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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I was reading my Game Informer mag this morning, there's a nice lil article of the comings of the PSP tomorrow. It appears that some stores are going to open up at midnight. Doubtful GS is doing it.
  2. I think what best buys is really doing is just waiting till the system comes out cause they have that strange sense of logic which many actually share, "Why get the game when you can't play it?" It's sorta like getting an Xbox game without the Xbox itself...or getting DSL without the computer or modem to use it. So I can see why they don't sell the games right away. Walmart however just wants your cold hard earned cash with their 1-10 cent lower priced items from everyone else....which really you only save when you buy more then 1 thing, otherwise it was stupid to just save 10 cents. But here in the Westcoast, 26 hours and 15 minutes to go! If I had the persausion kills of a gamer and not of a womanizer, I'd probably get the PSP today
  3. lol I'm in the same boat as you Mike, I REALLY want this, waited an extremely long time since I even heard of the PSP and its then release in Japan and how quickly the American one was coming. My day pretty much works like this. 6AM wake up 6:20 AM, go to work 7:20 AM Start actually working 11 AM - Go to lunch for 10-20 minutes. 11:30AM - Back to work 11:30AM-5PM sit on my ass hoping to god I'll sell a 1,000 dollar part, or parts. 5PM - Clock out and begin my hour trip home in traffic. 6PM - Get home, bitch about my day. 7PM - Old man gets home and THEN contemplate dinner 8PM - Have dinner..... 9PM - Thinking "God....hmmmmm what to do...sleep? Naaaaah Anime!" 10:30 - Pass out...... RINSE AND REPEAT!........DAILY! So basically from 7-11, then 12-5 I sit on my butt and get bored or fight with a specific co-worker cause he thinks badmouthing and teasing me is funny till I punch him, kick him, or do something horrible like shove him when he's in the restroom doing his thing to then look like he peed on himself. OR Throw a pen at him and hope to god it hits him in the eye... I came close today.
  4. Hmph I can't get on at all, tells me its connection is being actively refused....first time in nearly a year since I used Smartftp.
  5. Chill bro chiiiiillllllll....only 2 days and X amount of hours to go...chiiilllll you get first dibs so just chiiilllll..
  6. Well, I guess an exact month from now, late April, I think the 21st or 22nd...I'll put it up after my vacation, and maybe after I get Musashi.
  7. I'm probably gonna take an early lunch to go get it to avoid the mess since they said they got alot of preorders in...
  8. We don't wanna be thinking that Anubis. now now. A friend of mine at work yesterday saw my NFSURivals case and thought it was the PS2 sequal. He snagged it and looked at it then at me going, "Dude! PSP! WHERE WHERE?!" Thinking I had one....sucker.... Told him I paid off the game and system but I wanted to get the game so I can study up and see how much fun its really going to be. Afterall his boasting "Wow PSP!" When I finally told him how much I spent : / which was 160 dollars really...he freaked out. Yes its a pretty expensive system, but I think that if you treat it nicely and with love and care unlike that of a Tamagachi, y ou'll get good results. THAT'S WHY I'm trying to get a nice case for it that wont scratch the bloody thing up! But I'll wait and see Thursday... Even though its not out yet, I'm still having high hopes for the PSP compared to my DS...right now I only got Mario for the DS, and I think by the end of April I'll probably have 2-3 more games for the PSP....and yet still have 1 for the DS till around June....then I'll have two : / DS just isn't impressing me much right now in their game market... PSP, I waiting for Coded arms, yeeeeeeeeeeesssss.....
  9. There are 12 models, he's number ........poo I lost count, but I say test his blood! He's a HGlyon! They're to look and think like us but deep down there's a hidden agenda...to whipe us down to the last MWer left standing! I SAY RISE! RISE MY CHILDERN OF MW! LET THE GREAT FLOATING HEAD GUIDE US TO OUR TRUE WORLD! THE WORLD OF MACROSS! SO SAY WE ALL!
