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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. The Strike posing here is the previous version, the one I'm currently working on will be MUCH better looking and more accurate to the anime. I finished all but the heavy detail of the Sword pack but I hope you enjoy. The aqua green color is Coral Blue, with Pure white and Flat Black.
  2. Just like all the other Gundam fans, I myself feel like giving out a wonderful lil story of my first big model build up. A few years ago when Gundam SEED was just starting out, they released the first "real detail" titled Strike Gundam....I picked it up about a month after it was released and had a ball with it. But I made ALOT of errors to it and regreted that I messed it up so much. Infact someof you guys have seen pictures of the 1/60 Strike I have posing with my 1/60 Impulse. Lastnight was mostly just the cleaning stages and was going to experiment a bit, but I really didn't wanna mess this kit up at all so I passed on that experimental idea...and I don't think I'll pull that off on my secret project either. This morning I left for the hobby store and picked up nearly 30 dollars worth of paint which is nearly gone. I picked up the right colors though and I'm very happy how it turned out. I also noticed certain styles of Tamiya paint tend to make the pieces look more crisp and and detailed then other styles. I used alot of Aircraft labeled paint and that was just phenominal on how well it looked after I finished coloring the Launcher parts. Also, I strongly recommend if you wanna paint the skeletal pieces to use Gray Violet, it enriches the color to the parts and makes it look briskful. Anyways I'll have some pictures up fairly shortly tonight on how the build up progress is going. I'm current waiting on the second red tree to finish drying which will be in an hour, hopefully the last too cause I'm nearly out of red.
  3. I missed the Robotech panel cause I went home this afternoon, I would have liked to have gotten questions from you guys on what I could have asked Tommy if I was there at the icecream social with them......Plus I wanted my issue 0 of the Roy Fokker story signed by him and Dan.
  4. I JUST got back from Sakura-con in Seattle......really wish I didn't leave but those type of outings you really need to be with friends, not being alone. Anyways, looking good there buddy. As I was in Sakuracon, near one of the misplaced Merch.booths I asked the clerk "Do you carry any Hasegawa Macross models?" He told me no, but the best place to go was Macrossworld 0_o....don't ask me why. But he said if I wanted to learn how to build great kits to go there. I was like " " And to answer the question, it depends what the going price is on some stores. I paid, I think 100 dollars or a lil under on it. It's a very lllllllllllllooonnnnnnnng kit. It may also seem like it has alot of pieces, but really looks are decieving. While it was my first big project, before working on Sazabi, I was a bit nervous on what I should do to detail it....so I just did minor stuff. Also, this is a 1/144 scale.......and just because its big don't think its going to be even remotely close to the box variation. I had to do ALOT of masking before painting those Vent Exhaust fins and even the missile launchers....it was VERY damn difficult and time consuming....those Fins took 12 hours to mask off and paint.... Will I show out more pictures? I have already, but they sucked....I don't even have a decent place to put it for a photoshoot....but I'll see what I can do. But I got a surprise for you guys! Just not going to say yet.
  5. TADA! The Meteor unit I used Aluminum TAMIYA paint. On the Sazabi I used testors silver which layers very well and very smooth, really need to just paint what you what once, it aplies very well.
  6. I promise to take 'em right when I get home....that's before I head out to walmart to get a new T-shirt for my trip tomorrow....I'll try making a rather interesting collage....I'll probably have to do it out on my kitchen counter where there is alot of light....butyeah it should be great...gotta take apart ALOT of armor pieces on Sazabi to show off those pistons....but he's not the only one.
  7. My honest opinion....the GBA version looks pathetic....*shrug* graphics are a hit or miss, in my opinion, its too cartoonish, and simplistic...but its GBA its as gooda s it gets....w00t for psp
  8. I just wasn't sure if there was an actual built in memory system in the PSP or if all my saved stuff was going into that Memory Stick that comes with the system....I heard somewhere you had to format the Memory stick so you can put files into it...so I wasn't sure if my saved games were in the stick or in something built into the PSP.
  9. I haven't done many action posses with OP, but its hard to believe that Magnus would have problems since the only thing different is the paint job, he's virtually the same blasted mold.
