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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. friend of mine just pointed out that DESTINY's dub is completed and airing somewhere, more then likely canada since they get first dibs before we do here in the states (Yu-Gi-oh! GX for example) and she's laughing at how bad the dub really is. The one whose playing Murrue (Relena in GW) also plays Talia Gladys.
  2. somehow, I just don't think that'd ever happen, Nintendo's only released a small percentage of "violent" games to their system....let's not forget, Nintendo had a VERY good chance of owning the market with the Playstation but said CD's technology wasn't in gaming future and they decided to let the Playstation idea go and SONY bought it, now look at SONY...... Nintedo has just fallen to the wasteside and their only buyers are families letting their 10 year olds play Mario...that's how I feel.
  3. I know! If that's true what bullcrap and big waste of our time! We were introduced to a few new characters over the last 4 episodes and this is how we're suppose to enjoy?! WITH 13 EPISODES?! K'mon! What a huge waste of our time if this is true! I wanted to see Chidori again, and Tessterossa's brother being the final enemy! And a grand fight between Sousuke and that jackass execution leader!
  4. I'm not sure if this is right, but I just finished Episode 12 and at the previews translation, it said last episode.....that sure as hell doesn't make any sense......they're just getting to the good part of this story and they're calling it quits? I hope that's wrong : /
  5. ooooooooh sidious saber looks NICE. And nope, no problems with my Windu, infact the more ppl I show it too, the more ooh's and aahh's I get then my other ones, I guess Samuel L Jackson is the man huh? But I'd LOVE to get ROTJ saber, even if the neck of the saber hilt is thick, just the fact that you can get one is just amazing. The revised version is very sweet from the pictures I've seen, and I found alot of sales on Ebay for it, never going above 200 dollars. If the gods are kind, I shall get one, someday, somehow.
  6. That's true, I'm picking up RR6 for one reason and ONE reason only, Drift Physics. This is the only game on the 360 that has the drift engine in the actual race mode. Since Need for Speed has turned out to be Midnight Club 3 with a passion, I'm a bit dissapointed. But RR6 you can drift, and that's what I like to do in racing games, drift the crap outta my cars.
  7. Wow, I just changed my Background 5 times going "oh that's lovely" and having to change it again, now I'm done . If you ever need anything like voice actors if you go full animated, PLEASE give me a shout, I'm part of a large voice acting community and if you check out the Macross dub thread in the Macross area, you can see some of the fan work I did. But WOW, freaking amazing some of the BEST CG renders I've seen in a very long time.
  8. I just heard today that Elder Scrolls got pushed back till the start of December, that saves me 55 bucks I got 128 and some change to pay off the system and some accessories, but I got over 270 dollars to pay off games.
  9. I stumbled upon Mace Windu's today while I was purchasing some accessory pieces for my 360. Thus it hit me, "Should I or shouldn't I?" I hear bad things about the Windu saber, but yet, here it is, right infront of me, easy pickings. So I crossed some things off my current 360 list and went ahead buying the Windu Saber. Sadly it wasn't for another 6 hours I got to open it up and put in the batteries I ripped off from work. While the sound effect quality is pretty piss poor against the Anakin ROTS saber, I thought this thing was suppose to look more like a white blade instead of Purple? I see plenty of purple when I turn it on, and even the camera picks up the purplness...I thought the saber was rather nice, and a great add to my collection of FX goods. So, I've got 3 sabers down, and when 2006 rolls around, I'm sure to add more.
  10. I'll be surprised if SONY has playable software available, they didn't have anything new at the Tokyogame show few weeks ago. And also, didn't know Most Wanted was going out in Xbox as well, thought it was a 360 only release cause all I've heard for racing is Need for speed for 360 : / and that there are Xbox demo and 360 screen shots comparing the video quality of the two systems. I went too Gamestop, preordered my sixth 360 game, Ridge Racer, a second wireless controler and plugandplay recharge kit.
  11. Hey they can do what ever the hell they want as long as its better then Resident Evil and Mortal Kombat. If it means having a CGI'ed Master Chief so be it. But with how fans can make thier own costumes of Master Chief, I almost feel like movie makers are being lazy for effort. And as for Starwars ROTS, for a movie like that, you needed CGI at an abundence.....maybe during space battles and city shots, but the fact that nearly every set was green screen with minor props was a bit of a bitch.
