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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. My god its gonna be huge! All that armor on the Gera Doga is sweet as well. Can you still take off all the extra armor plating and fuel tanks or are those now just permenatly stuck in place?
  2. It'd be nice to get those type of skins on my PSP...wow I honestly haven't even touched mine in 2 weeks...maybe cause I only got 1 game now? I need to find out what games I really wanna get then splurge at some point in the near future.
  3. Maybe someone can confirm this since it just struck me about 30 minutes ago while I was......well.....indisposed....? In the third movie, Yoda talks to Quigon about the ghost deal and how you'll be one with the force and be everywhere if you wish to be blah blah blah. Which is what Yoda and Obi-wan do in the end of the series. Now in the second movie, as it pans over to Yoda JUST after Anakin kills all the Tuskin raiders you hear "ANAKIN NO!".......I swear, if I didn't know any better, that was Quigon wasn't it? And in the Clone Wars series, there's a scene where Quigon is by young Annie's side before he enters the forest and tells him he's scared of what he'll find, then Quigon reassures him. .....So his presence still exists in the movies other then just as a past tence. Anyone really take notice in that?
  4. I was curious if anyone saw the game commerical? If not here's the low down.... Newspaper boy, mean lil preteen is on his bike throwing the papers to all the houses in which ever way he feels....and knocks over a garbage can along the way. Some guy walks out of his house and looks over at the boy giving in the notion that he wants to catch the paper. The boy laughs at the guy and chucks the paper into the bushes on purpose. The guy looks back as the kid passes him and reaches out his hand. The kid suddenly flies and falls on his ass on the street. Starwars game footage cuts in and at the end the guy reaches his hand out and the paper flies into his hands and he walks into the house. ........Just about laughed my ass off when the kid fell.
  5. One of these days I'm gonna spend the bookoo bucks and get the Hi-Nu parts for a Master Grade....one of these days.
  6. Okay now I"m figuring things out. In Chapter 2, when you enter Neonopolis, you are to flay 3 of the Cloaked serial killers. To do so you must switch your vision to tech mode and begin to look around for your targets. If you find movement of someone in white similar to yourself, a white outline, that'll be your prey. You should easily find your first victum just below you from the building top as there's a prey trying too find some people to kill, some are police I believe. Switch to your cloak and leap down infront of your target. Beat the snot out of him unarmed would be simple. With your weak melee attack and using the L button to lock on, just before killing him you should be able to latch on to him. He'll be unable to move completely from your beefy grasp as you follow the arrows to a roof top suitable to send him. Once you find a good spot, enter the Red Triangular platform and you'll witness the carnage as your frightened victum finally sees who you really are and pleads for his life unaware of his fate. Then you'll see the Predator slice and dice his skin off and hang him off a ledge giving a victory chant. Following this, find either a recharge point or jump roof top to roof top with your cloak off. The trick is to conserve your energy. After you flay your last 2 victums it'll come to a cut scene as Riot Police in Exosquad reject Mecha appear. Now you must kill ALL of the riot police including the Ulyssess Mecha and let me tell you that's not easy. These mecha are equipped with a high powered vulcan gattling gun and a missile launcher and a grappler arm. The trick is to get close enough without him being able to use its Gattling gun, so you really only have to worry about its grappler arm. When its ready to lunge at you, JUMP or else you'll loose a third of your health easily. If your spotted by too many Riot Police members, they'll call for backup. But your primary concern is taking out the Mecha battalion as they're the most threatening. A quick way of getting rid of them is setting up trap mines and using small, SMALL portions from your caster rifle. Atleast 2-3 small bursts at the middle will knock out 1 mecha. Then you gotta go find a recharge point, at best you can do 3 shots if you get a good target lock before you charge...charging while you aim will conserve to much power so becareful. If your spotted, go to cloak and jump to a few different roof tops and they'll loose sight of you. But if you end up falling, walk slllooowwwwwwllllllyyyy in cloak, be incogneeto. That's basically the strategy for Chapter 1 thus far....I failed though cause I didn't think carefully enough.
