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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I got the program lastnight, looking it over and seeing what I can do with it, it looks pretty hard with all the sections I can use and what not.....but because of the loss of frame rates on WMV rendering, I'm going to be doing seperate audio files and seeing if I can put those on and the original Raw video on Adobe and see how that looks. I got lots of time to play around with it since it's my weekend.
  2. Well I remix the entire audio from scratch, I mute the original track then I place in new SFX's as close to the originals as possible. Some of the ones you hear in this dub come from 5 different animes like Gundam, Tekkaman, Macross TV, Macross 7 and DYRL itself. I'm currently in the process of getting Adobe Premier cause apparently that's the best for video editing.
  3. Cheap, however clever and affective.
  4. Yeah I'm still kicking myself in the ass for selling my PS2......
  5. Well the movies are now mixed via Windows Movie Maker and Cool Edit Pro 2.1 (which I'm using like crazy now) however I'm noticing a problem with WMM. See, after so many rendering jobs the video quality starts to get crappy, so when I finish all the mixing I make a pure audio file and I mute the original sound off the Master copy and place the new audio into it making it a superior professional like dub. However for some reason, when I do this (it started after M0) the audio would lag behind the original master by 3 or 4 seconds....usually I fix this problem by waiting till a faded cut scene and then cut the audio and reinsert it....but that's not working anymore. I checked with DYRL putting in the audio with the master copy of Chapters 1-5.....and the audio is lagging behind by nearly 5 seconds....I think WMM is killing a few frames at a time and thus screwing up the finished product. ============================================== Now about how I do manage to get my stuff on to DVD.... Because I use WMM and it creates a WMV file, most DVD burning programs reject it. So I use Virtual Dub to go ahead and convert the WMV to DIVX at the highest setting which sometimes a 30 minute project will turn into like a gig file. Then I use VSO to DVD to turn the AVI formated movie into a VSO. Following that I use InterVideo DVD, divide the movie into chapters, giving it an animated menu title and burn at the lowest setting to keep it as high of quality as possible. When I'm done I have a professional looking DVD that not even ADV could try and make. So far the only DVD I've made successfully would be the first Episode of Macross Zero which is still regarded as my top dubbing abilities......however I seem to have more popular hits on Gundam Seed Astray which should be well over 3,000 hits on Youtube.com And within the next week or two I'll have Yu-Gi-Oh! Series 0 the movie completed which I tried to mix to the best of my abilities from scratch.....bout 3% of the original audio was used, the rest I had to scrounge up to use. Right now DYRL is probably going to be the toughest dub I'm ever going to face with Macross Zero on hold......I got alot of characters to fill in, and I got too hunt down alot of SFX's and properly mix them in. I've got a cast of atleast 12 people right now taking part making this the biggest cast I've had thus far.
  6. My chances are slim to none unless I get about 8-9 hours in the next two days to secure just enough cash to get the Wii...
  7. Well the Macross Zero...In English thread is gone, I think it went poof when the site got hacked couple months back. In continueing traditions here I'm makin a thread here dedicated to the progress of DYRL in English. I've actually been approached by many fans of the series and movie asking if I would do it, and it's really been in the works for many years, but I'm finally getting to it. So far I have a 90% cast up even down to the extras, I'm also recruiting new cast members for important roles such as Max Jenius and Hayao Kahazaki. TEASER TRAILERThis would be a slightly edited Teaser Trailer which I remixed into English featuring myself as Ichijo Hikaru, and Maria Vu (Aries in M0) as Lynn Minmay. And for your viewing pleasure a small sample clip of how the movie is sounding thus far. MACROSS DYRL DEMO Ichijo Hikaru by myself, and Allison Rose (Sara Gnome) as Hayase Misa. I'm using Windows Movie Maker and Cool Edit Pro to mix the movie together and adding nifty lil vocal effects. So watcha guys think thus far for a fandub piece?
  8. Takara/Tomy will be releasing prototype pictures Megatron soon, but it appears it's confirmed, Megatron will be a gun. Now what kind of gun or how "realistic" this gun will appear is up in the air.....
  9. I heard the news this morning bout Megatron getting the MP treatment finally......however it seems no one has ANY details on what Megatron will appear as. Unfortunantly because of US Laws and customes, if Megatron was given his G1 gun variation back, it wont be allowed in the US unless they make changes to it's appearance like adding in an unremoveable yellow or orange cap and crappy colors like Classics Megatron. Anything to show it's not even close to a real gun. I really miss the old days where I could go to a toy store buy a lil machine gun and the only thing to distinguish it from another was the orange cap. However, if he was given his G2 Tank form, it would be easily passed thru customes.
  10. oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Viper helmet, that's a must have.
  11. lol that would be funny actually, retool the fast packs and maybe a bit of the VF-1 itself and wham, you got Jetfire. Shoji would be like "Meh".
