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Everything posted by Hikuro
Hmmmmm last project was a PG Strike, but I still got a Toyota Supra sittin in my closet that I've been meaning to work on since Xmas 04.
K-Justice looks just a TAD bit cooler then the first Justice, but poor Athrun......"......................THAT'S IT I'M GONNA NUKE ALL OF YOU CAUSE OF THIS PINK GUNDAM!" The next 4 episodes might be good story movers from what I see, and I'm glad to see......well...I can't say unless everyone read the spoilers.... Friend of mine called me up lastnight after I sent him 1-24 of Destiny and he's been just has these glazed over eyes and stuff when he told me to come on over to see something. He'd seen basically every episode right after he got home till he called me. But that wasn't all. Poor bastard whose got this animation program has been working on a drawing of Lacus based off the screen caps he's been taking which he started around episode 12 I think. All I can say is that I REALLY wish I could show you guys how his Lacus is coming out. Its nearly spot on perfect. In his words, The main reason he had me come over was to comment on Lacus and to give him some info as a fellow artist myself whose dipped into some minor animation...mostly just drawing by hand and flipping the pages. Had to discuss with him how long and how detailed he wanted it. We decided we're just going to do something simple. A shot of lacus tilting her head, blinking, smiling going "Genki Deska?" with Pink-Chan jumping around going "Miyo!" with its ears flapping. he looked at me with his jaw dropped, "Wha....its only 5 seconds"
My ex who was a WONDERFUL girlfriend at the time bought me a 1/72 VF-1J Battroid for my b-day and I didn't bug her about it really. I just said "Wow, I remember that thing! Never did get it though, I was pretty young when those were around in hobby stores." So like the good asian girlie she was...........................................................................................SHE BUGGED HER DADDY FOR THE CREDIT CARD! Sadly I didn't see that model for 2 months and by then we had broken up due to her uuuuhhhhh....well I'd rather not say it was just stupid. But yeah, she was the only Girlfriend who ever got me something I actually wanted. have I ever mentioned I HATE it when they get me cards? Cheap sob's. OH yeah.....current girlfriend, whose like 8 years older then me.................she laughs at me for having such hobbies.........damn her.
That's from RobotJox wasn't it?
lol no way just seeing his head explode is sweet.
Sounds sorta sad really, disconnections, crashes etc will cause you to start from scratch after 3 deaths then your character is gone for good, and even if your killed after becoming a master, your just a blue ghost...which would be interesting you could give lessons too all those wanna be's outta bordem. But I'll stick to consel games.
If your being careless and or cocky, the pooper happens right?
War of the Worlds was done in Black and White release besides Color cause I do remember seeing it my first time in Black and White.
or............OR.....that's wha happens after you just had your ass dripped in smelting freakin hot ass lava.....*shrugs* I don't know....I mean does it really matter?
You could use some strings hanging off those Saucers...that's what ruined it for me when I saw the Colorization version many years ago I wish I never did.
Where's A1? He needs to speak his mind on this one, I for one am interested in seeing how this comes out and might get it if it looks good. Lets hope for some good screen grabs after E3.
Yeah the old boards, he was great at this stuff and if I remember right was planning on like a 5 minute movie. He did everything from backgrounds, soldiers, even Invid troopers. I also remember I took alot of his pictures and made some funny word bubbles with them. Man last I heard he was working on some game and he was goign to tell us what it was (Hope it wasn't Invid Invasion lol) but he never got around to tell us what the project was oh well.
I remember doing a report on it in theater class, it was suppose to be "Movies you've never seen before" so I lied and said I never saw it.......mmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn was that an easy ass project.
This could be interesting and sorta surprised it isn't poked at, but in one of the last frame shots of the ending credits you see Impulse to the left, and Destiny to the right, however there's a middle one. In appearance of order there's Rey, Lumaria and Shin standing by the respected Gundams.....soooooooo.....guess that means Lunmaria is going to be a Gundam pilot *shrugs* Personally, don't think the new ending is whacked, it just different with shots of all the characters thru the Seed storyline and even Destiny Storyline....no big deal if they "Occured" or not.
