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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. well I just read this, and I thought the art was rather eh, namely the veritechs being redesigned the way they are now....that was just awful to look at.
  2. Finally we NEED IT with the faliure of Twilight Axis and no follow up shows to start now that Thunderbolt S2 is over. We need some good shows right now until the next big wave hits us and we splurge more on plastic.
  3. My ex and I were enjoying the films a lot until we saw 3.33 and we decided to never speak about evangelion again.
  4. I've been buying up all the small scale vehicle models bandai been pumping out lately. These things are so damn cute though they need some good additional painting done. Absolutely love the X wing I did and plan to do another sometime before the end of summer. this morning I received my new rogue squad snow speeder kit with the mini speeder addition. Really looking forward to giving it a slick paint job this weekend.
  5. Well, first time I touched my switch since May 12th really. I updated the console and the moment I tried to play Zelda to continue where I left off in Zora's Domian I got an error code and had to redownload the update for the game. Froze at 99% and closed me out with another error code. Suddenly it started working....got to play for an hour at work before the battery crapped out. So when I got home I popped it back on the dock so I could play some more aaaannnnnnd download update failure with another error code. Depending on what's going on I've gotten 4 different error codes. Last one was 2005-0003. There's nothing firm about what it is, and just a lot of videos in spanish for research. But from what I've read is that you need to remove your SD Card, reload all the game software directly into the Switch's hard drive and then insert the SD Card back in. Either case, that sounds stupid as hell.
  6. I was thinking to myself I've seen him somewhere sometime but couldn't put my finger on it. So I went and looked at his wrap sheet and BAM! He was in the x files movies.
  7. I dunno.....I feel like this was just out there to get all the bitchy whiny hipsters to shut up so if it fails they can say they tried. Never thought of the doctor ever being a woman. Still don't. Chances are I'll be missing out a lot of the next few seasons.
  8. Here's my theory of the twist. It's all been a big computer simulation by Weyland-Yutani to show how replicants will never be accepted cause they're to flawed like the rest of humanity while synthetics are far superior, easier to program and probably recyclable to some degree and never go rogue thus Tyrell Corp goes bankrupt and Weyland-Yutani buys them out for their tech to push synths closer to perfection.
  9. Dude chill, it's the internet. But you did put it in the wrong forum section. This portion of the forums is reserved for non-Macross related areas, he's just letting you know cause you're a noob is all so don't get your panties in a bunch. But to answer your question, I have no favorites. Macross Delta was a horrible anime and I would rather watch a thousand episodes of One Piece (.....so every episode pretty close!) than to try Delta again lol.
  10. Bummer cause Amazon prime members had a shot for the console just yesterday I think too.
  11. From what I've been hearing is the movie just stinks and cringeworthy like most of them. Scores are horribly low and audience puts it at a 60% while RT gives it a 16% hateful stand. i saw a few sneaked footage clips and I had to turn it off, was just god awful to watch. im glad bay is stepping down, again, hope he really stays away from it even by producer standards. but has to has like a dozen scripts in the making too.
  12. IN ways that's kinda neat of an image featuring a younger shatner, hope that design stays.
  13. I called it! I knew it was gonna be over 400 bucks!
  14. well liked it enough I saw it twice now. 2nd time was better than the first cause I went to that theater again......way more comfortable.
  15. I'm going after work, times are close together to make it work so I'm getting kinda anxious. I thought she was the only good character let alone actor in BVS.
  16. Mono eye is on but some reason this thing refuses to turn in the direction it should, kept looking it over and it still wouldn't do it weirdly enough. as for the sight nah, it's not gonna be visible in the cabinet. It's posed differently right now.
  17. Nah Cinatopia, there's a limit on alcohol there I think.
  18. I've been building atleast 2 kits a week in the last few weeks. Regardless of one being painted and the other a straight build or not. I just finished this Zaku I Char unit tonight....adding on a nice flat coat and chipping giving it the look that it was the final battle Char would have with this unit.
  19. I saw the movie the film friday night and my only real compliment was the theater I was at was freaking awesome serving me beer and burgers straight from my seat. Other than that there were some issues I had with the movie such as James Franco for instance. But also just the pacing of the film was horribly wrong.
  20. it was kinda choppy in some areas I blame editing, the xenomorph wasn't formidable at all, the Neomorphs either. It was almost like they had A LOT they wanted to tell but just not enough time again so it got condensed like Prometheus. It was okay of a movie but it wasn't good at all. Felt like Ridley threw this all together to have us shut up and say "Finally, an alien, F off now!"
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