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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Honestly, I thought the film was great. storyline was a tad weak as it needed more bots, but I was thrilled to see all the classics we could be given in such a brief amount of time. I would actually watch this again if I had the time.
  2. I recently looked mine over realizing it’s in pretty damn good shape for the number of years I’ve had it......wonder how much I could sell it for! I’m pretty tempted
  3. I believe there was a glimpse of the future in one of the first volumes.....and the games and movies tend to kind of hint that traveling thru space folds can lead into future or past events even alternate realities.
  4. Necro POSTING!!!!!! I was just thinking about this project yesterday while coming home from work and thought "Damn......gotta do something about that one." it had always nomed at my soul really. I need to find the cable to my old hard drive and see what I can dig up.
  5. Saw it Thursday night going in all “eh” avoiding trailers, tv spots and reviews of any variety and honestly I enjoyed it way more than I did TLJ. Wasn’t amazing, but god it flowed and worked better. Some fans are just asses.
  6. Don’t think killed off but at least gone, the kid has been a pretty worthless character overall showing up in very few episodes and mostly being a whiner. Overall I’m just getting tired of all of these shows, I’m seeing them starting to go into a SJW kind of way, and I’m just not that comfortable in that as it feels forced and poorly executed.
  7. Hmmmm now I’m getting interested in BWs again. btw anyone noticed that figures are in short supply lately? Every store I’ve got since TRUs announced shut down has come up fairly barren minus studio figures which even those are in short supply. Walmart, target, fredmyers, anywhere with a toy department is virtually empty. One store even had tags on their generations pegs saying “temporarily unavailable”
  8. I’ll probably go on a Star Wars splurge at my locations. There’s at least 3 stores in an hour drive from my home. Might even buy some legos for once in my life who knows!
  9. Really annoys me how they blew thru this show. There were enough episodes they could of finished this by the time solo came out
  10. have not seen it, infact I should go downstairs to see if my DVR even recorded it in a bit, I've been eagerly awaiting for it to come back on since the cliff hanger.
  11. And it’ll end just as quickly I bet.
  12. Changed things around a bit too. Raph is now the leader and doesn't carry his trademark sais. Leo is the "Cool kid", Mikey is "artistic", and Donny....well.......he'll never change. Not too mention if I remember right each turtle is a different breed.
  13. they're completely different in every aspect. I don't think the VF-1 is a horrible kit....I've built two since it came out in 2013. I thought the first time I built it, yeah pile of crap, hated it with a passion. But then once day last year I got bored so I ordered another one and rebuilt it remembering the issues I had from the first one. Second time I built it, came out a lot better. I remembered to glue a few areas to keep the parts in place, trimmed some areas for better fitting, and since then I really haven't had any issues that turned me off from playing with it once in a bluemoon. Infact, I'd actually like to do another one and do a custom job to it.
  14. looks like you need to play with the airgap a bit on the supports then if you're having to much issue. Also heat settings. I can see that white area bubbling....that always happened to me if the part is on there for a long period of time and the bed is to hot. God I wanna work on this.
  15. 1/72 scale works fine for me, if anyone has a Bandai model knows it’s a decent size for something like this. Sculpt looks decent, lots of detail I wouldn’t of expect to see. So this is a maybe for me mainly cause I’m broke as always.
  16. I saw it again over the weekend, even ignoring the awful jokes that ruin beginning it wasn’t a horrible movie it was just dull. I came away with Luke’s training of Rey being similar VERY similar to Yoda and Luke in ESB.
  17. Wow it’s almost been a year huh? Time flies
  18. Kind of sucked. It was an hour and a half of bland.
  19. I dunno what's worse.....that she's gone or that she was gone almost a month ago before it was even reported.
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