  7. The games a bit difficult if you don't understand what your suppose to do. Your not really a good guy, and yet your not really a bad guy either....but your a hunter so you gotta think like the predator in my opinion. I'm still not able to do what my mission peramiters require of me...which is to kill the copy cat cloakers and take 3 of them as trophies...now it tells you to do that you must be near some ledge and hit one of the buttons...however I couldn't read it in time since all I did was get antsy. Hell not even training mode helps you along. Training mode is basics, combat and gagets. Gagets is pretty much learning to using your cloaking device, and your Vision scans. Now to see the cloakers, you use the Tech Scan. In this mission you don't have too be cloaked cause you can kill anyone that comes around, and they just respawn in the end. But there are plenty of power conduits on building tops so if your low on power, just use your tech scan and follow the strings of energy.
  8. This was just after a few minutes of game play...atleast till the middle of Chapter 2. The game starts out rather interesting actually. But all this crap that you get to fight in the 1930's....is basically bs for now unless they do a flash back midway. As the game starts, your trying to get back to your space ship, however your badly damaged, missing what I'd like to say a good 1/5th of your face and bleeding all over the place. Things get, well "heated" as the city is in extreme chaos and along the way you kill an irish boss, skinned him and hung him up. However, just as your about to make your way to your ship, the building around you crumbles as you fall down the roof. You've just managed to survive that and in response knowing you have been defeated in the hunt so in response you self destruct more then half the city with your ship.....however.....you've somehow survived the destruction and for it, you are then exiled from your kind on a dreadful world. 100 years then pass and suddenly your kind returns to tell you that because of your failure, they are unable to hunt man cause they have managed to salvage the Predator technology and have advanced greatly and able to cause mayhem beyond their wildest dreams. Now you must go and reclaim the honor of the hunt and kill those who have disgraced your technology. The narration sounds interesting, telling the story as if it happened still long ago, but something sorta drove me to going "eeeeewwwww" as the words "Unnatural Love" appeared....I hope to god the Predator doesn't fall in love with a human girl. Anyways, SFX's are great, straight from the Predator movies, movie seems to be remixed variations of 1 and 2. The FMV graphics, SPECTACULAR! There's a fantastic scene where the fallen Predator is surrounded by his kind and the job was so well done that it looks like guys in Predator suits. As your hunter is banished to a ruined world, your executioners appear, and at first I thought they were Xenomorphs, but they weren't, just really big ass scorpians, or so I think (hoping). However missions are difficult as you gotta know your arsenal...and not too mention your not Invisible forever, water, and running out of power will drain your cloaking and even your caster shoulder rifle. But there are plenty of recharge areas thus far, but in many levels you must remain incognedo to make success....: / hmmmm Graphics for a predator game are not bad, I got no real complaints but I do wish the AI would have been developed a bit better......they mostly just run around and shoot at eachother. But as of now that's all I can say of the game.
  9. fishies don't have long life spans I'd say great great great great grandson!
  10. Patience and meditation you shall. Strong the force is with this film....alas.
  11. Well they sure as hell don't walk around looking for the rest of him.
  12. Sorry Graham, your no longer my Master of the Sith, I follow that guy now hhoooooooppppaaaaaa.......hoooooooppppppppaaaaa......
  13. Anyone remember that toy maker group when DBZ was first owned with FUNImation and the toy group went and put in guns and missiles launchers on DBZ figures.....all those guys got fired.
  14. That's pretty wishful thinking considering this is just the end for US Stores.. but otherwise Japanese gundam market is just fine.
  15. Didn't look like he had a light saber on him either. Chances are they got into a heated battle or something and end up using what's ever around him....Grevious looks like he's got a stick......Obi got a blaster.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
  16. A few of their big problems was yeah, they never took it seriously and it aimed towards childern and not early teens to adults. Battle Scared was like "Oh cool" medicorely so, then it just got annoying, and they shoved G Gundam down our throats. oh well tis a shame, but I only bought imported anyways.
