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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Now, some of you are like me, a Tekkaman fan. I've got Tekkaman Blade II on VHS and DVD......and I got fansubs of Tekkaman Blade, but I'd like to own the DVD box set. So Im' trying to convince my folks on giving me that for Christmas. So does anyone know, cause there are a few different box variations I've seen, which one is actually the best one? I know there's one that has all 49 episodes, and there's one that includes the 38? episodes of the hacked Teknoman series which finished in Australia or the UK wha ever. Chances are, the subs will be hardly comprehensible, but I'd like to know which versions seem superior. Here's a picture of one I did find, 50 bucks seems like a good price for a 49 episode series.
  2. Alot of it is what I thought would be correct. The upper legs are part of the lower main body, while the lower legs themselves were apart of the lower end of the engines themselves. The arms would be the top half of the "engiens" and the nozzle would fold into the main body while the nose cone itself would fold next to the waist.
  3. yeah well after watching the hair scene I lost alot of respect for ADV...
  4. Oh god it didn't even take a week for mine to appear. The guys located in texas and he practically ships the next day.
  5. Okay after seeing the infamous hair scene......Mari Ijima really seems to have a trouble pronouncing some words without sounding slurred, It just didn't sound right, "My hair of course" it sounded a lil like "Y har ophorse"
  6. Hikuro


    You know, I think ppl would save themselves trouble maybe if you just download the PS emulator to your computer to play import PS1 games. I can't remember which one I had last year when I got to play VFX-2, but it worked with my DYRL game that I do own. I also recall 2 years ago getting the Macross Plus game for the PS1 and successfully burnt it, but the music would replay every 3 seconds, but I did manage to play the entire game. Sadly I can't do things like that anymore, the laptop is forever gone and I have no interests in figuring out how I did it. I do think there is a workable PS2 emulator somewhere.....I'll see if I can find it. Don't know if it'll successfully work with an actual PS2 game.
  7. That looks VERY nice, and that kneeling pose makes me feel very confident about how stable the figure could be. man and I love the Zeta too.....and all I got was the C1 and it sucks.
  8. Wow for the price on that DVD you can get all 3 OVA's from ADV for that price.
  9. I don't think there's any art work of how the VF-4 transforms, atleast, I've never seen it and I personally like the VF-4.
  10. Hikuro


    You can try Toysnjoys.com they have VFX-2 and other Macross games last time I checked. Hope its not the bootleg version, I couldn't even tell you which is which. But the bootleg will cut out and go black screen after the final mission. There's also Macross for the PS2 there.
  11. The costume's been out for some time, but I don't really think MR made it, someone else. But its the only fully Authentic Vader suit that exists. You can find it on like Starwars.com or by using a search engine type master piece Vader suit or something like that.
  12. Well the only thing that I could clearly see being FX was Obiwan E3 and Mauls. However what did surprise me was seeing full costume set of Jedi clothing....but Obiwan and Anakin. Now, there's a guy at singapore who will do a complete costume for Anakin for 450 dollars, Obiwans for 350....... how much do you think Master Replica would do it? Seeing that a full authentic Vader costume is a grand.
  13. Because there are those type of people who perfer not to listen to the japanese language nor wish to read subtitles while missing what's going on the screen. I've met alot of people who can'st stand watching subtitles causeyou can miss so much of what's going on in the background or somehow the dialouge gets lost cause your focusing to much on reading it. Sometimes, I'm litterally reading the subtitles off something cause there's alot being said and I just miss so much. The timing could be so fast that you miss important dialouge and have no clue what's being said. But in english you can absorb it. Not too mention, its a job, this country needs to fill more of 'em so ppl have a living.
  14. yes! Gal Force had some of the greatest fleet battles in my opinion. Take Eternal for instance, everyone dies!
  15. Hmmmm I'll see if I can, it'll be low quality though, I use a friends webspace to send out my fanworks. What I'd really like to do is get my cast together and do a full comparison, for each scene that's done by ADV, I'll do with my cast, see which ppl would find more toleratable. I had a few friends watch two scenes, the Bridge Bunny scene, and the Airshow, each person who viewed it gritted their teeth at one specific thing, "Muhcross".
  16. Wait......how can AnimEgo release ANOTHER box style.....when they lost the rights to distribute the series.......hence why ADV was making an English dub.....
  17. Well if I don't get a phone call next week, then we'll know.
  18. well, AnimEgo you can get for under 15 bucks a pop......the first volume with the collectors box will run you under 30 dollars........
