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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. It's not really that difficult if you look around on the internet, ebay, online stores, etc etc....some places still have 'em in stock.
  2. Dunno how you can judge that when 90% of it is covered by a tarp.
  3. I got really lucky the other day, I was bored after watching some R.I.D. and I went on Ebay and managed to find a mint sealed Fire Convoy for 44 dollars. So I managed to get my hands on it, course the damn thing wont ship till Monday, but I should see it Wedensday-Friday.
  4. I was in contact with Tam lastnight and he said that the Garlands wont show up from Yamato till sometime next week and to just be patient, when he gets his stuff he'll get them and it'll be all worth it
  5. I caught the first 2 episodes and thought it was pretty hilarious honestly. Lots of good funny moments espically with Revy, she's a tough as nails, swearing, trigger happy biaotch.
  6. lol that's so what I don't need right now since I can barely afford my Garland and pay my car insurance right now.
  7. Or at all. Honestly just let the series end......There wasn't awhole lot to be said in a 40 year span (from 2009-2040) and VFX-2 covered the M13 incident, which was suppose to be a real shocker to the UN Government or something....but like I said, covered. Kawamori has gone on record saying he doesn't give a rats ass about what happened to the Megaroad......and like so many others, we don't need to see another M7 portrayment. Macross Zero should be the ONLY prequal so no more, and all the fill ins were covered by the Video games, so no more Macross WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, it's done!
  8. I wonder if those EX kits are any difficult? I would imagine you'd have to paint it like any other kit.....but it's cool to see the VinEnRose.
  9. I think they're both pretty cute, Taylor actually has the better shots between her and Jessica.
  10. Just talked to my friend Joe who I voice act with on occasions, it looks like he got laid off from CPM recently as well. He did alot of the English text insertions into Manga.....last thing he told me was that he was working on a Yaoi and really wished he wasn't.
  11. That works for me, thanks! I'll be adding that too the M0fandub.
  12. Huh interesting, I didn't notice that till now.....that's odd. And I would think the magnets would be pretty strong compared to something like *cough* toynami *cough*..........afterall I haven't had really much of any issues with the fast leg packs on my VF-0S and they use magnets.......they slide with rough contact, but that's about it. It probably would of been better if the shoulders/tires could lock into place instead honestly.....
  13. Looks like the piece of armor that should be facing Shogo in Robot form is a look out window.......so it's better then having his face stuck out there I guess. The second link from Toysdaily has some great pictures. It almost looks like you could do a transformation without having to use support of some sorts to keep it balanced. I'd almost pay a lil extra for someone to go, give it a nice shiny paint job with some weathering to it so to make look more authentic.
  14. I don't see where that site says it's out....
  15. I found this nifty lil glitch with the game if you use ActionReplayMax. If you select infinite cash funds, start the game, play a mission, complete it, then restart the ps2 without the ARM disk, you'll still have all the funds. So I've bought every Plane and SP available thus far.
  16. Yeah more places are stating a June release now, looks like Yamato pushed it back just a snag.
  17. Cool, moving engine nozzles and wing flaps. I'm diffenetly going to get those G1 remakes there, diffenetly look nice.
  18. If you don't mind Solscud could you send that too me as well? I think it'd go great for my Macross Zero DVD.
  19. Not too mention the guy running that store just started his bussniess, so I think he'll do anything to get customers. Even if that means loosing 10-20 bucks a unit.
  20. That missing armor piece really doesn't bug me in the least, it's still a pretty good representation of the anime garland. Not too mention with now being given a close look at the garland, I can see how and where the legs connect into the body during Mecha form....very interesting to see that the hips are connected to the rear wheel. Hell I remember how stupid I felt a few months ago wondering what happened to the front wheel before it dawned on me the front wheel is actually 2 seperate thinner wheels that split in half. What I'm curious about is if there's a place where the gun can be stored instead of just being out there...
  21. I think there was a piece of armor that covered up that area and would just sort of slide down when transforming back into the vehicle form. I tend to remember it being ripped off in Part 2.
  22. I can wait I was just a bit worried cause no ones really said anything. If you wanna gimme a PM and lemme know exactly what you're going to do that'd be great. I've been recieving lines from the actors left and right for the last week now so the episode is reaching completion soon.
  23. It's on my list for sure!
  24. Well I'm a bit bumed out that I haven't seen anyone contributing. I mean hell even just scanned in Covers of the original volumes would be SO great to have. I'd use my own but it's got the "Perfect Collection" label on it.....
  25. Bummer, i was pretty excited to see it released anyday now..
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