  17. XD THEY LOOK SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
  18. Maybe he'll say, "I find your lack of Faith distrubing" True, but on the cover you see his episode 2/3 bling bling version. But sadly it looks like this still uses the flash light bulb and it also uses 2 C's like the others. That's mostly why its still so far. On the top of the handle it also unscrews, I left that unscrewed so it looks a bit thinner. Now Obi-wans would be nearly perfect, comfortable handle, thin light saber tube, LED light, nicely colored, the only thing bad about it is that force vibration. But I do love Mace's for the "Woosh" sensor that's installed, I had ALOT of fun with that, just to bad it can only go "woosh" every other time you swing it. The On and Off sounds were spot on compared to the older models...which I liked. I just finished a around against a co-worker....pretty much gave him the handy cap of me having 1 hand. ........Still wooped his ass without trying. But the bastard sliced my ear off when I dropped my saber >< MY FREAKING EAR! But we did have some good moments in the duel. He lunged at me from below and I perfectly blocked it and tapped him on the head in my counter. I gotta record these battles.
  19. Just curious, anyone bought any of those Revenge of the Sith Light Sabers that are around? I managed to get Mace and friend of mine got Obi-wans. Diffenetly nice looking but could use some work in look-a-likes. Mace's version is WAY off in my opinion. His should have some bling bling to it, but its rather dull looking. I plan on masking some areas up and working on it at home later tonight. Obi-wans is so far the more impressive looking that I've found, haven't gotten Anakin's which changes colors. Obi-wan's has a force vibration after you hit it against something and its just a loud BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ like Agent One's woman's......uh well.....yeah Mace's has a motion sensor where moving it around will cause the loud VVRRRRMM. But because of the dark sparkly purple tube, I don't think the light can shine well...unless the bulb needs replaceing. Otherwise, I think these are a big step up from the oldies when I was in 6th grade, these new ones have more accurate SFX.
  20. Got any pics of that? I'm curious to see how that worked.
  21. Sorta agree with you there, CCA was were it should have just stopped. It was a perfect Ending to a Gundam title with the ending of the two most popular characters ever to be rivals, the ORIGINALS, not this Heero and Zechs blah. I better see some good graphics and storyline in this if I'm too be impressed.
  22. That's really interesting, this guy managed to get two different kits to work together...using a MG Strike's Mobility frame with the armor parts for the HG Red Frame....interesting, wonder how he did this.
  23. I've lost all hope....I think its nearly time for us to say goodbye to Gundam, just kill it, its like Old Yeller dammit just take the shotgun and pull the trigger. If the TVCM's or any promo's don't impress me, then blah dah hell with it. Doubt we'll see it here in the states anyways.
  24. My friend Tenk managed to give me what he's completed on the Lacus animation project. He's gonna atleast give her a bit of a dress up and animating her saying something with Pink-Chan jumping up and down from her hands. We had 1 idea of her doing Fields of Hope, then another of her saying "Ara ara", "Genki Deska?", "Hello Kira" that sorta thing....but nothing final yet. But his Lacus is VERY nicely drawn.
  25. In the Alien book "Genocide", they manage to harvest the Alien Queen's "Royal Jelly", the ooze which helps poop out the eggs as a performance drug. It causes a human to recieve phenominal skills such as enhanced strength and speed and stamina. However, the side affects are addiction and over dose is very simple. There was a chapter where some athelte took the drugs regularly I think and ended up becoming a greasy spot on the wall after hitting it. I think in the book, they were invaded by a large number of Xenomorphs and the infected areas became quarintined. I don't know why, but the corperation ended up sending a large group of marines, and by that time they had weapons and armor which could handle the Xenomorphs effectivly....I think the armor was layered so it could take on a large amount of the acidic blood, and they also wore full scaled helmets with visors for protection, and had large caliber bullets for quick kills. But a group of marines and scientists, even a corp member were sent to get more jelly from a queen while a territorial dispute between two factions of Xenomorphes were taking place. The Marines ended up nuking one queen letting the other faction win, and in the end everything went to hell and some marine who was the bad guy ended up getting pumped full of the drugs and took on the whole army of Xenomorphs though was obviously killed in the end.
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