  10. Got paid, it wasn't a bad check but still rather meek. I took out 150 bucks (cause I need gas and lunch) I paid off my 104 dollars worth of games and PSP. So I paid off my PSP and I got my Need for Speed. The box was rather interesting. Its clear plastic with the traditional Need for Speed cover settings. Open up the box, take a wiff of that new game smell and you'll see the UMD disc which is a white body with a translucent cover over the need for speed title. Course I was very careful not to touch the recorder side : / really careful. Read the instructions, that's real quick. And it gave a description of what is what on the PSP unit, very interesting...actually can't wait for thrusday to get a hands on look for it. The Multiplayer aspect seems a bit lacking in my opinion, challenge your friends to a game on a circut match...man I wanna drag race or Drift race them, Circut races are boring. if I'm reading this right, it looks like if you have one copy of the game, but a friend doesn't, you can still play the game with your friend, was I reading that right Mike?
  11. Vivendi Universal Games is the developer. I don't think I've heard of them either.
  12. You know I bet if we saw a close up of this, we'd probably see a HUGE tie in to PsychoGundam with it, from Head to upper body....legs remind me of something amphibious.
  13. It's payday today, so I'm gonna see how well my check came out (probably crappy cause I'm litterally underpaid) and if I don't freak out after I do some calculations, I MIGHT just pay off what I got left and pick up NFSURivals and maybe something else cheap...depends how hungry I am
  14. The game stop I go too is maybe 50-30, so its a rather small store....but when Halo2 came in they were jammed, I could barely get inside the joint without all these kids with their mommies cryin "I WANT IT!!!" being subjected to violence at such an early age makes me wanna cry.....in joy! I'm going to be getting rid of one or two things today and tomorrow, the least amount of cash I gotta spend for the next two weeks the better....I maybe have 100 dollars to go, PSP and NFSURivals.
  15. If SONY ever wanted to go wireless for controlers they better do a real good job at it, I don't trust wireless controlers as much as I trust universal remote controls.
  16. Are they still doing that No Regional setting or was that all just pretty much BS?
  17. Well, I'm sure stores like GS, EB, and normal toy stores are gonna try and carry extra stock. I looked at the screen caps for Wipeout Pure, really it doesn't look that great, but I think the selling point is being able to update the game with more maps and hover vehicles and what not, while other games don't do that, well except Coded Arms which I will be snagging in June when it comes out. That will generate random maps which you'll be able to save when your playing with friends. I'm thinking that PSP is coming out iwth more original games for itself then Nintendo DS is launching. Really, I've seen maybe 5 games at most that are for the DS and not around for Gamecube, but all those games sorta blow in my opinion unless your a small child. And since my Gundam SEED DS isn't coming out anytime soon it seems, PSP will probably be my bestest friend
  18. Since I had downloaded the series over the last few days I already saw the last 2 episodes and I must say it was REALLY good and shockingly distrubing. I'm sure those who havent seen those last 2 episodes will agree once they have seen them.
  19. Wait wait you mean the PSP's are already in your stocks? Didn't they do the same with Halo 2? Tht they got it a few days early cause the stickers said "Don't sell till XXXX"
  20. I'm not surprised that 989 sport titles are horrible.....its not easy creating a good sports game and personally I haven't played one since 1998, they just aren't any fun. I'm just itchin for Thursday.
  21. Trust me the shows last 2 episodes of the season will make you think a bit different.
  22. Lachis or wha ever versions are sweet, they got funnel bits!
  23. I missed today's episode but I don't care, I got the entire first season and mini series on my computer now! So I can pretty much watch it whenever. I had a friend watch the Mini series with me lastnight and tonight, he REALLY enjoyed the space battles and he had a few good laughs. Overall he liked it, he's sorta a drama watching nut case.
  24. I liked the music when I was piloting the Red framed one, its so cute! Makes me wanna play ZOE for some strange reason....
  25. Wha do you get when a Nissan Murano and a Honda Civic have an affair?
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