  19. Okay so I ripped the scenes from AnimEgo and placed the MP3 bits thanks to Mechamaniac. Hikaru's voice I could grow on, its not too much of the over done that I would have expected, its not bad. Roy's....well, its not bad, I don't have a real complaint, but the guys voice squeeks to much when he's yelling and its annoying. It sounded cute in Nadesico, but no not here..... Misa......I REALLY dislike it.......she's too nassely, and her pronounciation of Macross REALLY made me cringe, not sure about you guys, but my head could of popped. Claudia, not bad, not bad at all, I could get use to it. Shammy...well...I hear her VA everywhere....last time I heard her was Steal Angel Kurumi as Karinka....I don't think her voice matches shammy's cuteness in the least. Global.......Accent, you've got to have either the italian or Russian accent, its a must. I always told my Global VA back when I first did the first half of Episode 1, he's got to keep the accent believable...and he did it nicely, I really liked his portrayal of Global, but this guy no. I don't like it. Breetia and Exadore......ummm......you know........I don't know.....I don't like the vocal effect, its just an echo......there's no overlap....you know what I mean, when you slide 1 vocal set, than the exact one under it but start that second one just a half second ahead...using an echo it sounds nice...but just the echo and 1 vocal set sounds weird. But I guess this officially means I have to stop doing my Fandub of Macross it was alot of fun, but now I'll tackle down the others like Zero or DYRL. Those I've been planning for almost 2 years.
  20. *grits his teeth* I honestly think the cast I had for my fandub is much better than some of these... Hikaru - not bad, I was very surprised they added Sempai to the dialouge, it seems ADV is getting lieniant towards that type of Japanese tradition. But a MP3 isn't everything, I'd have to add the video to this to see how the voice would sound with the animation, I think my voice was better. Roy - Now I recognize this guy, he was Carrot in Sourcer Hunters, and Gai in Nadesico. : / when his voice squeeks during his over acting it really makes me loose cofidence in the choice for Roy. So lemme ask you guys, from hearing my actor for Roy Fokker, and than this one, which would you think you'd get use too more? Misa - Downright dissapointment in my opinion.....she sounded WAY to shocked after the distruction of alien cruisers......and nassely. Not too mention I hate her pronounciation on certain things. I can't believe they're calling Macross Muhcross! Minmay -......I need to listen to that again, I swear to god I thought I heard a pit of British there or something. Overall, I think the name pronounciations over alot of stuff seems to be too whacked out....this really concerns me......I'm gonna rip a few of those scenes where these voice samples are involved and check this out myself......I'll let you guys know what I honestly think after full viewing later.
  22. They might not show the second drop since its mentioned that Jamitov is taking the war into space, which I found funny since in that series the Jaburo base was being abandoned for the Kilaminjaro base in Africa....yet it was never stated, just "Jamitov wants to take the war to space!" I thought the translation wasn't bad, but personally, I'm not into that whole "You killed lila! Kisama!" .........we all know what Kisama stands for, but I think so many of us are use to the translation to be loosely around "Bastard" since its an insulting word towards someone saying "You" in Japanese isn't it? If your gonna translate it up above, just leave it as "Bastard" its said SO often in the movie "KISAMA!!!!!" just say it "BASTARD!!!!" That's how its recognized in Western society of translations. It sort of irks me off when sub groups add Japanese words into the subs....I don't want that. Also Doide I think was what Kamille called the Sleds...why not just call 'em what they are? don't toy with it....
  23. Dear lord........why would they use that inferior MG mold for the RX-78?! it can't support the shield weight, that's why one of my gundams doesn't have a shield anymore, the lower part of the arm keeps dropping. Haven't had the problem with the GM though. But I do like that 1/1 scale MS seat. I REALLY wish I could buy that MKII 2.0 it looks so nice, and my custom paint job off it would come out so well. And that Argama diarhama is genius! I think its one of those paper cut out deals! I wish I could find a way to do that! I'd make stuff like that all the time for a cool way to dsiplay my UC models!
  24. Nero I think was able to encode it after an hour and a half, but it wouldn't burn the DVD blank....I'll look into WinAVI in a bit. I liked the movie, there was surprisingly alot of new animation and alot of the original story was altered which surprised me. But I felt Lila's death was cut out of its significants compared to her TV death......sort of like Kakhazaki's death in the TV series to DYRL.....he dies cause he was slow but it carried a deeper meaning to Hikaru, but in the movie he was just stupid and got killed. I was very surprised how fast paced the movie got but really slowed down and cramed ALOT in the last 30 minutes. Can't wait for Movie 2.
  25. my speed picked up from time to time lastnight, it just finished about 20 minutes ago and I'm TRYING to find a way to turn it into a DVD so I can watch it on TV instead of sitting on an uncomfortable couch for an hour and a half......even though I did that with FF7AC.... I've got a DVD burner thankfully.....I'm trying to use this copy of Nero my friend gave me cause my Intervideo WinDVD creator wont take the file unless its in the proper DVD settings which I got NO CLUE how to do....suppose to be that VOI or wha ever setting yet nothign to convert it. So Nero is currently encoding the video, probably'll be a other hour or so before I know what happens if it doesn't work I'm getting lunch, coming home and watching Zeta.
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