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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Since there's only 1 DVD out at a time, it wont cost you 100 dollars at first, but once you've bought all 6 dvd's....yeah your gonna be over hundred dollars slightly.
  2. It's mentioned every week carey And Zaku's with big armor plating on their right arms is for tackling or too reinforce and protect themselves from attacks like from machine gun's or bazooka shells. It's not perfect protection but they can withstand alot of punishment with those. The Zaku II's design really didn't start to happen till the early stages of the war when the Zaku I's were getting picked off by long barreled tanks and launchers. With that shield when an enemy shell comes their way they can use it for protection for a brief amount of time. Some Zaku's had it equipped right to the arm to use as a battering ram or a better shield protection to be raised near the torso since armor piercing rounds can go thru the torso and kill the pilot. Also I'd stay away from the MG GP01Fb, its not well balanced and the front end of the torso will slide off the core block, its not designed very well above the waist. However I'm pretty sure the PG version is just fine and dandy and can even be converted into a regular GP01 ground type.
  3. About damn time, only took them a month......but atleast they're really really close on finishing the series up.
  4. I think the way Tomino planned it was so that you could think on your own of the story to Turn A. You could take EVERY SINGLE Gundam series and write it off as actually being part of the same universe. For instance, you have the events in the UC series, then something happens and humanity starts from the stone age again, after thousands of years humanity goes to the AfterWar era, once again something happens and humanity is knocked back, we then have After Colony, humanity thinks they finally achieved peace, something happens and humanity is messed up again, then you could go to the Correct Century which is what Turn A's universe is, and see that it's in the 2000's so humanity had a large down fall cause of the Turn A and Turn X. Which was the Black Past or Dark History. Hence why you see Zaku's in the series. People had fits about the series cause the Turn A only had minor references to the Gundam legacy, such as its colors, and power. While the Turn X carried ZERO references other than the Psycomu system. What was shocking to some is that Tomino is well known for character killing, and really he didn't do as much as what he did with Zeta or other shows. Also the style of mobile suits was either taken as unique or plain ugly, but there were many fans of the SUMO mobile suits because those were for the Ace pilots. I can't remember if it was actually claimed or not, but I believe some of the reasons you didn't see so many mobile suits cause from what I understand, neither side could rightfully reproduce mobile suits accordingly, the moon had a huge technological advantage but the mobile suits they found were buried on the moon just as mobile suits as Earth. I got the entire Turn A series and movies I actually like the series despite the fact it took me well over 2 years to collect the series.
  5. Nah, then they got the Remover which I guess will remove the guyver from its host and I think back into its stasis like appearance. But I diffenetly remember Agito telling the group that he was gonna take over the world with his organization called the Zues Thunderbolts. Hence why he calls himself Zues in parts of the series.
  6. Personally I don't think I could ever do bussniess with someone who doesn't actually work for some company that specializes in those things.... Park Sabers anyone?
  7. Well if that doesn't give someone an ego boost, I don't know what does.
  8. Rumors have it that the Gigantic armor carries the potential to rightfully combat Zoalords. Unlike the Guyver's original form, using the Gigantic armor turns the Guyver itself into a fully function weapon, just about every inch of that puppy can do SOMETHING.
  9. I went ahead and purchased the first pictured version. Hopefully the subs wont be bad and will carry good video quality and the specials. That'd be a nice christmas gift for myself.
  10. Well, lets say redeeming some of GSD is about as close as a Pastor to a young little girl, it ain't gonna happen.
  11. I don't really find anything wrong with brushing as long as you got some good point. I really only use bottle paint on small parts like vent covers, hydrolics, coil wiring, stuff to give the kits more detail. I started doing it that way.....hmmmmmm I'd say roughly around 3 years ago when I got my Strike 1/60 HG kit.
  12. I just found the first movie for 10 dollars with English/chinese subs, I bet this new translation, is a lil off
  13. was checking out amazon just an hour ago. I guess all Zeon suits except the Kampfer are gone I really wanted to get another Zaku for cheap.
  14. I've never sanded 'em......never had a reason too. I generally just clean the parts with dish soap and warm water, leave it alone for a solid day, then paint by colors. If most of the kit is red I do the rest first, or I'll do the mechanics.
  15. I tried brush a few times, it never worked for me. Besides what I'd try to do is match spray colors with bottle colors. Then over those spots I'd take a tooth pick or something and dab it. I was gonna do that on my PG Zaku but after I lost the coil that goes around the head I bagged the whole deal.
  16. lol Ogami that's great yo. I totally dig that Cagalli/Athrun G Gundam salute. Also, I had a striking feeling that Kira was a wife beater.
  17. I personally always found it easier to paint the model while their still on the tree. That way you wont spray paint on a piece you don't want. Something else I also do, if your putting in your own colors and not that on the original kit, I cut around the trees that hold the parts I want different colors. It'll give the pieces weight so they don't fly everywhere. Now if that same part I'm painting also has to be another color, I use eletrical tape and cut the shapes or length I want so one side is one color and the other is still the color you originally had, then cover that other side when it's completely dry. I've been working off that technique I think........almost 3 years. It's work wonderfully.
  18. Okay, than I'll just buy the one with the first picture there...I've got the specials subbed anyways, but it'd just be nice having 'em all there neatly packed.
  19. Here's some shots of the OYW Gundam, 1.0 (god I really thought I had a 1.5) and my customized GM.
  20. That's what I'd like to know...if that middle cover is the only one with the specials then I wanna know where I can actually get that variant.
  21. Well, Even though I support dubs being a voice actor myself, I'm not gonna support on buying this....I've got AnimEgo.....that's good enough.
  22. They probably all come with the specials, but that's something I didn't think about...cause its not mentioned, and Toysnjoys advertises both covers yet one of them is the actual DVD.
  23. sadly no, Tony Oliver is Rick Hunter In my production we did add Sempai in the beginning. But later I thought about it, and thought about it, and continued too do so till I went, "WTF?!" and got rid of that all together. Everytime sempai comes up I replace it with "Hey roy!" or something else.
  24. Okay here's what I found.... The first picture, comes from MegAnimeDVD.com, they state, 5 disc Japanese Language with English/Chinese subs. The second, two different cover variations from Toysnjoys.com First one I've seen before, but got no info, but its a water color cover variant. The third is from Toysnjoys.com which they replace the previous cover with. They also state this is a 5 disc version. I just wanna make sure I'm getting what I'm really looking for which is decent subs and good picture quality.
  25. hmmmmm I see, then if Possible, I guess I wanna stay away from the mixed version. The one I showed said it's a 5 disc set.....just mentioned Japanese with English/Chinese subs which can be turned off. I'm guessing that's more than likely the version I want.
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