You know, I find it funny if he just randomly said it....no reason, maybe a thought or an impulse that triggers it, but personally, for me, it'd be funny.
: / I don't know why, but I didn't feel impressed at all.....rather dulled.
Next week Predator Concrete Jungle for the PS2 and Xbox will be released, April 26th. I reserved mine just today getting rid of NFSU:Rivals with having to pay 23 dollars give or take at the door when it comes in unless I got mor ejunk to get rid of (like a DS.....?) The game looks promising and I'm hoping to give a nice review upon its release when I pick it up next week. Along side that, I also preordered SW:III for the Xbox (need for Xbox titles I only got Halo/2) which will be coming out the week AFTER Predator, Thursday May 5th.
It's here...Shadow Chronicles screenshot!
Hikuro replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
You know I don't know if I should just laugh or laugh crying cause that was good. Its almost like "If I wanted to be in sports, I'd be a woman's bike seat" But all jokes aside, I do hope the best for Season "4" and hope it atleast lasts without too much critisium...if not we all know who we blame, Tommy Yune and mmmaaaaaaaayyyyyyybe a bit Agent One cause he takes the punishment, puts it in a blender with some vitamin C, and some egg yoke and left over Chinese food and drinks it down. -
It's here...Shadow Chronicles screenshot!
Hikuro replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Agent Ones -
Sakuracon had 1 booth carrying Vol 1 and 2 of the Alphas. Two ppl said 24 bucks, but they weren't sure. I to ld them if they were 24 bucks each I'd take 'em. So they asked their boss who said "No, 24 dollars is our cost, retail for 68, here for 80" I told 'em to get bent.
Thanks, sorta surprised more ppl haven't commented on it, I think its one of my best jobs ever...certainly took a while to finish it in my opinion. My biggest gripes are few 1) The shoulder plating on the front and back, when you try to unlock them and flip them up, they tend too just snap off the hinges that hold them in place. 2) You gotta line up the fingers correctly when you put on the armor plating on the fists...I ruined one of them cause I didn't do it right, so I had to fix one. 3) Becareful when your playing with the pieces that can be removed. I broke a piece sadly, and it will never be fixed, but I'm not saying which one cause you'll never find it. 4) There's this lil crotch piece which you flip down to unlock the hip joints. It tends to seperate from its PC host when you pull it out all the way. So you gotta take out all the armor pieces and get a lil object to set the PC part back into place. I compared the color choices I made with the PG Strike versus that of the 1/60 RD Strike I worked on last weekend. The PG Strike has a more correct color base then that of the RD Strike. Colors were too dark and heavy for the RD espically Red, while the PG Strike had more of the anime feel with the brilliant Blue and Bright red which just came out great. It looked more lively and vibrant. I originally thought I'd have more problems with this being my first PG Kit and having so many damn pieces. But really once you looked it over and carefully started doing your thing, it does seem a bit simpler. Now I can't say the other PG kits would be the same, but one day I'd like to atleast get 1 more PG Kit before I say that's all. Course, what kit, I'm not sure. I'd REALLY like to get the MK.II, but I'd also like to give the Wing Zero a shot....though I'm not a large Wing fan. Is it worth the money? if you can find it for 150 dollars or under, its a steal deal...most places are almost 170+, I passed it once at the Con cause they wanted 230 dollars, I said "NO chance in hell." Next booth over, 150 you bet. Nearly 100 dollars cheaper, OF COURSE I would take that price.
I watched the first episode, but I had alot of trouble letting it sink in cause the subbies went blazing fast at moments. The graphics aren't bad, the animation is interesting. And in one of the last few scenes, you get a quick shot of Apollo Cel-shaded 3D style. I wish the opening would appear, its starting to bug me now, its got a snappy song but they didn't play it till near the end. I'll check out Episode 2 when I get home tonight. But I think I can get use to it, but Shoji seems to be loosing credibility in my opinion....he knows how to make an object turn into a robot.....but now he's just in the giant Gekiganger robot mood.