  12. got my Starscream today <<<wasn't expecting it this fast either since Tam just shipped it. I'm actually having some issues with the back panel connecting to the under size of his nose cone something abstructing the back panel to angel just right and I think it's between the fuselage and the back panel......I dunno. But I had to pop his head off just so I could transform him cause of the same issue there's that piece that just gets in the damn way. Other then that he seems simple to transform, just gotta mess around a bit. No heavy QC issues that I can notice. Paint is okay, there's just a small smudge of white paint in one spot, otherwise he's pretty nifty.
  13. During your first battle with her you just need to stay in Fighter mode...no use getting into the other modes unless you want her to shoot ya. I fire atleast 3 rounds of missiles at her and one set of flares and barrel roll for a lil bit. Wait until your missiles are reloaded then release all you got and a flare with a lil gunpod. You just keep that up and she's as good as dead, I had it to the point she couldn't hit, until I started getting reckless and doing battroid combat with her.
  14. Hey Joseph you don't mind if I use this for the boxset version of my Macross Zero fandub project do you?
  15. All my fandubs of Macross and Gundam and crap are still up.
  16. I dunno which one I was watching where the japanese guy from the future shows up and the cheerleader rams the qb's car into a wall.....but that was fun. It was my first episode.
  17. I now have all of the Wave 1 Classics. Picked up megatron today at FRY's......he's a diffenet Shellformer but in a nifty way. One of the biggest gripes of it is that you can't turn his fists so you gotta keep his arm sidewayz so the cannon doesn't become a problem. His overly large "wings" are a waste, I wish there was something you could do to them so they wouldn't be an issue, if you fold them all the way back he looses his balance from the heavy plastic. His head is a great likeness to the G1, along with alot of his body sculpt. But I think alot more effort could of been put into his design, but oh well I really can't complain since I now have a Megatron/Prime stand off for display. And they're the same scale for once so it's even better. Couldn't really do that with Cybertron megatron and Prime. I'd have to rank the ones I enjoyed the most as this 1) Optimus Prime 2) Bumble Bee 3) Starscream 4) Hot Rod 5) Megatron 6) Astrotrain Can't wait for the future releases.
  18. I'll try to becareful with mine I don't want a repeat with what happened to my Garland. Mine should arrive on Monday or tuesday.
  19. Wait wait..........so lets see....you traded in your gamecube....all the games for it, your PS2, all the games for that.......just for 1 unit, 3 games, 3 remotes and nunchucks and a 512 card...............I dunno if I'd call that a good deal honestly.....well I wouldn't for me and what I paid for my stuff back then. It took me 1 PSP, all the games, a GBA, 90% of those games, all my accessories, and 10 DVD's to get 280 bucks.......I thought "Crap I spent 3 times that amount on these brand new.............damn what a jip" That's why I'll probably NEVER trade anything off to Gamestop ever again.......most of the DVD's I have I'd only get 1-5 dollars cause they're box sets....
  20. Closest TRU are both 40 miles away from me north and south....and both do really borely in sales......If I don't see anything from Game Crazy and FRY's, I'll go there as a last resort.
  21. I went to game crazy, they don't do reserves cause the store does poor earnings and is very low key. the guy said on the 16th he'll have demos in the store, but suspects he'll have over 40 units in stock and thinks the store will have a midnight release so he told me to come then. FRY's however said they'll get alot more then 40 units but wont do a midnight release and expect a large crowd to start hovering a week before the release date since that occured as well for the 360. As for myself, I'll probably get it on the 20th, I'll just have GC hold one for me till the next day so I can pick up a game or two for it as well.
  22. Yeah......effin GS.......I'm gonna try a Gamecrazy and back to FRY's today during my lunch break and see what I can figure out.....I doubt I can make any reservation or prepayment.
  23. If GS does that, say they have 25 for preorder and took let's say 15, and closed the deal so all their 10 employees could get preorders is just wrong. I hate it when Employees get first dibs cause they work there, or when it's in any store. Employees at any store need to either wait until a certain time like near closing hours, OR go to another store affilated with them, like you work in one walmart, well there will be another close by just get it there so it's fair. When I worked at fry's, when ever they had something big on sale, employees weren't allowed to buy that item until the next busniess day if there were any units left. There was the same thing going around when ppl heard of the PS3's release in November. The Store Managers said "All employees have to wait until next busniess day if any units are left to get theres. If you come in during your day off it's fine, but if your working that day you will be rejected and you could get terminated." I went to the GS store by work and they were full on WII and PS3 orders...I'm gonna try the Gamecrazy, if that doesn't work I'm gonna go to the FRY's store I use to work at and ask if there is a reserve limit or they just gonna get a certain shipment in regardless and when gone they're gone. Then find out if it's the 19th or 20th when they get them in....sometimes it takes that store an extra day or two for any new items unless HOT like the Wii or PS3 to arrive. So if it arrives on either date, I'll just go in and hang there at 6 or 7 AM and then buy just the system and go home back to sleep so I can go to work later.
  24. Ya know, I think the custom would of looked MUCH better with a flat black instead of the gloss......it's too shiney........
  25. Jedi.........just waiting for my anakin glove to come in (should be today if they sent it on monday) and I'll be pretty much set.
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