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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I think the reason why they went from 6 to 3 AA's is cause they're using batter technology from previous versions....I mean just listen to the sound quality difference between Mace and Anakin's, and those are very different. Someone I occasionally see around in a chat room told me he found an Anakin saber somewhere near Milwaukie OR (not far from me) and he loves it. If I could spend the money, I'd go to borders and press my luck in finding a ROTJ saber or something
  2. I still got 99 bucks left to go, I'll probably pay it off tomorrow seeing as I have no job, I got fired yesterday and tomorrow is my last day there. So if I don't find a job midnight release with no regrets! If I have a job, my old man is gonna have to go to gamestop and pick up my 360 and the games I've got on order.....sucks for me huh?
  3. I picked it up for the PSP, its not bad.....but I feel like I'm just playing Battlfield on SW's crack.......that's all, nothing special at all........................................
  4. Gen four would be in the range of Anakin ROTS and Luke's redesigned ROTJ also Vader's Episode V and upcoming releases. Previous Generations were like Vader and Luke's Episode 4, Anakin's and Windu's Episode 2 variations, those would range from Gen1-3. A saber which uses 3 AA batteries is one of the newer gens, since Windu's uses 6 AA's, he's a previous variation, I think a G2. After researching this guy's work a bit, I think that while 169 dollars (after taking in shipping) is a large but probably a sound investment if your someone like me who enjoys bashing those things around without wanting to worry about the blade having problems in the near future. Not too mention a 3W LED blade looks REALLY powerful in brightness and color, that's astonishing, and the color choices just makes me go "DAYAM!"
  5. Wow where in the hell are you getting it converted at chowser? that shoulds really interesting!
  6. a LE ROTS dropping 100 bucks is a good deal, would also be perfect with my Anakin costume. I dressed up as a Ghetto Sith and I'll tell you, it gives one a warm fuzzy feeling when you open up the door with your light saber blazing around and kids going "HOLY COW!"........(swear I heard one say sh1t...in a very mumbled tone) They really loved Anakin's cause it was bright and loud.
  7. If you have Nerosmart you could always just do a VCD (works on most DVD players, no way to really know if yours will or not) with a regular CD. Granted you could only put 2 episodes a disk (meaning 5 will be on its own) and the picture quality might suck, but you got the fansubs which are better then the bootlegs.
  8. I can't even connect on LIVE, but I don't need to worry about it now cause I don't have my Xbox anymore, and I can wait till 360 comes out where its already set up to be LIVE. Something about my DNS couldn't be detected or something. Similar problem occured when I started putting my PS2 online thru my DSL....its rather odd......I've got two ways of connecting, one is like a dial up deal where I gotta hit "Connect" to start it up, or I go thru a website thru my ISP guys and hit "Connect" thru that website and it'll push me up. On the dial up version I can access all and download anything, thru the website version I can't get on AIM or download thru Bitorrent.
  9. Anyone tried their hand at the Every10minutes deal MountainDew is holding....? I took me 2 weeks dammit to figure out how I was suppose to play cause I was doing it at work. Our vending machine is full of pepsi products so I spent like 8 bucks adding in Pepsi points and FINALLY tonight I started spreading around atleast 2 in the least used timeslots, mostly early AM slots. Maybe I'll get lucky? Even though i already own the 360 cause I finished off my payments, I wouldn't mind having a second one to give to a less fortunante friend or something......I do have one that's got a dead end job and hardly makes enough money to pay his bills and he LOVES video games, he just hasn't played any since Halo.....
  10. you weren't suppose to give that away.......now I'm embarassed.
  11. I'm having a real difficult time grasping the concept that Mari has agreed to be the english voice of Minmay.....I'm dreaming right?
  12. Uhhh.......why would you wanna remake Alien 2? THAT was a classic with Predator.....that doesn't make sense. Alien 3 wasn't bad, it served as a good "conclusion".........it still had its fright, but 4 made more ppl laugh then shreak.
  13. I thought I had found the link but who ever was tracking it dropped it pretty quickly, just told me there's no tracker, and shut down.
  14. You can never expect too much from 1/144's, we've known that for a really long time. But if its fun to build what's the point in really carring? I very rarely ever buy 1/144's cause I can finish them in 30 minutes unless I paint and detail. But now I got a GOUF and a ZAKU from GSD, and I may end up getting a few others if I see 'em.
  15. I think it was discussed a while back that some sort of Yoshiki Fukuyama album was going to be released with Fire Bomber songs befored by Basara.....but I never did get to see the track listings, wonder "like a fire" is good or not.....but then again I like Fukuyama.
  16. Man just the thought of collecting more and more of those FX sabers makes me smile big time. I'd love to be able to have a jedi like battle with friends without the fear of breaking a 120 dollar saber unless it was by REALLY shaming them together. A friend of mine at work really loves storm troopers, he said he'd pay about 300-500 dollars if there was a really good lifelike storm trooper out fit around. I showed him on Ebay that someone had one going for 300 bucks and I swear to god he stained his pants. Course I also found someone doing a full Anakin ROTS costume for 400 bucks...I might get one, but if MR is doing something like this, that might not be a bad idea to wait? Course, I'm all about the sabers, and I would pay as much as I could out of my pocket to get what ever FX saber I could. I'd also like to see MR change their stands cause I've noticed, the polycarbnate tubes will start to pull downwards over time cause of gravity working against the blade which has no stand. Maybe introducing a verticle stand to help conserve space?
  17. While I LOVE Zeta Gundam and really wanna see th is TV rip, I'd REALLY love to see a subtitled version come out Cause there is NO CHANCE IN HELL I'll pay over 60 dollars with shipping for a DVD unless its got a limited edition model stuck to it.
  18. Always will and always have thought of the 80's as the prime golden age for Anime...it was nitty gritty, chalked full of detail, great and popular music from groups you don't hear anymore, and the stories felt fresh and new. I miss the 80's.
  19. ............I really miss 80's anime
  20. god I almost couldn't tell them apart till you see the biggest hint of them all in my opinion, the way the shield is clamped to the left arm.
  21. I got the lines this week for the final 10 minutes of Aquarion's last episode....cant wait to act out Touma! I really gotta find some of those links for the scenes that've finished... Awwww sadly this is the only one that's actually working......oh well! It's still good! I only recommend watching it if your very curious of the Apollonius and Seria's love story and how Touma gets involved, or you've already seen the episode. WINGLESS I play Touma.....
  22. I always thought the Bandai 1/55's had huge bubble heads.......why would you want to put a BIGGER head on there?
  23. I think the controler for the Revolution is.......well.......Revolutionary......haha......I got no nit picks about it. I'm done with the 360 system itself and all the accessories and I got 3 out of 5 games paid off till launch day.......elderscrolls will be dead last on my list since its on the 6th.
  24. Damn everytime I see those Yamato Macross helmets I cream myself, well I come close. But those Gundam helmets are just flashyness.......blah......nothing like the real deals.
  25. I'm sorry you guys, I misunderstood her completely. The show is NOT out anywhere just yet, the first episode is the only thing that's been released at a convention showing off that they are working on the domestic variation.... Its got subtitles and bad quality to it for a 360 meg file, and she wont tell me where you can download it either, but I asure you, its really not that great thus far....
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