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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Can't believe hot rod is French. And secret history of the transformers being on earth forever? Yeah we did that 8 years ago.
  2. Shop by work got a monster order of gunpla since the guy who orders is a member of the local build group. One of the things he did was order almost a dozen lupus Rex and bael kits for the full mechanic line. I picked up one each for pretty decent price and began work on the rex. I don't know why I'm treating this cookie cutter like cause the shoulder ports are different parts and bigger. Also love that they've translated the color code! I didn't know the Baels blue was clear blue and a bit of white. I would of been so off!
  3. looks like the crowdfunding thing is up...............after looking at it, I'm gonna pass.
  4. Truthfully I'm sitting and waiting for the 1/2 BB8 to release.
  5. Thinking I got a defective unit. This sat in a car charger for half of yesterday then docked all last night. When I grabbed it this morning the indicator was at full and I turned it off. 20 minutes later I turn it on and it's at 50%.
  6. I'm getting the hang of it......it's kind of troublesome to have a horse if you don't intend to go long distances. I would like to spend some time roaming more I think. But I'm atleast able to get clothes, scored some better weaponry which just a damn shame it'll all break eventually. I can't believe there are 100 shrines to visit, that just seems intimidating but so far of the 6 or so I've visited I haven't had to many concerns yet.
  7. Just finished work on the Bandai Millennium Falcon. Really simple build even with the small pieces I was surprised how fast this went....I was essentially done with the assembly in 3 hours and then just kind of spent the next couple days painting the panels, the cockpit, airbrushing scorch marks and weathering the hell out of it. So yeah it went well.
  8. Think I'm doing something wrong. I seem to die constantly during my battles with monsters, mostly those goblin looking guys when they're purple. I don't know if it's my weapons just being crappy or if there's a strategy to get them. but that's another issue are my weapons. Most are pick ups like the bone arms or small clubs. Don't seem to get a lot of interesting stuff, just things that break after a few whacks. Any advice?
  9. did notice some excessive heating when I docked mine tonight for the first time. I do try to limit myself on the amount of gaming I do though so with any luck this won't be a growing issue. I'm just gonna charge my switch so I can play tomorrow morning before work.
  10. FINALLY! my switch arrived! I picked up that tempered glass cover which was super easy to install, best one I've ever done. Charged it up, updated everything, plugged in Zelda and now just kind of killing time. Can't wait to take this with me tomorrow to kill more time in the morning and during my lunch
  11. It was great to watch it again but in the comfort of my own home. Even better was watching it with my sphero BB-8 I hope sphero keeps making these updates as the movies continue to be released.
  12. That's fairly sad, I heard the numbers this morning on the radio and I wasn't to surprised it tanked but thought it's atleast be a bit higher. I say that since when I went the room was atleast a quarter filled compared to power rangers last weekend and being 1 of 5 in there....2 adults and 3 kids. i dunno if it'll be well accepted overseas imo, the purists are going to avoid it due to the white washing and reviews state side. Then again something like pacific rim did a lot better over seas than it did in the states right? Who knows.... i do feel that characters were miscasted and the only one I thought worked well was batou. Hell even the guy who was togusa I went "wait wasn't he the accountant in batman?"
  13. you know, I left actually feeling a bit ripped off. I mean the number of scenes they ripped off and yet ever just so slightly retuned for their purpose were just the same as the old animated piece. I kind of got close to walking out a few times because it was happening so frequently. I'd almost guess 25% of the film is just rehashing for live action. And the bit about The Major just left me rolling my eyes. I probably won't buy this film when it's released.
  14. I was reading an article this morning. Seems when Amy Jo and JDF went to the premiere of the film......JDF in all his attention hogging glory tried to film peoples reactions to his cameo with co star. Security caught him just as this was going down and kicked him out of the theater demanding his cell phone as they felt he was trying to record the film. He had a huge tantrum explaining to them he was a big deal and that he was in the film and just messed it all up for him. Doesn't sound like he was allowed back in, and he never got to see the ending of the movie or the end credit sequence. For someone who keeps telling himself he's a big deal......he's REALLY not a big deal.
  15. nailed it. Amazon restocked today. Well so far I nailed it, it's already out of stock again but I managed to get the order placed with an April 5th delivery. Sounds like it won't even be in stock until the 2nd. I'm crossing my fingers it goes thru.
  16. I was close yesterday. Bestbuy online and locally had them up with a Zelda bundle. Had it in my cart ready to check out and it wouldn't process my payment. I kept getting an error something went wrong with the website. Happened in the app side as well. called up 3 stores that had them in stock for local pick up. 20 minutes on hold in each store not even a greeting. After an hour that was it, they were all gone. What a crock.
  17. I picked up a Rogue One re-issue of the old Republic Star Destroyer from the clone wars era. Actually....I snagged two cause I thought I had lost some parts to the first one. This is technically my first glue together kit and I generally try to avoid them as I don't have that kind of time. But after a while and some patients I've been getting closer and closer to finishing it. Plus now that I have a proper work station in my garage it makes it soooooooo much easier to build. Mostly of my painting is free hand, that's how I generally prefer it for some areas it gives it a dirty look imo. But right now I'm at a point where I'm doing patch work on the panels in random locations to give it a battle worn look and been enjoying it. Depending on the overall results this may go to a competition in Seattle next month.
  18. Sounds like a plan, you know how to get ahold of me like usual Yeah, my co workers kid is at that age now where I think she gets crushes and seems to have a mad crush on me, think she's 5 now I can't recall. She use to be completely terrified of me cause I'm a big white guy and she's a tiny lil hispanic girl. But some reason the last few weeks whenever I stop by she gets super excited and doesn't want me to leave. It was a logan moment lol.
  19. So for your first question, yes, the designs are bad, better than the .......93/95 movie I can't remember when that came out. But they're fairly dumb. I mean a Momoth zord with 6 legs? T-rex has tiny arm cannons yet no arms. And when they become a megazord it's like transformers....how did these parts from Dinosaur looking robots become THAT? As for your second question.......yes and yet no. Yes the real fighting doesn't begin until the last 30-35 minutes of the film. Although they do try really hard to morph as there's a stupid catch for them to be able to do it.
  20. Hah, would of appreciated it. I've been trying to keep up on all the stocking news. Gamestop is being the most bleak saying they'll probably continue to run out of stock for the remainder of the year which is making me roll my eyes cause it's propaganda. This thing is so hot you have to wait in line and waste your life to get this! I signed up to this place called NowinStock.net and it's suppose to alert me but it does a pretty piss poor job at it. Not entire sure how I wanna proceed with this hunt.
  21. It's atleast doing better than some of the other movies out right now except for B&TB....cause well, Disney. It's gone up 4% since I last saw the ratings last night that's at least a plus. But yeah I mean there are just some things that bug me that are forgotten...or poorly explored. Like all of these kids have problems that make them trouble makers or emo....but the two who are the weakest of this category of having real honest to god issues are Kimberly and Trini, Kimberly's being the dumbest and most explainable of them all. Then you have all the news going on right now that Trini is the first openly gay ranger. I'm scratching my head cause there wasn't really anything that clearly said she is a lesbian.
  22. well I saw it early this morning, I was the only one in the theater room. Felt to generic, lots of plot holes, poor effects, I was just there to see the cameo with JDF and Amy Joe. On the plus side I got some nifty lil limited edition card for being 154th of 500 to see the movie since yesterday. THAT says a lot....
  23. tried twice this week to get a switch. Gamestop told me good luck there's a line, and I missed out on the Amazon shipment by 5 minutes.
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