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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I got an hour before I head home, I'll be stopping at the mall later so I may try my luck at a few places since its been a few weeks.
  2. Need to see some pictures of that.
  3. *hides his zippo* awwww.....but its the season....
  4. The vader FX I own is the 3 AA and its a spectacular piece of equipment. As some of you know I do some fan dubbing and a friend of mine and I were thinking of doing a small Radio play and I went and recorded the SFX from the FX saber and they recordings came out great.
  5. I can't remember if they're just a tad bit bigger or smaller, but its the most accurate you'll get with something you can freely swing around. I know they're releasing Luke's Episode 4/5 Light Saber in June or July which is just a slightly dumbed down version of Anakin's since its basically his just a lil tunning and replaced parts.
  6. I think Bestbuy's online store only has Vaders listed.....I'm still looking though.
  7. I do I do! just playing. You could argue maybe that the Gelgoog is really showing that as a sign of peace as the symbol was originally designed for before the Nazi's desocrated it. Wish my cam was working I'm doing a test bed GP01 and it doesn't look half bad.
  8. Doesn't look terrible but sure is smuggy. I went to Walmart.com today and found out they were all sold out on the Anakin Force FX, really pisses me off I can't find one dealer who has it! I'd do gamestop but their website says its random chance, not my cup of tea. I'll just have to continue the hunt and I'm waiting patiently for Luke's FX to come in and I'd be REALLY happy of I ever saw Qui-gon's, or some AOTC FX sabers. A nice ROTS Obi-wan would be great too.
  9. Borders and Gamestops are the only places I've ever found the MR's, and if ToysRUs are selling 150 for a MR.....than its almost 200 here.....prices are jacked up big time in Oregon for special items....a reissued Transformer is nearly 75 dollars where I found 'em. Walmart says they have Anakin's MR for under 100 dollars on their online shop.....I was thinking of nailing that one so I can get a collection started. Than I'd like to find Mace's and after that get Luke's...than I'll have a nice collection going.
  10. So technically me feeling GOOD about the ending is a bad thing right? Because the pope.........I mean........the Emperor is my master.....I admit that freely. However after reading the script...and seeing the movie I was a bit dissapointed by what they took out. And Grevious cheap shot death wasn't as bad as it initially sounds.... SPOILER........ I mean k'mon.....it took more than 1 damn shot to kill him, and my friend wanted to throw up after seeing all the kids gets slaughtered, but I wish there were things in the game that would have shown up in the movie......but Windu got axe'd harshly....very harshly.
  11. The stereotyped black male is that of an overly buffed out like he was on steroids in anime, or american cartoons in this day of age unless they're really young. Generally they have some facial hair or just completely baby smooth no hair period. But he does look like the guy from COPS......damn.....I remember them 0_o I use to have the toys where they had those HUGE weapons with caps?
  12. Looks EXACTLY the same as the Journey to Jaburo opening.....just instead of a beam rifle the Gundam's got the Hyper Bazooka.....and also there's a GM Groundtype and a Gouf Custom...bleh.....same graphics as all the other openings......I want more detail, I wanna pee myself going "WOW! THAT LOOKS SO COOL!" ....not "Blah....its the exact same as J2J."
  13. That's my favorite picture.
  14. Some jackass film critic said it was just SLIGHTLY better than the other 2 films but it was just as worse as any of the others and it wasn't worth seeing. wha would he know?
  15. They just made him a stereotypical black man only with hair...that's not braided.
  16. VO is what I used for alot of the generic SFXs like boosting, inflight, transformation and missile launching. Now for walking and mechanical movements, those are a bit hard to find in my opinion....I'm into fandubbing and audio mixing so I gotta sometimes find a episode of something where I can just get a second or two of some specific sound and rip it.... Another idea, get a video game, mute the music, put it on 2 player and just use that while recording. I need to borrow a really good mic from a friend to get the best clear sound as possible. But like Gundam games and even DYRL for the PS1 works just as well, those are all original SFX.
  17. I wanna go tonight.......I really do but my boss said "Yeah you can go, but your showing up in the morning for work" It's not worth working 11 hours only getting 3 hours of sleep.
  18. Kamjin was talking about Hikaru................Milia f'ed up and got Max instead....Hikaru got lucky there. In the comic....Khyron does cross in Max's path....
  19. I just got back from buying tickets for 2 at 7:10 friday...its gonna be a long friday
  20. I didn't think the movie was bad, I just picked it up yesterday. The animation was MUCH nicer than that of Shadow Skills 3D Cel Shade style..........................MUCH nicer. I can almost see this as a prequel to that other Appleseed OAV from years back.
  21. I'm the ONLY one who voted for FFXI?
  22. I gotta either go to the movie theaters a few miles from work to buy the tickets or see if my boss will let me do it online cause I have no printer at home to print the reciept.
  23. lol I gotta see Hayens head on the final movie >< that'd be funny to laugh at for a while!
  24. I Better not have been the only one who said he was sexy or I'm gonna rip ppl a new hole and insert a doorknob so he comes after you. My thoughts to be serious...I'll be getting more than one, I'll probably end up getting all 3.
  25. Oh that trailer for the Zeta movie looks nice, the new animation isn't bad either, though you still can tell the difference between old and new very easily but still it looks very nice. Also anyone got a clue on that song they used when the MKII laid in that neat kick? I wouldn't mind listening to that song anytime I wanted, sounded nice.
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