triceratops now have 6-8 legs on them while everything else is slightly more traditional. I get their alien in a way but...wow guess on another planet dinosaurs were like this.
  11. Dunno if anyone gets mail from bbts but I saw that Planet X has a trypticon figure coming out. He'lol be released as a 2 part figure totaling in weight of over 5 pounds with a near 400 price tag. I guess while this springs my curiosity, my biggest fear is size. Will he match with his official metroplex counterpart or will he be a more smaller size? At the 5 pound weight I wanna say he'll be the biggest third party in existence to match hasbro. Optimistic....
  12. Lots of good stuff which is great for completionists of the gundam video franchise like myself. But now a latte irritated that while they'll allow a trade up in turn a buyers there's nothing for those who bought the trilogy set.
  13. I'm excited for it, wonder if they'll time skip again and introduce Damien as the next robin.
  14. That's worse than the Cgi from the first old film. Aye Yai yai
  15. Dear god 400 bucks? They can bite my shiny metal ass thank you.
  16. I just got my Bandai 1/48 Snowspeeder, pretty excited over that. And this week I built the new Clone Trooper kit opting for the Phase 1 variant with a little sand weathering for a Geonosis battle look....came out great! But I got a question. Has anyone bought the new Black series Trooper helmet? I saw it at walmart these last 2 weeks and I guess the 79 dollar price tag is just a little much for kids to convince their parents to buy. Just wondering if it's a better alternative to the ever so pricey Avonos release. Heard the voice changer is crap.
  17. HAH! You too?! All I can say now is that it motivated me today to work on my Colonial Marine armor. I like the photos, still seems like we're going with a protoxeno monster in these creature tests. The fossilized facehugger interests me as I think the design looks a little altered from it's 70's and 80's incarnations.
  18. Sounds like the show still needs a lot of time to figure itself out. 5 million an episode is pretty cheap low end for such a series.
  19. With the plague of problems that seem to of started with a premature teaser and the lack of fan fare and low episode count with streaming only. I think it's time to shelf this and move onto something else.
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