  12. okay, clarifying. On Nov 2005 Disc #50, there is a playable version of Need for Speed Most Wanted, you have 4 cars to choose from, 2 of them are the RX-8 just different colors with 3 playable levels...a Tollbooth level, Drag Race and Sprint mode. After each race your pretty much in a race for your life for a minute and a half against a horde of cops. Also in the disc includes LA Rush, Land of the Dead, Marvel Nemesis, NCAA football 2006, and Starwars Battlefront II. The need for speed is suppose to be a dumbed down Xbox playable of the 360 game. In ANOTHER Xbox magazine, they have two screen shots of Most Wanted, one from the Demo game from what I understand which has a somewhat blurry picture of two cars going at it, and the other, same picture but 360's rendition which has higher clarity and resolution etc. If anyone needs too I can scan pictures of this for evidence, no problem. I also continued reading, it seems EA's developers are pretty much copying Midnight Club 3 by adding a bullet time effect during gameplay and having tollbooth racing which is going from one booth to the next within a certain amount of time. EA's race team also dropped a few fun races like Drift Competitions which were big selling points for Need for Speed. But like I said, if anyone needs anything, lemme know, I can scan what ever you need.
  13. I'm not happy about having to remove pieces to transform it, and the fact that its larger then the 1/48's so that makes a good chance of it being more expensive....I'm starting to get really picky about things lately and this is certaintly one of 'em. I'm passin up on this one.
  14. Yep, noticed that too. A friend of mine bitched on why it was so expensive, I told him that's how they price things in Japan and he felt sorry for alot of the people who would actually spend THAT much money on a single DVD, or CD or anything. I told him, "Well don't eat a big mac in Japan."
  15. They were actual playable demo's for the 360, but I think the only 360 game was Need for Speed, the rest are up coming or already released Xbox games like the Marvel Nemesis and StarWars Battle Front II.
  16. I think the woman I had as Minmay's aunt was maybe british, but she also played the boy, so I don't know.... I have ONE more dub from Episode 2 where I had another girl playing Minmay instead....can't find the link. It was actually interesting to do the scenes cause I had so many people who had never EVER seen Macross except one person. She's a professional actress with FUNImation who I do alot of fandubbing projects with. She is a huge Macross fan and likes playing as Minmay. I had her do a test scene where she's chewing out the kid for wanting another soda, she did really well, and in some respect, much nicer then Reba West. I also had another Roy Fokker who was just about perfect and he was a member here at one point. We tackled one full scene and that was that. I've gone thru 4 Minmays, and 3 Roy Fokker's, its hard to keep a group together. I even had a semi pro do Shin Kudou's voice for the opening of Macross Zero, then he was never seen again.
  17. I stumbled upon the DVD for movie 1 on yesasia.com, they want almost 63 bucks for the DVD, talk about your over kill.
  18. I just got a demo disc with some 360 games and one of them was Need for Speed Underground Most Wanted and my jaw just dropped on how great it was. The controls could use a bit of tuning, which I hope will happen in the actual game, I had alot of problems turning. But after you beat each level you get chased by a horde of cops, even during your race you'll here reports that they're after you. Then you got a minute and a half which feels like 10 minutes of where nothing but cops are trying to get you and trust me they will TRY....its not one of those Grand Theft Auto deals where the cops are just morons, these guys were smart. I had a real tough time shaking them. When I felt like I lost one, 4 more came in its place and wanted to run me down! I can't wait to get this game!
  19. See, no one I think really knows why ZAFT had no real idea about Kira, Krueze had to did up information on himself in order to hate humanity so much. I think the Destiny plan was to go thru a single person's DNA, and find their "Perfect" traits, those traits would send those people to educational schools related to what they'd be perfect act and they fill those roles. Like if your genes say you'd make a good politican but your a janitor at some highschool, your wasting your talents. So instead they put you into educational programs to be a senator, or leader of a nation. And maybe that politican before you was made to be a janitor, tada here's your mop and bucket.
  20. a friend of mine and I once worked on English lyrics for DYRL and actually had about 2 minutes of the song done and was using it as a piece for the DYRL dub trailer we were doing......wish I knew where that went too. I know we even did Zero-G Love at one point.
  21. I don't know, I might have to scheme one off from ya
  22. I just read the first issue of Shadow Chronicles, I almost laughed my ass off when Lisa survived that attack, I thought "ALRIGHT! FINALLY SOME DEATH!".......but alas, it didn't occur.
  23. Thanks, I was playing Hikaru, always wanted to be him. There were two girls playing Minmay, one of them is studying to become a professional and has worked in radio and commericals. The other is just a simple girl.
  24. If these links get deleted off by the mods its fine, ppl can just PM me and I'll give it to them. But if your curious how a Dubbed Macross would sound, here's some scenes friends of mine and I did using AnimEgo's easteregg bonus. HIKURO'S MACROSS DUB 1 HIKURO'S MACROSS DUB 2 Both these links should still work, and I worked very hard on doing a decent job at these. But this would give you an idea of how it would sort of go. And I'm still continueing on doing these as sort of a demo reel to help me become a professional voice actor and make alot of you guys proud of SOME dubbed anime.
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