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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Except we get another season......so who's to really say? I will say this, all that build up for this episode and what we all wanted was over in 5 seconds. I felt pretty let down honestly. BUT Stephen Stanton I think was this name, did a great Alex Guinness.
  2. read an article tonight that said starting tomorrow Toys R Us will be replenishing their stock....so I called up the local stores and they pretty much rejected that. But Gamestop would be seeing the 22nd, and Amazon on the 31st. Just gonna keep my eyes pealed I suppose.
  3. but got stuck due to the travel ban.
  4. K wow, so the walmart thing was a bust which doesn't surprise me. I am however surprised as I was basically lectured by a clerk when I approached her asking if the console restock had happened like the guy told me yesterday. Got like this big ear full of how she KNOWS how stock is allocated and how dare I tell her any differently and it'll come in when it comes in. Just uncomfortable, I was cordial, polite, I didn't talk back to her or anything but she just kept going lol. I ended the conversation with my usual no problem have a good day and left with a phone number and email to contact the store manager after talking to someone about the behavior. think I'll call around to a few game stores....they usually refresh quicker than big box stores.
  5. Good to know all of these things. Local Walmart just down the road said they MIGHT have Switches in stock tomorrow by 7AM or as late as Monday, as much as I wanna get one and have some fun for a change, I don't think I'm gonna rush it and wait in line with several people wondering if the store got enough or not.
  6. I've read a lot of negative feedback about other than the frame rate drops on Zelda, but dead pixels, software glitches galore, scratched screens, sliding your joy cons in the wrong rails causing them to get stuck and odd shrieks and beeps coming from the speakers. I think my biggest concern would be the dead pixels and wondering if anyone's come across that yet? That stuff really drives me nuts so I tend to avoid anything that has a high likelyhood until it's resolved with a later release. Still though, I've been kind of getting twitchy and been wanting to try getting one. However 5 stores in and I can't find the damn thing so I'm rather surprised how fast it's been selling out. Even tried looking for a Wii U out of curiosity and they're all gone too! I know they stopped game production for that console but by god never seen a console sell out to zero on hand so damn fast.
  7. can also just reboot like usual. I thought the film was okay and just that. Dreadfully slow and I expected that.
  8. The only thing interesting is that the xeno has some differences. More muscular and the facial features are different. But the cg kinda ruins it. I hope that the movie is still being refined.
  9. Seems it could be a reboot. Wording says magazone 23 remake if I translated it right. But I don't think the character model there is of relation cause I also ready something called pretty Sammy.
  10. yep, this is so gonna get a rotten I can smell it.
  11. I just heard that Hulu will be hosting several Gundam titles starting Monday. We'll be getting 8th MS Team, Wing, 00, Seed remastered and Origins. No word I think on language choice, but that's still really great! That's now 7 titles that are available....the times, they are a changin!
  12. was at walmart picking up some stuff this morning and I stumbled across the toyline.....dear god they're hideous looking toys. The zords are HUGE looking, but the designs are awful to look at. And what ranger toys were there, very unappealing to borderline junk. There wasn't much there to look at though. I'm sure they'll go on clearance by summer.
  13. just more continued speculation, fake news You got Blomkamp having a fit cause he got pushed back for Ridley who's sat on this for 5 years, and now you got Cameron who says the franchise is a joke now and isn't worth the effort. Yet the man is going to go and make a fresh attempt at Terminator? Please, what a typical two faced hollywoodite.
  14. Has anyone purchased any of the 3 Propel Starwars drones? I picked up the Tie fighter and X Wing today.....having a ton of difficulty figuring it out on how to fly them properly cause the tie fighter for instance has some serious drift and wants to smash into my neighbors house. Had to go ask him to get it back like an 8 year old losing a frisbee.....not fun.
  15. still on the fence with this thing...I think I'll wait until my birthday or something before I go and pick one up. I want to wait and see what the majority of people are saying.
  16. all of those trailers leave a lot of NOTHING to be desired.
  17. Maggie Gyllenhaal was a HORRIBLE choice for Rachel, I still cringe when I see that movie and she pops up on a scene. But you also don't have someone who can look spot on like Cushing either for this particular film....it's hours before ANH.....the look, the sound, the age, it has to be pretty damn close and you're not gonna have someone pull that off without sacrificing.
  18. I can certainly understand the controversy of using the likeness let alone down right details of an actor or actress long after their dead for certain promotional items or for the sheer hell of it. But in these kind of instances where the character is key to push to a certain area of the story, it's needed. I don't think it'll be done to Carrie for Episode 9, it'll feel far to hallow and to sudden to work. Not too mention her voice, the way she speaks, very difficult to replicate from another actress I think.
  19. I've been trying to watch the newest episode...but my computer keeps freezing with a third of the hour long episode left. Kind of a bummer.
  20. just reading there's going to be the VR experience which is gonna make me piss myself into a frenzy if something can get released on the PSVR.
  21. Well Debbie Reynolds had been in pretty poor health already having a few strokes I think last year. Carrie's death though really came out of no where as she'd been acting fine and out promoting her book and been just a buzz on the internet in the last few weeks. I mean that whole family has got to be devastated, if anything I think Billie is probably just sulking crying her eyes out in the corner of her bedroom I'm sure. You lost your mother and grandmother just a day apart, just horrible.
  22. I didn't realize this but the bandai millennium falcon has an LED kit sold separately of course....but there's conflicting information on it. Images show only 2 LEDs, 1 for the engines and 1 for the cockpit. but others are swearing up and down there's 4. 2 in the previous mentioned spots, then 1 for the engines again making it 2 and another for the loading ramp. Anyone know anything more about this led kit?
  23. Yeah, I'm just gonna go cry in my corner and hug my trooper plushie.
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