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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. She's saying with those big blue eyes "Let me see your Small White Dragon"
  2. Ask me that's probably a nasty lil design... I mean its got some interesting features but they seem lacking in "Ph34r"...
  3. Can't tell someone tell me if those are pink or white
  4. Kinda like how god is a big ice cream cone and everyone just wants a lil lick
  5. I finished Shining Gundam at my lunch hour (HAH!) and He's nice looking in Super Mode annnnnnnnddddd that's about it....He looks like really blah as its ordinary style
  6. I tend to remember them as something from old 80's commercials as Robotics...where like you had a lil remote control and build it and crap...they were on alot during the Transformers...but that's just me.
  7. You guys notice its only 31 episodes?
  8. Yep I admit that's a big dissapointment right there. Just models slightly tweeked, new boxes etc...but it really sucks for those who don't own those kits. As for me I don't own those so I might get those instead of wasting money on kits that have weak posability and what not. Hmmmmm....I thiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk we need to see a few F91 and Char's Counter Attack MG's...like the Jegans and Geara Doga's....
  9. Getting back to the PSP in topic, I was thinking of finishing off my payments for it on Monday or Tuesday since today's payday (my check wont go thru till Monday sadly) and since I'm paying it all off I thought I should get some accessories with it. I'm pretty open to anything EXCEPT that 150 dollar memory stick...I thought about getting that Recharge case that's specifically for the PSP, but its 60 dollars and it seems worth the cash since you get an extra 5 hours of gameplay or movie watching. That seems really cool and all, but hmmmmm, I'm not really sure if I wanna get just that. Maybe those PSP Headbanger Earsubs, that's 30 dollars right there, but hmmm those don't come out till April 5th.... There's this power brick that's suppose to charge up the PSP that's 20 dollars and suppose to charge up without an AC or DC output...hmmm April 5th. A PSP Pro gamers Kit, comes with a big case, safe screen, car adaptor, neck strap, game case and a dock station. That's for 30 dollars and not that bad of a deal I think....but hmmmmm car adaptors I'm not too fond of since I I use mine for my Cell phone and other things...I think I got two ports in my car. Just an ordinary PSP Case...nothing special about it, nothing comes with it, just the case, 11 bucks. Oh this seems to be a must a USB link cable manager, that way I can put in movies, mp3's and other files from my PS2. That's 15 bucks. And if I wanna I can get a cheap Memory stick, like 500 some odd gigs for 80 bucks or wha ever if I feel like it.
  10. oooooooooooooohhhhhhh that lassie wait....I see something......lassie....wait your a?! .....*insert diabolical music here*
  11. I'll probably buy another Shining and use that for the canabilization...I got a few ideas I'd like to use to make my Mobile Fighter custom...hell I haven't even given it a name other then the fact it's a Neo Japan fighter which the pilots name will be "Ken Urashima" for now. But I'd like to plot out just what exactly I wanna do...I mean what I told you having to buy Speigle, Shining and use all those parts to somehow make them fit... I'm just gonna wait and see first!
  12. So far I've concluded that painting the frame of God Gundam was the cause of all my misfortune. On Sunday I went ahead and built one of the arm frames and I came to thinking "Damn this thing is REALLY tough to move around grrrrrr!" Thought then "Well I am using screws...and that can make joints too difficult to bend..." So as I was working on Shining while talking to Haro I suddenly went "HOLY CRAP! It was the paint's fault!" Yep, I could move the arm frame just fine with no worries of causing stress to the parts. I managed to do both arms and upper body before I quit. After that I did a quick clean up of the parts, dried them carefully not to leave lil marks or tissue bits on the plastic and paint the red and blue parts. I also discovered something REALLY stupid on Bandai's part. The vent thrusters that go on the top of the Core Hovercraft or fighter or what ever the hell you wanna call it.......are yellow molded.......they're suppose to be a grey like color. SO WHY OH WHY!? Why didn't bandai just put it with the other grey pieces? What gives? I don't have a clue... I also thought of how stupid it was on some other things.....beisdes the rubber hands....but that's not the point The "gold" pieces for its super mode are infact just bright yellow. So I'm gonna have to make another trip to the hobby store either during my lunch or after work (perfer afterwork) and go buy a can of Gold paint to make it more authentic. I'll have this puppy done by probably Friday night....
