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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I can find bootlegs, the trouble is do I REALLY wanna waste 80 bucks and get horrible subs?
  2. All I know is that RIGHT NOW I wish I could gather all the idiots around the world into one single place, like hmmmmmmm Rhode Island or some place small, and NUKE THEM FROM ORBIT! Jesus....we've seen this stupid movie on the boards a few times already! Okay NEXT PERSON who makes another thread of Stealth I will smack with a big stinky Fish that A1 has blessed with his "charming sexy" like good looks just so you don't feel as bad I need more coffee......coffee makes me calm....yyyyyyeeeeeesssss.....coffee..... Oh yeah another thing who the hell is Miu?! There is no character named Miu, if you mean Myung then wwwwwwwooooooooowwwwwww I don't know where you got the idea she was a pilot *holding his breath* God I need to calm down over the trivial things in life.
  3. You know I've contemplated on wanting to watch Orguss, th eonly problem is I can only find the sequal, never the actual oldies TV series.
  4. 0_o what?...........Bionic Commando....?.....Hitler looking.....I'm missing out on something here
  5. I missed lastnights, but I think I got it recorded, so I'll watch it today when ever I wake up
  6. Well I think Smokescreen wasn't related too Prowl or SilverStreak (bluestreak) at all, so it's sorta dissapointing seeing Silverstreak and Smokescreen in the same body just repainted. Now if Prowl was a Subaru but with the whole police whistle package now that'd be interesting. Co-worker of mine and I were sorta playing with Silverstreak and his same scaled 350Z...sorta funny when I transformed Silverstreak aiming the gun going "CHEATING RICER!" But I really need to email Takara and tell them that they NEED TOO make an autobot as a 350Z or atleast a Nissan vehicle...you don't know how neat it'd be and how respected it could be in the dealership I work at. Infact alot of people were looking at it going "Wow that's a nicely detailed Subaru!" Then I showed them the undercarriage with them going "Whhhhaaaaa?! That's a Transformer?" Yep they've come a long way.
  7. I ended up going to Target for lunch and I bought SilverStreak. Fantastic paint job and detail, I really like how he looks compared to Smokescreen. To be honest I'm sorta surprised they made him a Subaru when his Brother Prowel is gonna end up as something else. Sorta ruins the whole twin thing don't it? Even for Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. Paint job is fantastic, the Silver and Red and copper colors make him stand out and I think he'll look fantastic with SmokeScreen Sideswipe and Prime. If I make enough money, I think I'll play catch up with the rest of the line very shortly...but geh Walmart online
  8. I caved i nthis morning, its only 20 dollars so I'm going to go to target around my lunch hour and get Silver Streak. I think there were actually 2 Silver Streaks and 2 Sideswipes...I still can't find Hound, Grimlock or Jazz...hell Tracks, Ravage NONE of those...I just about peed myself in surprise when I saw Silver Streak 0_o....no really I almost did. It's like I can find alot of the crappy stuff, Energon, Armada, car robots from time to time, and hell not dissing it, but I even find old G1 stuff. But Alternators which you would THINK would be a popular line for its realisitic care of detail and scale, but no. I don't got alot of money but when it comes to a product which doesn't rape my childhood I'd buy it.
  9. holy crap I actually saw a silver streak 10 blocks from work I got SUPER ass tempted to get it but I refused
  10. The game is rather good. however moving from a full 3D cinema story to a comic book like structure really pissed me off, that's what ruined it the most for me, loosing the realism of the whole undergrund series. However I do enjoy the fact there are more cars to choose from and I must have stuck with the 86 for a good portion of the game. I do enjoy the free moving enviorment and racing others when ever you want on that open enviorment. I also loved the down hill drift racing, espically fun with a 350Z modded out specifically for downhill.
  11. God damn I remember that robot 0_o.......gah....too many sleepless nights back in HS where I saw funky old sci/fi movies and that be one of dem!
  12. Judging by the picture, the legs are connected to some rather SMALL hinges...I bet they do flop around, but I can't make a solid call cause it could have a locking mechanism somewhere on the waist. It also looks like the armor for the midsection is missing..granted we're talking about something that's a motorcycle, but its still looks like its missing something there between the upper torso and the waist. I'm as well curious how the wheels which become the shoulders move from side to side to up and down when changing modes from G form to Cycle...unless I'm missing something big.
  13. lol it's an infection! I swear it!!! I think they did Macross 7 and I was watching an episode with a friend and damn did it blow...
  14. lol what I think they did was buy the DVD, copy the subbies, then made small changes here and there, some fixed spelling and gramar and walah!
  15. While wrong section to post it in, still nice work! I'm trying to think of a way to making panel lines in areas that are really thin without having the pen make them look 4 times fatter.
  16. to be honest I'm sorta glad they are 0_o some of their sub jobs sucked and alot of the stuff that I've seen from them are liscened product...and I'm trying really heavily to stay away from that.....but that's just me.
  17. and thhhhhhhhheeeeerrrrrreeee's mister sunshine!
  18. 0_o for some reason I suddenly wanna draw people rubbing Inuyasha's ears
  19. I'll have to check mine, I'm pretty sure though I'm in the safe zone.
  20. That would be fantastic! If games aren't regional coded then if 1 day Macross goes to the PSP, we'd all be able to get it without freaking out over moding or buying things to get it working...but its SONY...they're the devil I'm actually a Need for Speed nut after they went Underground. I heard you'll be able to draw custom vynl or something. Or was that on the DS...? Right now that's the ONLY game I got on reserve with my PSP...and I've been playing the hell out of my DS and I got 3 I think 3 atleast...yep 3, dead pixels on the touch screen. Now if it only happens to the touch screen I'm not mad. But honestly I can't wait for the PSP, but I'm the only guy I know out of all my friends who is going to own one. But I'm sure I'll find 1 or 2 ppl in Seattle in April for Sakura Con, plus I'll have my DS...but I'll be doing alot of other stuff. Something I've noticed though both companies are recycling old games GC, 64, PS, PS2 and putting them on the hand helds...I hope we don't see more of this cause that's a bit annoying.
  21. You know seeing that last picture of her in the normal clothes, it starts to hit me that I've seen her somewhere before from that picture....but what was it?!
  22. lol Rey should have asked in that last frame "You think I got a sexy butt?" I mean 0_o look at it! it sticks out more then Lunamarie's! oh! And with that weird shading on the backside.....makes it look like he's wearing a thong.....
  23. Hikuro


    those optimus prime in the first link makes me wanna puke....I diffenetly didn't like how that looked. But Pat Lee's rendition of Prime and Magnus in Link 2 was a surprise to see 0_o, sorta glad his Prime wont die in vien.
  24. Jesus H...The Garland looks huge! We know what scale that's suppose to be? But wow, its coming a long way after a year with just Cycle form....but the Gform looks fantastic!
  25. Damn can't believe I missed that 0_o that's rather quick, the show hasn't even really been out for 2 months and WHAM!
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