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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Okay, I finished the frame pretty much, but I lost the light bulb...so I'm not gonna be able to light it up bummer......really.
  2. I tried again, downloaded another torrent, the oneI got, nice screen resolution, but no subs what so ever......ugh.
  3. Based off what I know, it'll probably somehow teach Sousuke to use his AS more properly, I can't believe its just an ordinary custom M9...but it looks real similar to a Patlabor design...
  4. lol glad I missed that one! I'm actually regreting not like buying 2 or 3 more of these so I could build a squadron. I finished everything but the head for the frame work. I even started messing around and making it walk, man was that fun! No new pictures of it though since its just the left arm that I completed since the last time I posted...uuuuuuhhhhhhh tomorrow, I think I'll finish the head, and tuesday I'll finish the model indiffenetly.
  5. me too I can't WAIT to see how this baby turns out, I've been doing a pretty good job on the build up this far. Personally, I really wanna shoot for a complete frame build up tonight since I have late shift monday-friday at work.
  6. I'm close on finishing, but I'll have to pick up more Brilliant Blue after work, I ran out on the last tree, and I made a big mistake on 2 others, so I gotta repaint them (accidentally touched up with the wrong blue : / ) I'd say, thus far the most difficult ordeal with this kit, are the screws. You don't know which ones to use, and if your not careful you'll strip the heads right off them so your stuck with it. Luckly I'm doing judgement calls on areas to see if they'd need screws or not. So far, I'd say the putting together the power coils over the chest were the most challenging cause it doesn't look like their big enough to wrap around the chest, but they're just springs so it all works out just fine. After work as well, after picking up a new can of Brilliant Blue, I'll also go to radio shack, hmmm maybe after lunch instead, and I'll pick up some batteries. PG's need lit up eyes, even if its difficult to do.
  7. If I can't read it, or understand the language, thumbs down on the WHOLE movie.
  8. YES! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED! W00t! I'm voting for him everyone else step aside or he'll stop ya in the face with a saudering iron and rip your angelic heart from your chest!
  9. Working on the armor color now.....I'm starting to have second thoughts on the color choice but I think I'll be fine. Wanted to use a light blue instead and a regular blue for the darker areas...but I don't have enough light blue to finish the job I think. The darker colored armor is about finished...I'm spraying an undercoating to the areas not so exposed so I can get the areas that are hard to cover in the space I'm working at. Also, anyone know what batteries these take? Is it the exact same on all of the PG kits? If so....than what was that again? lol I can't find my PG Strike manual...
  10. Dammit the Initial D movie I got is subbed in Spanish or something! And I don't know SQUAT of what's going on twice over being the movie is from Hong Kong.....if it were done in Japanese actors I MIGHT have understood it more.
  11. I finished the main coat of paint to the frame work. I used Gunmetal, Light Gunmetal and Aluminum on certain areas. It's got a nice mechanical look to it right now. And before I hit the mattress, I'm gonna do some added detail like coils around the frame, and some off set coloring to make it more mechanical looking. I'm afraid of the paint of the armor though, I don't think i'll have enough light colors to give a primer look and I didn't have much to work with for a different shade of Blue...I'm using Brilliant Blue and a Ordinary Blue...that's as close as I could come without going ".......Lame"
  12. I think GSD is shown either Very late at night since its not even dawn there in Japan yet, or like VERY VERY early in the morning. But I assume they do make a good amount of cash from the figures and other merchandise or else they wouldn't market it as much.
  13. I got mine in today, came in fantastic shape and I can't wait to start on it tomorrow and over the weekend.
  14. man need a quick time version of this trailer, streaming is always poor as hell for me. But Gackt seems to be busy with songs for the Zeta movies. As for Mquar, she should have just barely appeared in the first movie if its split into thirds....she'll more than likely die in the end of this second movie.
  15. oh I'll diffenetly be cracking on mine, gonna do an amazing paint job and build up you just wait and I'll have pictures of it! It shall be the Hikuro Zaku II custom! The power cables will be yellow, the middle of the chest will be black, the body will consist of two shades of Blue, and on the spikes I'll have a white stripe going around each one.
  16. I've got the torrent saved but I'm in no rush to see it seeing that I've got a 4.5 gig movie I'm doing right now.
  17. I miss read my tracking, it'll be friday.......dammit all. Let's all see who makes the better looking Zaku!
  18. co-worker of mine who likes to duel with me with the dinky sabers called me up cause he had the day off and wants me to give him a few weblinks so he can shop around for a good priced FX Saber. He says he wants to get the Anakin one cause he loves the Blade color. I'll probably tell him to hold off since Obiwan's isn't too far out of reach with the retooled Luke Episode 6 saber.
  19. I'll find out tomorrow if its true or not. Its in Tauliatin which is just about 15 miles from here, so it'll arrive tomorrow....when that happens I'll let you all know if we got jipped or not, cause like I said, if its not what I ordered, its going back.
  20. I thought episode 3 and 4 were fantastically done. And the fight with Moa was amazing, she could really hold her own. Also, it seems Sousuke has a real disliking to AS cause he can't control it.
  21. okay that first picture of me SUCKED, so I did a better one with a friend helpin me out.
  22. Debbie does dallas part 5....... wha?
  23. I got some pics, got a new digicam yesterday.
  24. Personally, I'm not a GP01Fb fan, I thought that design was shotty and last minute in designs. The GP01 is my favorite design considering in the timeline you got a boxy mobile suit and wham four years later you got something that looks like a machine that can move. I bought an MG GP01 and did a Test bed color theme and it came out pretty well.
  25. I'm diffenetly going to paint mine, I honestly should have bought two, one for a Char paint job, the other for my own. My color choices when I decide on a custom model is either Red or Blue...but since Char has a Red Mobile suit, and Johnny Ride has a Crimson mobile suit, I'm going to use blue. I'll probably have to focus on two shades of blue, or use a blueishgrey. However it'll contain more grey tone instead of blue. And I'll also use Black. That's pretty much it for the exterior colors. To help highlight other parts I'm going to use a Haze Grey on the skeleton, that'll highlight everything very nicely.
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