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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. lol I gotta see Hayens head on the final movie >< that'd be funny to laugh at for a while!
  2. I Better not have been the only one who said he was sexy or I'm gonna rip ppl a new hole and insert a doorknob so he comes after you. My thoughts to be serious...I'll be getting more than one, I'll probably end up getting all 3.
  3. Oh that trailer for the Zeta movie looks nice, the new animation isn't bad either, though you still can tell the difference between old and new very easily but still it looks very nice. Also anyone got a clue on that song they used when the MKII laid in that neat kick? I wouldn't mind listening to that song anytime I wanted, sounded nice.
  4. That would explain why I didn't have that many SNES games
  5. I remember video games being around the 40-50 dollar range since hmmmmm I'd say since Playstation started ruling the market. So for half a decade or so games have been getting expensive and its mostly due to the content within the game. Hyped up 3D graphics, voice acting in the cut scenes, long hours of play time....all these factor into the costs along with this simple fact. A designers gotta get paid SOMEHOW and it ain't just pushing in just the hours. Based on the games sellings I would think the designers as a group get a certain percentage of the cyber pie. I know I have ALOT of trouble bring myself to purchasing a 49.99 game let alone something that has extras turning it into a 59.99-89.99 dollar game cause you get a free damn shirt or mouse pad or some other loose end bull. The last game I bought was Starwars EP III that was 49.99, I don't think it was a 49.99 game, it can be easily a 39.99 or a bit less, but never more than that....I do feel I was ripped off for its poor content and 8 hours of game play. But if you want something worth your money and can stomach it, Xenosaga Episode 1 was diffenetly worth everyones money, 49.99 and you had over 80 hours worth of story, course most of it was cut scene after cut scene....but many said that's one of the few games worth the 50 dollars and just having it for 20 or less is a blessing compared to Episode 2 which only had a third of the time of gameplay Episode 1 had.
  6. Shocking how Nintendo goes from a fat boxy gaming unit to a sleek, slim boxy style with a neon purple light on the CD drive insert slit. But looks like they'll go back to full CD scale...maybe they'll be DVD inabled?
  7. I'd get one, with the ass load of a mount of MasterGrades I'd buy one for just about all of them except the CCA kits since they're too big.
  8. Even though I "tolerate" Robotech, and I AM a Macross 7 fan....this guys a dumbass. But this is as far as I'll say for that unless I need to say more.
  9. Actually this was the first time I think I sat thru a full episode of Enterprise...my interests just weren't peaked when it first started...I can still see why....it just felt so damn wrong. But I'll tell you what it was great to see the old NC 1701 again....though I am curious to know just when in the TNG timeline this lil "Vacation" fit in....wasn't the Defiant in DS9 able to cloak?......I really don't care much of the Startrek Universe anymore.....not since the TNG movie....god I REALLY wish they only made one and not ......4?
  10. I'll email you the player or something cause it works just fine for me.
  11. I ended up having to use Windows Movie Player Classic and it worked just fine...I didn't really like the first episode, it was great seeing Char after ......over a decade?
  12. Yeah I'd probably get it just as part of my SEED collection...man I really do have alot of SEED kits now.
  13. I'm keeping that picture.
  14. ..0_o.....uh.....your joking right? Like none of us who haven't seen starwars didn't know what the ending was going to be like?
  15. They look good to me....I'm not saying I wouldn't buy an Acguy....most of my models are display anyways....but mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaannnn my GP02 is STIFF after painting...but does look pretty good.
  16. haha that's pretty funny! I can't believe they finally went ahead and made an Acguy MG kit....oh man the horror....Acguy was probably one of the ugliest and dumbest suits in that series....and in the games it moved sloppy like and very slow....man I avoided using that one as much as possible.
  17. and if you wanna read up about it Aquarion thread.
  18. I'm using Bittorrent but I got the same problem....it just tells me the file failed as I brought it up for download.
  19. The white dingo's were a GM MS squadron in Sega Dreamcast's "Gundam 0079 Side story" It was also a First person deal wher eyou piloted your GM unit inside the cockpit....personally I really liked that game but alot of people didn't. You start off in a standard unit and by the end you get a GM Sniper II unit. and the gattling gun gundam unit I think was RX-78-5.
  20. I got a RX-78GP02 undergoing the painting process, then later in the week I'll either have a custom Test bed variation of the GP01 (different colors really...) and an NT-1Alex.
  21. Why dear lord WHY?! Can't there be a drooling emote?! I want the gothic lolita asuka so bad! ><
  22. Awwww man it sorta looks like crap right now
  23. Yeah personally I'd like to see a subbie variation, but if there isn't, I can life with those BT ones provided....I'll download it when I get home tonight.
  24. Yeah....its too bad I couldn't smear you guys like bugs to a windshield in my Blue Destiny.... so sad indeed hehehe.
  25. SEED NET is suppose to come out in August....but I guess I'm relaly the only one whose liked all the gundam titles that've been released since 2001...the only game I don't have is Zeonic Front cause I'm not much into strategic styles of combat. But I'm diffenetly going to pre-order Gundam VS Z.Gundam at the start of June.
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