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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I'll have to wait another week after Ghost Recon comes out......bills again towards the end the start of the month.... I've also added Chrome Hounds to my want list........mmmmmm does that game look nice.
  2. *drools* death blossom.....
  3. lol Amen, its sad to see alot of self animated projects just die cause of the lack luster of time espically when your dealing with something hand drawn and painted.
  4. A Good storyline where the pretty boys DIE
  5. I picked up the game from work lastnight, and I played almost 2 hours worth......just finished the Fort mission and that Gouf was a piece of cake....infact all the bosses so far haven't been a challenge, but I'll bite my tongue later I hope. The SDness grows on you, when you compare their 1/1 scale to a human scale in the game, it really doesn't seem so bad....I think of the SD MS's like old school RPGing, yep good way of viewing it. What I enjoy is that you can equip your MS's with lots of different weapons cause you have a grid that allows you too arrange range weapons in any order as long as they fit on the grid. I have Fritz with a Zaku Machine Gun and a Megellan Top cannon, Tristan with a Machine Gun and a small shield. I like the level of detail they put into the mobile suits and enviorments when you get into "dungeons" per say. The Moon Ark has alot of detail in the interior, and the Fort was rather nice. The Character designs really remind me of Turn A, along with the storyline.......believe it or not this game storyline tells you that they were once apart of the UC timeline, but something horrible "The Great Fall" occured and little of no records survived, thus making Universal Century a rumor. What's getting to me are these Ecaps, it looks like you can't actually upgrade your mobile suits unless you got these stupid things and I only found one....
  6. but it'll take place hardly even a year, that blows.....they either just end all mankind or all the character dies in this deal or I'm gonna be pissed.
  7. Tomorrows payday......I'll either be picking this game up, or Rising Force, or nothing at all.......I'm not sure yet, but I got till tomorrow to figure it out.
  8. Never played any of those games you listed......but having to be a level 30 to pilot a mech? that sucks.
  9. I've heard of the game, just bits and pieces and that you can pilot mecha and its online.........friend of mine recently purchased it and he said it isn't bad at all, says some of the mecha remind him of Tekkaman. However I've heard conflicting reports the game is pretty bad. Yet I really don't seem to see that in these screen caps or movies...... So from others point of view, before I got spending 50 bucks, I was wondering what others who play the game if here being MWer's think of it....that way I can decide if this is actually worth the money or not.
  10. I saw the second episode of D7 as showing the ugly side of the celeb world and music, not everyone is buddy buddy, remember, Mylene was almost raped by Bobby in the series until the Vampires came and sucked out his Spiritia.
  11. In my honest opinion some of the anime I've seen that were absolutely horrible were like Better Man, I mean wtf? The character designs were god awful, one character had like blue, pink, yellow or what ever hair colors, they looked out of proportion in some way, and the story line was just crap. Another was something I think called Dog Warriors......it was okay at first but then the animation changed where it became very sloppy and cut corners in the movement where the guy might be running from Point A to Point B, but no motion, he just suddenly appears in Point B. What else have I seen that was god awful..........................crap I can't remember.........
  12. I think it's in another month but I plan on getting a few more games for my 360, on my list for sure is Ghost Recon, maybe Battlefield 2, MAYBE Dynasty Warriors 5.....afterall they all play just about the same. Lots of games coming out in the late summer and such, but the one I'm really looking forward too and hope it isn't pushed back any further is Gears of War....god I just hope they stop pushing it back.
  13. That Zeta there is rather interesting that your friend did.....very nicely done. The Zaku II I really like the color and how fine yet dull like it came out, it doesn't look like an over abundance of glossy paint or anything, its just a nice looking texture. God........it's been almost a month since I put a model together....I really need some.
  14. You know, I can't remember.......but he looks like he played Ivan Ooze in Power Rangers the movie.....but I could be wrong. But I do remember him in many other roles like B5 and StarTrek TNG and the Fugitive.
  15. Not too mention the reentry pods could be different from the ones that go back into space..........more cost effective since all you really need is a decent frame and some tin foil to survive from the vacuum of space I think. But don't forget one of those Komusai's rammed into those pods and poo... As for the Zudah, If the engine overheats even in space I think it could still explode, the body just can't handle the stress from the amount of G Force used.... Looks like the GM's have a similar problem since their engines over heated and they fell apart as well.
  16. You know I laughed my ass off when the feddies sent a message to the zeons going "You dumbasses, we know your lil Zudah is just a piece of crap and we ain't scared! MUWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  17. My connection sucks since yesterday, so I got another 12 hours before it finishes.......I hate it when it does this.
  18. Didn't Maverick in Top Gun pull of a similar meanouver at one point in the movie? I know it was no cobra meanouver, but it was pretty similar wasn't it? By cutting his thrust significantly that the mig shot past him as his F-14 went OVER the mig?
  19. LMAO!!!!! Kojima just took a tuna fish and smacked that Uwe-son-ava-bitch RIGHT on the face with a big "GET LOST POSER!" glare that would scare Chuck Norris into a jean stained pissing frenzy.
  20. I've had lots of ppl come to work buying 360 accessories recently, but I've had more customers asking me while I'm doing stuff on the show room floor "Do you have any 360's?".......which I gotta tell 'em "No I'm sorry we only get a small hand full of them every month and they go very quickly." After playing many games over the release of the 360, I have to say PD0 and Ridge Racer do nothing for me now........PD0 is just plain blah in my opinion, but Ridge Racer........its okay, but damn does it get boring after a while. You don't even feel like your going 150+ mph.......you feel like your going 30......
  22. atleast it wasn't in a ZOE style, it still kind of bugs me they designed the cockpit to look like the mecha has a giant wang. The Wilde Sau is indeed a nice looking mecha, its a shame it didn't get as much air time in part 2 as it should of. Twin Moons has the Garland for pre-order at a lil over 108 dollars..that's a big chunk off the original price. I couldn't pass it up and preordered.
  23. You know if a VF-0A and D show up.......I will smear my bathroom with liquid poo......yes liquid running poo from excitment that's so overwhelming it makes my stomach clench and let it rip! ..............That was much to info, I apologize in advanced.
  24. so who wants to place their bets on how long it'll take for the fansub version to come out? I give it......................hmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 weeks.
  25. Wait what?
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