  10. The end of Season 2 and all the way in Season 3 they based themselves right by the Ark since they needed to protect it since it because Megatron's goal to pretty much cause as much damage to the timeline as possible so the Decipticons and then the Predacon's could be rulers of the universe. then he changes his plans a bit and finds the Decipticon flag ship that crashed with the Ark in the ocean and oh boy was that fun! Oh but originally, they didn't know if they wanted to have the story on Earth or on an alien world similar to the Earth....it wasn't until they came close to finishing the project that they came up with the Vok (....was that right?) with the second moon and junk....
  11. Hey just curious, stuck in my lil Memory stick, never fromatted it, but my game saves aren't in that memory stick right? Cause I was going to put in 2 or 3 MP3's and some pictures tonight.
  12. Ultra Magnus has been a white prime for a REALLY LONG TIME Infact there were G1 toys with a white optimus prime, I thought it was a bootleg, but apprently it wasn't. Course the first time I saw that was 11 years ago when I was playing Transformers with a neighbor boy calling it Optimus Prime.....almost beat the crap outta him for it....
  13. woops! How did THAT get in there *cough* Courtesy of David Willis
  14. Bah you wait an hour and a half for ships to blow up and that only last for a brief 15-20 minutes....screw romance, screw subplots, this is what I wanna see!!!!
  15. That silver looks wrong : / it looks thick and glittery....hmmmmmm Sorry I wasn't around lastnight at all Zeo, I was out shopping for stuff to take with me to Seattle....I'll REALLY try tonight, if I gotta sacrafice time with the girlfriend to take pictures of good looking models I've done then so be it...............................................I'll get my ass kicked but that's okay.
  16. What's worse is you got Michael Douglas and Sean Connery involved in this.....right........Sean Connery whose currently in a big legal battle over being a fat, bad mouth, rude bastard to his neighbors who have ALOT of damage done to their end of the building he lives in due to his ongoing renovation. But still....UN.......blah.....all these nations thinking they wanna try and keep peace a reality..... established after a great war which killed countless hundreds of millions of people.....they sure are doing a GREAT JOB! .........suxx0rz.
  17. Heh, that's not gonna see the states I think ....we should have seen SEED for the DS last week but its not even showing up on Gamestops website. I got episode 24, but yet to see it...probably be bored of it like 20 of the episodes.
  18. *raises his hand* if they made even a PG Turn A Gundam, I'd get it. which reminds me I just got OST Volumes 1-3 and Movie OST
  19. You know, even a rice burger that looks disgusting.
  20. Looks MUCH better on a PG then an MG. I'll get ya some pictures of Sazabi, Meteor and some other units that I used with Silver when I get home tonight.
  21. I look at this as a more modernized version, I think if you compared the 80's hair style to today, the only thing off is what I call "Hair chunks" are visible with Scott compared to his comed back slick version from the 80's... I'm curious about the music, something that made Robotech enjoyable were the tracks. Though the last two groups who did Battlecry and Invasion really just sucked. Battlecry was nothing but remixed scores from the original series, and Invasion while trying to create an original score, it failed. Personally... they're better off hiring Vince D'cola, whose still stuck in his 80's rut in my opinion.
  22. Rich and Lazy maybe if I became a Education Council member in oregon where I can earn a quarter of a million just cutting schools down. The uniforms take time to grow...I'm not too crazy about them either, but then again I like uniforms that can keep a theme like "Your this color when your a rookie. Your this color when your an officer, your this color when your a commanding officer" that sorta deal...so I'm hoping they can do something like that. Plus these might be the same uniforms just "Modernized" from the 80's versions, well.....maybe. I'll atleast watch it.....if I don't like it, then heh.
  23. *shrugs* it doesn't look bad to me at all, though I call myself a Macross Fan, robotech is where it started, so I'll hold a small spam like can of loyalty towards it. So I'll give the show a shot because that's how I am towards things I grew up on....I gave Car Robots, Armada and Energon a chance....atleast I did.
  24. I'd like to get Shockwave, Deadend and Ravage, some deciptcons against my Autobots would be nice.
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