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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Ya know after just seeing that lil trailer on youtube, it seems pretty interesting. I never did like the live action TV series, it just seemed so damn cheap in my opinion. But I think I could like this anime, and I know a friend of mine would probably watch it if he caught me scoping this out.
  2. Christ I didn't realize the Maul staff saber was out already! 185 bucks on TSV, but they wont get anymore till late April................poo do I wanna fork that much money over? : /
  3. All of the items I bought are Cybertron, I refer to them as their Galaxy Force names because I pay more attention to Galaxy Force then I do Cybertron, hence why I know their names better then Cybertron.....hell I forgot what Nitro Convoy's Cybertron name was till I saw the box. I think it also shows a fond respect for Galaxy Force rather then Cybertron. The only reason I even purchase the Cybertron toys is because they're mass marketed in stores where as Galaxy Force versions I gotta pay more to get from online stores. I noticed that too before I went to bed lastnight. I remember Blurr was in Armada and that this toy carries the EXACT body as the Armada version but with G1 Blurr's head design and repainted. I was pretty miffed after realizing that wishing I didn't blow 9.89 for the toy. I went too Walmart by where I live cause they have a fairly decent selection of Transformers and I thought I could pick up the Red painted version of Exillion, but they were all gone. I did manage too pick up Evac (Live Convoy) and thought he was a pretty decent toy. I also saw the silver/black repaint of Megatron (Galvatron) thinking "Hmmm I should buy that sometime" even though I already own a Megatron, I think this repaint version is much cooler looking then an orange/grey/purple looking Megatron.
  4. In the last week I've actually been getting really really into Galaxy Force, mostly cause it's not a hack job like Cybertron turns out to be. Nearly crapped myself when I found out Override is really a guy.....*shutters* damn you Hasbro. So in recent developement of my own kind of love for Galaxy Force, I've been on a shopping frenzy buying what I thought looked pretty good for a Galaxy Force transformer, avoiding those with designs that just look so ridiculious I wouldn't wanna touch 'em. So far I upped my collection too Master Megatron, Nitro Convoy GTS (repaint), Exillion, Ligerjack, Dark Scorpinok, Blurr, Galaxy Convoy, Starscream. I think out of all of these, I really like Exillion, he's not difficult at all to transform, but he's got the most stable looking body out of nearly all of them....nothing stubby or cut short on the limbs. I did see his Red/Orange repaint last week at a Walmart, I was almost tempted on buying it but I felt a lil weird looking at him.....he just had Hot Rod painted all over him to where I almost wanted to cry....I miss that character. Nitro Convoy GTS is pretty much just a repaint of the original toy, instead of a Red, White and Amber Yellow color hes been switched out to a grey, red, black style and he looks pretty damn good. However I noticed in robot mode he's not very stable, bad posability and he's got a HUGE freakin chest. LigerJack, ummmmm actually rather one of the most dissapointing of the group I bought. Well not as Dissapointing as Blurr, but still, his arms, they're so bulky and so close to his torso they can only go up or down. Not too mention to take his forearms off to help form LigerConvoy is such a pain in the ass, really gotta pull on those suckers. Next up is Blurr, Blurr god I loved that character in the 80's.....he's got a slight resemblance in GalaxyForce but damn he's small AND he's bulky...I nearly cried cause he reminds me of the 80's toys.....forearms move up and down but that's about it. Galaxy Convoy, great toy, he's not so bulky looking like Energon or Armada, he's pretty well balanced and his super mode isn't power rangerish, it's actually rather decent. However I haven't combined him yet with Ligerjack. Master Megatron is a big freakin toy that required so many things to transform him to Vehicle mode....but he's a great figure and I can't wait to take some pictures of him and Convoy duking it out! Starscream is freaking huge! course his mobility is also lacking espically in the arms.....which was pretty sad. But the Decepticon crown was just priceless I couldn't resist it! Dark Scorpinok.....ummmm.....hmmmm........he's noisy, I shouldn't of pulled that frakin tab.
  5. I slapped myself across the face for even plondering on buying the box set since that's all they offer at work. lol weird huh? I didn't buy Macross but I instead bought Gundam Seed Destiny Boxset........well......GSD's dub is much better then the Macross one.
  6. I saw a preview of it back when they were doing the trailers for Gundam on the PS3. The idea seems pretty special, and the fact that Xbox will get it's first Gundam game is really awsome...and there's no way Bandai is gonna pass this type of a game off and not release it to the states, it would be just wrong.