  13. I just got back from the hobby store during my lunch hour and I got Shinning Gundam for the hell of it. I didn't notice this till I was reading the instructions, but did anyone notice the frame is virtually identical to God Gundam's? I know the chest and arms are for sure the same, but the legs might be just a tad bit different....I know they did this to the 8th MS Team MG's....but I find this interesting that if I don't really wanna build Shinning and I wanna fix my God Gundam...I can just use parts from this kit instead 0_o....but I wont.
  14. I could be wrong, I haven't tried using the old GB/C games cause I don't really own any of those...well I mean I got Tetris and Mario World when they first came out back in the 89 when the GB came out. But as far as I'm concerned, the DS is the final nintendo hand held I'll buy....right now I'm not even that happy with it cause there aren't any games out at this time I really wanna play...its just re-released junk like Tiger woods and Mario...I'd like to see stuff strictly made for the DS that will be fun to play. And right now I'm waiting for Gundam SEED to come out...cause n ow they pushed it back to April 1st...and if that's true I might be playing it while in Seattle! Yeppie!
  15. Oh I so saw that coming
  16. Unless Nintendo can come up with something REALLY interesting with this GBA2.0...then I'm not gonna buy it unless GBA2 games are gonna be their own deal...which I would find very disturbing seeing the GB games have all worked on to the next stage of systems. But with the DS being able to play ALL GB/C/A and its own DS styled games...WHY waste your money? As far as I'm concerned, the DS is the last hand held system from Nintedo I'm going to buy.
  17. Hmmmm curious on how many pieces it is...it says its a Skill LVL 2 so it can't be difficult to put together, but I've never built anything from B-Club, much less anyone other then Hasegawa or Bandai directly. I had the urge Sunday and started working on God Gundam again....I managed to finish the Core booster and one of the arms...but honestly....if I hadn't broken that chest piece I think I would keep building this thing, it isn't difficult, but its really something you shouldn't be painting...or well just not the endoskeleton frame.... The joints were just too tight espically after using those screws, and it makes me feel like I'm going to break the damn thing and I probably would! However, because I painted the armor pieces, I might just get another God Gundam or do a kit bash for kicks of my own lil Mobile Fighter....at this point I don't know, don't really care either since I got like 100 dollars to go on my PSP, and I gotta worry about my trip to seattle in a few eeks.
  18. Blah on ZZ...anyways back on topic What's the music like anyways? I sorta see Orguss as being one of those "It looks like Macross.....it smells like Macross.....hmmmmm" like everyone thought with Megazone 23 back in the days. (I think I blame HG for that...just as an excuse) So does it carry a soap opera ocrhestra feel like Macross? Or is it something more techno popish or something which I don't think I can see in something like this. In some sorta way I get some sorta voltron meets Gal Force feel....sorta : /
  19. Granted. I've tried watching this show a dozen times but I can't sit 10 minutes without having to get up and do something else, that's how unimportant it's been to me. You know, its fine in every 2 or 3 years you do a movie, hell if they wanna do one with the Enterprise cast...but please just let it die I swear Gene is turning in his stary grave.
  20. Well While its off Animesuki, there are still some groups who are going to continue fansubing the show sinc eits getting good responses. I was downloading Episode 8 this morning and I was out of my room for 5 minutes and when I came back to shut off my light my mouth nearly dropped when I looked at the screen seeing 89% DONE
  21. Cool if I can find it, I'd play it.
  22. Don't forget they also bought the Region 1 DVD's that were anime released in the states and subbed them They did it to Megazone 23 and I think they also did Full Metal Panic.
  23. I was watching some game footage and A'dama was there talkin to the creepy floating alien 0_o so it made me go "Wait...is it a prequal?"
  24. Aren't they gone? I remember they got into some trouble recently.... YEP looks like they're down, can't get on their site, and besides I thought their translations were almost as good as those of Bootlegs regardless...
  25. I just wanted to double check, now is the video game here suppose to be a prequal of the TV series out now? or is it just another add on to the old 80's series?
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