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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I thought the MK7's would be vunerable to hacking like in the pilot episodes? I really don't recall seeing them ever again after the pilot....but hey I found a place to download the first season so I'll check it out again!
  2. I don't think Athrun was a member of FAITH in the first series, I think he was just stepped into further reaches of the ELITES and given the JUSTICE due to his high ranking capabilities and finally being able and the only one to destroy the Strike which was the greatest threat to PLANT.
  3. I played atleast a mission of the game, and while the Opening FMV was fantastic! I thought the game play was kind of butched...its really difficult to move ahead and blow up Cylons and when you hit something you don't explode you just.....hit something......gah......I'll just keep trying.
  4. We call that a bastard transformer wher eI come from But I never noticed the light up spine thing 0_o interesting.
  5. Actually it can get you a few million dollars
  6. ooooooohhhhhhh I gotta remember to check this out tonight........I hope I remember atleast so I don't freak out tomorrow after forgeting, god that'd blow.
  7. I like to think of it as your common Burrito. Your Tortilla is the idea, your meat is the action, your cheese, lettus, onions, tomatoes are the variety of characters, and your beans are the comedic relief , wrap that together and you got a good series in the making.
  8. Hello Kitty collon is evil and poisnous rubbish if you ask me
  9. Rubbish is not evil or poisonious! My Rubbish is offended by that dammit ........that's a good rubbish yes you are!
  10. Nah with h er body, she's balemic
  11. Damn you just gotta think that's scary as hell if your suit rips while fixing a telescope, or something. I knew for one that you wouldn't wanna hold your breath. I was told that if anything you wanna take one huge breath and let it all out as quick as possible. However due to the fact your lungs carry small pockets of 02, you can't completely run out of air in an instant. This is why people wont choke and die after not getting air for say 30 seconds. If it wasn't the fact you couldn't breath and your chances of death were extremely high if something bad happened in space, I'd probably had pushed to being an astronaunt ..........not. I got to watching the first half of the show and all this god talk with Six and Baltar is making me think to much : / espically the "He doesn't speak to you in words".....it really makes you think "Do you control your destiny or is your destiny controled by something higher then yourself?" Or "Do you believe your fate is what you make of it? Or do you believe your fate is inevitable?" Like Baltar said at the end, "I was....I AM a tool of God" and why would the Cylons have a facination with God or Gods? If they curse Humans for being weak, and want to destroy them, why would they create a human form? Why would they take up Human culture? It's just odd to me that a Machine who hates its creator would strive so much to better him and yet LOOK like him in every way. I really gotta find the DVD's of the first Two season...man I can't wait for a third season too! This is by far so much better then the 80's one in my opinion, I was pretty much sold by the pilot Oh yeah, I picked up the PS2 game this afternoon during my lunch break (18 bucks). Of course I'm noticing, yeah it does carry the old school stuff, and some of the new school stuff, but...why is it that makes me think it is its own lil story which is parrelle to the others? In the last episode didn't Adama talk about his father being a lawyer? Yet in the game book, Adama's father was a Military officer? Also there's more then one starbuck? The one we come to know as a femmie bastard, and then the one in this video game? I guess I really just need to play it and get some of my own questions answered if any.
  12. I came ever so class on blowing 30 dollars on Pelican's starter kit...would come with an all in one case, ear phones, USB Link cable, Carcharger and I think 4 or 5 UMD cases which you can store in your pouch. BUT I went ahead and got something else instead cause they said they're going to carry more of them on PSP's release date next week.
  13. I dug up some dirt, apparently Bandai wrote a C&D to Animekingdom when they found their site and told them to stop or else. So that's why AnimeKingdom has ceased all Destiny episodes, more then likely off their site peroid. However, its rumored Bandai is currently looking for SEED Fansubs webbie to tell them the same thing, stop or else. So it's more then likely SEED's time will come very soon if not now since it wouldn't be difficult finding them if they put in just a tad of effort. So it looks like its a go that any of us who've seen SEED Destiny up till now and wanna finish the show are just gonna have to wait till we're all grown up and not interseted anymore :Ppisses me off honestly. I hate watching a show half way thru and then having to WAIT another full year or so to watch the second half...grrrr.
  14. Well SEED Fansubs and Haro^2 released episode 21...however Animekingdom announced they're not persueing in fansubbing anymore Destiny episodes. At this time neither Har^2 or SEED fansubs have decided wether they'll continue or not, but we can only hope.
  15. Well depends on what you're trying to do. Gamestop offers 3 different online bundles, both come with Spiderman 2 movie...and a few games and other such quantities. However you easily start at 300 dollars and work your way up to 500 some odd dollars. OR you can just go to a gamestore and just get the consel. Word is some of the games are coming out Sometime this new week....but if you made an order and you haven't finished paying off the games you don't have to worry. They're willing to hold on to your game till the PSP gets in.
  16. I only started recording them since last week and after each week I rewind the tape and record over the last one lol
  17. Chuckles wasn't chucklin after that was he? A co-worker whose only seen bits and pieces is sorta interested in wanting to catch the series, sadly he doesn't have a fast internet connection, and since I know episodes can be downloaded thru bit torrent and what not, anyone know of some sites? I wouldn't mind brushing up since I seem to miss half of nearly every episode cause of something.
  18. Right after work I might just drop on by the hobby store and see if they got any new kits, its been about a month since their last stock up....and generally its every 3 weeks and I'd like to get something nice if possible.
  19. Since I missed the first half I can't comment on the opening or really how the first half commences. BUT! I did record the second airing lastnight (whew I actually got the watch SEED without it interfering cause of the funky SG-1) So sometime when I get home from my Saturday work experince, I'll be watching it!
  20. That was a good episode despite the fact I missed the first 30 minutes. But 1 thing did get to me...it was during the final fight as Strike 1 group was down on the hard deck. The Asian guy is trying I suppose but a bullet shot thru his cockpit and yet....he didn't actually go pop. You'd think his helmet would atleast go SPLAT in red due to the fact that an opened wound or what not in space would cause your blood to boil and explode....yet there he is, grabbing his chest and finally just dying there after saying a line......he should have litterally gone POP! Then the girl next to him just combusts....I felt sorry for some of those guys they had REALLY flashy deaths but damn that still sucked none the less.
  21. lol and if you noticed Stamen I did say I was going to paint it.
  22. lol that's what I thought it would be.
  23. I'm sort of curious about that as well...there a special that's going to last a bit too long or something?
  24. Not really following you when you say ass-tastic? I mean...what's so wrong about this? Out of a 50 episode series, 2/3rds of it have gone out of release and it hasn't been a year since they started their first DVD release. They're making good money off the show, and obviously being Aired on TV is a good deal and considering its still on the air the raitings aren't bad then, meaning fanbase. So obviously its not ass-tastic.
  25. I'm fairly certain AnimeKingdom will continue since they'll be working on Ah My Godess and Naruto dispite being Liscened themselves just recently.
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