  7. It got liscened I guess a while back and its out on DVD, Hollywood video has it, and it was in English too...wasn't bad. I was pretty pissed at the movie though, specifically the characters. Itsuki is a loud mouth, spoiled, selfish lil bastard who imediatly thinks he's the god of akina. But once he drives with Takumi all he can do for an entire day is puke his guts out...same thing with his father when Bunta drives. And another thing, Bunta, they turned his character into a child beating alcholic.......WOW.....that was low.
  8. : / after I bought my PSP on release day, I think within 2 hours I went ahead and got rid of Spiderman 2.......I mean why? why do I wanna watch a 2 hour movie in a lil itty bitty screen when I can buy the DVD and watch it on a BIG screen......? why? Jesus doesn't love us anymore or something
  9. I heard they're trying to get Tekkaman Blade going, but so far only Teknoman is comin out first.....and it'll be another year or so before Tekkaman is done.......blah.
  10. 8th team is diffenetly done, they were disbanded and Shiro lost an arm and I think a leg and Aina was pregnant, that pretty much ended it. But yeah there's like this BIG gap between CCA too F91......lets fill that damn gap.
  11. I found it interesting how they killed off Four, but it slightly leaves room for Rosamia too appear in PyscoGundamMKII
  12. That's depending on who you talk too, there are those who believe Turn A Gundam was the most poorly animated of the whole universe. From the looks of it a sequal to MS Igloo is underway from what I understand. I can't recall the title at this time but I remember reading some stuff about it. I dunno if I'd welcome another UC show since Sunrise is really just stretching the universe to a thin margin enough as it is...there's only so many things you can do before it starts to feel like a rehash of something else already done.
  13. Wait I'm lost, is there any point to this thread?
  14. Hmmmmmmm I'm still debating.....I had it pre-ordered back in I think August.....but once I heard the game was being pushed back over and over I canceled it.....I hear mix results at work from those who play it on their PC, hardly anyones got a 360. Hmmmmm......tough call.
  15. Episode 14 wasn't bad, the group tries to escape and encounter the EII 02-04, Agito couldn't do squat to them, Sho looses his ability to transform, and Murakami uses his battleform and barely wins. He also starts diving into his past and the secrets to the relics. However Ep15 is when everything is practically revealed and it also turns into a Guyot versus Murakami in Zoalord forms.
  16. The designs still look ridiculious, but better then GSD.
  17. Episode 13 is up, Tragedy of Enzyme II, we all know where that leads with Sho and his father Fumio fighting to the death...and Murakami appears in his Zoalord form for a brief moment. Episode 14 is a bit of a mixture of the group trying to leave the forest and the battle between Guyver III, Murakami and 3 Enzyme II's.
  18. Hey you know what? I just remembered this when I was watching Indiana Jones on tape. Anyone remember the "Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" that Lucas did back in the early 90's? Damn I can't remember what channel it was...but the show SUCKED......it was taking Indy's life from boyhood in his adventures with his family till he was 21 after WWI........and he was still alive in "present time" as a wheeled chaired old man with a freakin eye patch! I remember watching it and thinking "Damn, this show goes against EVERYTHING spilberg did in Last Crusade......" Thinking about it now, I spat on Lucas for dicking with such a good movie triology like Indiana Jones. Now he's gonna dick up his own creation EVEN MORE.
  19. Now that was pretty funny, lil 11 year old kid with a more sophisticated control takes out would be "newtype" Remote controled Gundam......man that was just actually really funny.
  20. Wow friend of mine at work and I were discussing Season 1 and 2 and I told him they weren't going to do a Third Season anymore, but now I can let him know wedensday when I go back to work that idea got dropped and now they are doing a third season.
  21. Is this one of the old MG variations or is this from the OYW MG "upgrade" or more like "rebox"
  22. I picked up Initial D Street Stage and Megaman Power UP, now I played Megaman Power UP demo for IHX, and I didn't think it was bad, sort of cute, but Initial D was a risk cause I only know the arcade game is suppose to be good. Well.......this game sort of sucks......the controls are so sensitive no matter what your drifting on a turn no matter how insignificant the turn may be, and you slide from one end of the road to another and ram into EVERYTHING..........and the music tracks are a lack luster...... oh well, maybe it'll grow on me.
  23. 3x3cut10n3r is now up to Episode 12, now its starting to take off where the OVA's left off, Episode 13 is where Sho will have to kill his father.
  24. We got 'em at fry's, I have yet to buy one cause I don't draw anywhere as much as I use too......but it looks liek alot of fun.
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