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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. To be completely honest, I'd like to see a prequal. Its just been the latest fab in the last few years just prequal prequal prequal. You got starwars, Macross, batman etc etc. I'm sick of remakes, and you just can't continue a story where hell even the second part left a good conclusion, the third pretty much said "Hey we still got a city, just rebuild the damn thing." I want to know the history behind the Megazone project. I wanna know the true meaning of operator 7G, the original Garland, the Delzag so on and so on. I mean they got a whole history written up for the time prior to Megazone 23 part 1, they need to use it to their full advantage. I say k'mon guys show me the prequal!
  2. Now that's interesting...this could take a long while before its actually finished. Shoji stopped using Mikimoto cause his art took so long to complete if I remembered right. But why would they want to make another MZ23 when the third OVA did so poorly? Personally I found it to be my second favorite after part2....but wow Guyver and now Megazone....what's next? if anyone says Macross I'll kick them in the nuts.
  3. Yeah that's got to be the Resin, the detail on it is packed. Master grades are great with detail but there are alot of areas the sculpters and main designers miss out and I wont go into detail cause it'd be hard to explain : /
  4. Personally its just nice to see how Episode 32 reminded me of a Mixture of the original Gundam series and some Zeta references as well.
  5. I know he lost a leg but didn't he also loose that arm? I remember in the end they show him without a leg, and they also showed that in the final episode to serve as the shows conclusion, but I ca n't remember if that right arm of his was gone as well.
  6. The 1/60 Impulse needs major painting, just because its big doesn't mean its near 50% perfect. The corefighters main body and what lack of mechanical looks need painting and it requires alot of taping off. The freedom in my opinion looks to be the same.
  7. You could go M2 or Fusion if that's what you were looking for. The M2's gadgets are up top and down below leaving you plenty of room for the middle of the hilt to grab hold too and swing away. The M2's brothern, Fury is the complete oppisite, its just an Arc-wave with an M2 head. Hell even the Double Helix has nothing outragous on it but that's alot of damn money but hey they're abled to seperate or become the staff so you can go Maul on their asses. Tim, the co-worker said he likes the Enchelon cause all the crap is up top and with all the other sabers he's used he keeps accidently turning the blade off cause the switch is at the bottom end of the hilt.
  8. Granted, I almost caved in and dueled my co-worker with my MR 2 weeks ago but managed to pull away from that. Thank god too cause we were just tapping away at our hasbro's and it became an all out war. My Anakin color changer is starting to look pretty beaten up cause the bastard just swings away without any considerration of what I'd do....but meh. Rouge looks a lil old fashioned, diffenetly like Episode II's Anakin. But there's just something of the Defiance (not just the name!) that screams at me to snag it....I just wish I had some input from people who had certain sabers to know which felt comfy and cool looking. Now if the Defiance is 1 blade only, no substitutions in the future, than I think I'd rather have the Shadow. It looks very much like a cross between Anakin and Luke's saber but with a slightly more mechanical and sexy feel in my opinion. But its also 30 dollars more.
  9. The defiance is the one I'd want the most, mostly because I like the bottom half and the top half is a anakin wanna be. But from what I understand you either a) can't remove the blade or b) you can't get a replacement for the EL blade. So if one day I got the blue, and wanna say get the green, I can't I guess. Co-worker said Echelon is what he'd really like to get but it seems like the same story or something. But...really......300 dollars for something with no sound, no amazing power up or power down abilities.....just a removable EL Blade with a stylish hilt? The FX offers nearly everything BUT a removable blade....if they did it'd be the perfect saber.....also its 200 dollars cheaper.......lifes unfair isn't it?
  10. For $250 bucks, you can get either Obi-Wan's or Darth Vader's lightsaber (or both? The description isn't really clear) as authentic replicas of antique parts: I did notice your saber there Stamen just kept forgetting to comment. That's cool that you made your own design and everything, I wish I could do something like that myself instead of just buying cannon fodder like saber hilts. Now on the Parker deal, 8-10 weeks is a seriously long time and not too mention 300 dollars for something with no Sound effects like huming, battle clash and woosh is sorta steep for me. However the blade being much more durable than the Master Replica's FX sabers is a plus for someone of my field who likes to simple smack things around like a pimp to his bitch *cough*. The hilts that best suit my style, the Defiance, and Rouge and would maybe bend over for the Fury, MK2 and Arc-Wave. Blades however.....hmmm that's tough I'm more of a Dark Sider but they don't offer the correct blade which would be a must in my opinion. But I can swing to the classic blue or bright green maybe even Yellow. But after hearing so many complaints that some customers took almost a year to get a saber.....and how expensive it really is.....do I honestly wanna even bother?
  12. You know I'd take one of them with me to Spokane......but....no I got a reputation to uphold with my family....well wait no I don't...*eats his cornflakes* I got a reply from Saber Vault, they are out of all the FX sabers, but they're expecting a bigger shipment. SV told me that they, along with many other retailers weren't expecting such a huge turn out for the Force FX sabers from ROTS movie so MR only gave them a small handful of what everyone ordered. But hey June they said they'll get more of them, so June I shall get my Anakin.
  13. Seeing the robot jesus smacking you for impure thoughts makes me think of that scene in Nadesico where Akito and Yurika are trying to cast away "worldly pleasures"
  14. PS3 is spring of 06 isn't it? That still means about a year and a half since Halo2's release....though I'm sure right after they completed Halo2 they started the ground works for Halo3....well......hm.....yeah almost been a year......took them 2 to finish Halo2.....heh I don't know.
  15. Mixture of both, just like the original Gundam story. A string of the original 49 episodes with new scenes, added Mobile Armors and blah blah blah. but like I've said repeatedly, your animating new scenes to a near 20 year old series where you can tell a great big difference in style and color and even camera angels.
  16. I'll have too check it out later...but they're product status says they'll get more in June, infact just about all sites even MR say more in at June.
  17. The LE's are far to expensive for my taste. 300-600 dollars is enough to pay 1-3 months worth of Carpayments or 3-6 months of Car Insurance, or even a month of living fees if I owned a nice apartment. But now that I know a few good places like Saber Vault, and Hyperspace itself, I feel cofident that I can atleast get 1 more FX before I call it quits....its hard finding a place for those things, I still haven't for my Vader.
  18. tell me about it, I think I still might have a few random episodes on tape SOMEWHERE in the vault.
  19. I went to gamestop on Monday to get some PSP games for my long trip to washington this weekend to attend my Grandfather funeral. Well just as I stepped into the door they had a sign "LAST DAY TO RESERVE YOUR XBOX 360!" Talk to Sean the guy who works there whose one of the guys I'm buddy buddy with. We chatted about the 360 for a while, just the stuff I've read and caught on G4TV. I ended up spending nearly 140 dollars I think....got 2 PSP games, a new adaptor for it and I put down 50 bucks on the 360. Went back to work where I also found out one of my co-worker buddies also placed an order for the 360 by trading off one of two of his xbox's. November release, might have been a bit premature for me to make such a move when I don't even know what games are coming out and if any of them are going to affect me at all on wanting to buy. Obviously Halo3's rumor release with the 360 turned out false since it takes about 2 years or so for a Halo game to be produced....and November will strike the 1 year mark.
  20. Just my 2 cents......but Luke wanted to be a jedi like his father. But in my opinion once he found out all the responsiblities and duties which would lie ahead of him I don't think he was even prepared and wanted to fully accept it. But than if that were true he wouldn't have restarted the Jedi Order....so blah.
  21. http://www.thesabervault.com/titlepage.html these are the guys I'm going to use I think....if not I'll use Star Wars main website.
  22. ........I should kill you where you stand sir........I wish my camera worked I'd take a picture of the Vader one 0_o
  23. Granted, but the Bestbuy in oregon doesn't carry Ranma anymore, infact they carry only titles that have been out since 2004 like Gundam SEED, .Hack Legend, recent DBGT movies, FMP, FMA, etc etc etc....they stopped stocking Ranma or any other regular Gundam titles since 2002......besides I only paid about 112 dollars for the second season.....that seems to be pretty close to average. But I don't buy individual DVD's from Suncoast....I wont ever pay more than 24.99 and even if I paid 24.99 it had better been a REALLY good series or I'd be pissed. But back in the topic....I looked around, while alot of places are holding orders, it seems they don't even get a shipment till June/July...and there's always the possiblity that they'll get a small number and go on backorder. Might be best to get it straight from Master Replica's site cause they'll carry the most in stock from everyone else.
  24. Nope nothing, even all the vader ones were gone and I even went to suncoast but it was taking so long cause some jackass kept plondering what he wanted to buy and kept looking around not letting anyone else get their crap down (only bought one damn box set of Ranma!) and ended up buying like 250 bucks worth of DVD's that were nothing but lame ass movies and concerts on DVD.....THHHHHHEEEEENNNnn he remembered he had some stuff he wanted to order just as he was about to finish.....I stood in line for 10 minutes just being BEHIND that jerk off...............................so I never got to ask if it were possible to order up an Anakin FX saber.......................but atleast I got season 2 of Ranma.
  25. She was at my place playing hide the wookie under the sheets. Great game, I always end up loosing though. sounds like you need a blog
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