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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Man! I remember that box set, I think I was a Junior or Senior in HS when RightStuff <<<think it was them had a preorder and man it was a huge price...I put it on preorder but I canceled it a month before release cause Ijust couldn't come up with the cash. I'm satasfied though with my box sets, and surprisingly no cracking on the cases or anything....the DVD's are in near mint condition still cause I don't watch the series that much except during Xmas time.
  2. Aaron's Prime impression was probably top knotch, I think he actually got used for ALOT of Prime impressions in various other fandubs from transformer fan makers, but he's kind of dissappeared...he played StarSaber for TFCog's dub of Victory which was then replaced by I think 1 more guy and then that was short lived with Starsaber now played by Brad Venable who also plays Megastorm for the BWII series with me. Brandon who works on the dubs for Victory and BWII and did Scramble City was a lil bit surprised that there was not even a "mumble" from the guy at TWF2005 bout the Scramble City dub but didn't really care. And even for a brief time TFcog was animating a sequal to Scramble City which just went into the crapper big time. Still, the DVD was great, even if the Scramble City commentary blew and felt very boring (I only watched a third of it) and I can't wait to see how Sony BGM handles the TV series.
  3. I'm gonna have to hold up till probably christmas before I can even get the Wii now......I just had my "weekend" and my boss calls me up lastnight saying "Your weekends just changed to sunday and monday and you'll be getting a new schedule" I think my hours just got cut..... and seeing how my payperiod this month is shorter then the others, I'm really gonna loose hours.
  4. Ya know if you wanna see Scramble City in English it is available. Remember I work with TFCog who dubs Transformer shows that don't make it into the US and one of their first movies was Scramble City...course it's a bit rough on the edges but it's got some good impersenations of Prime and Starscream.
  5. Way the graphics for GoW are fantastic, I was really stunned by the texture and colors they used for this game.....very high level of detail too on the characters.
  6. Damn that's right CoD3 is out now huh? I forgot bout that as well. What gripes me is that the GoW promo stand said "November 12th" on it and I remember before then it said "October 31st" ...........I just don't trust release dates that or people who have these promotional stands. I've played a good 3 hours worth on and off.....finally gotta tackle down that Beserker which is a bit of a pain in the ass..........if I can just kill her......
  7. I'm more curious where the Shin figure came from.
  8. I picked up the LAST copy of GOW, I was shocked to see that alot of ppl were at GC getting it and alot of them were just laughing it up going "Maaaaannnnnn f Carbon, we got Gears of War!" I did pick up Carbon the other day and I'm about 40% complete with the game give or take. It does feel like a huge lack luster compared to Most Wanted (which was trying to trade in but grabbed carbon by mistake.......woops, thank god I didn't have the disc with me or I'd be going WTF?) So I'll be playing GOW here in a bit.
  9. Right with 555 and Magiranger now it's Boukenger and Kabuto, next year who knows....
  10. That and Kagami really doesn't have much for fighting abilities period.....he's sort of a street fighting like reckloose. I actually didn't realize it but the series is still on going I thought it was over with 36.....but buddy of mine said they're on episode 39 now.
  11. Well it'd be really nice if I can get one but I gotta go outta town for a day to do some bussniess for a few friends and would completely miss the release. Which is a big reason why I was askin the guy if I can get it on the 20th...............ooooooohhhhh well. I can honestly wait.
  12. They mentioned that when the DVD extras were announced ya know.......why are you surprised? They ALSO mentioned that in the DVD extras being announced lol.........there isn't going to be a new Transformers game till the movie comes out
  13. Well I was excited as hell to see that the Transforers movie released today.........but no one had the damn dvd anywhere ........guess I'll just have to wait a few days since my area is the slowest to recieve anything.
  14. Exactly! I thought the Cobra/Snake side story to it all was a HUGE waste.....the characters really didn't need to be introduced to the story at all, it should of just focused on the 3 main characters and Shocker.
  15. I caught episodes 33 and 34, the last ones T-N have out right now, and I noticed that the girl who played Sailor Venus is Tendou's "second in command" in these episodes and helps him get his Hyper Zecter abilities. That's interesting to see 2 PGSM actors/actresses are in the Kamen Rider series.
  16. Well today I went to Gamecrazy <<<no longer shopping at Gamestop for a while after pissing me off recently And I bought Need for Speed just to keep me occupied till The Wii was released. I casually mentioned it to the guy working there who replied "Hey would you like to reserve it?" my jaw dropped, but there was a catch "Course we're full so your order wouldn't come in till december" I told him "FINE!" So he went to his boss who over heard us and said, and I quote "Hell no" the guy looked over at me and shrugged apologizing for the next 3 minutes. I told him forget it, if I'm lucky I'll find one sometime before the end of the month, "Grandmother said this: Good things come to those who wait."
  17. I'm gonna keep this nice and sweet....... Macross 7 - Shoji Kawamori Macross II - No Shoji Kawamori Result - Macross with Kawamori do better then Macross with no Kawamori.
  18. Over the last 2 weeks I've been watching Episodes 1-34 of the 36 episodes of the latest Kamen Rider series...I gotta say I really enjoy it. Now I'm not too fluent in the history of Kamen Rider since I just became a recent fan in the few months. From what I heard of all the recent incarnations Faiz (555) is probably one of the better stories. But I've heard some really good reviews of Kabuto going back to the "bug" theme of the riders and introducing great costume designs which don't over do it in the pure cheese compared to previous costumes and really bring the Rider series back to it's roots. I haven't been able to see the last 2 episodes since they aren't released fansubbed yet I suppose. But I do really like the series. My only complaint is that in the last 4 episodes they've REALLY packed alot of the plot perhaps a bit too late and could of gone on for a few more episodes. Plot wise I mean certain character finding out they're a worm, the introduction to Hyper Kabuto and Hopper.....it's really a sad thing too. So I wanted to get your guys impression if you've seen Kabuto. What do you think? What do you feel is regretful in the series storyline? What would you think you would of changed in it? Etc etc.
  19. I got the movie back in the summer I think, and I must say it's actually spawned an interest in Kamen Rider for me now....the story felt a bit dragged on when they went to the hospital scenes with the two wasted characters (wasted cause their roles were just pointless for the movie which mainly focused on the two riders) But it was a good movie honestly.
  20. Geezee wow 0_o that looks sweet for Halo3 goodies. I wanna know what scale that helmet is. Doesn't look that big standing next to the Halo3 stand but does look cool. 99.99 for 3 discs and a helmet, that ain't a bad price at all. I'm gonna try and trade in some stuff to get Need For Speed Carbon during lunch, we'll see. Wish Gears of War came out I thought it was suppose to be on the 31st......wtf....
  21. Meh the more I read about the PS3 the more in my opinion I become less impressed with it. Makes me think I can easily wait a few more months before wanting to buy it.
  22. Nah no worries on that, It renders pretty quick since it's just audio that it'll mix for me right now, and after that I shut it down, I do that too all programs.
  23. 0_o christ that's cheap.........FRY's is carrying them now but for 99.99 each, doesn't matter which you want.
  24. No kidding, sometimes I forget to come by here from time to time to see what's up. But yeah I sadly only got the first Episode released, and I'm having issues with Episode 2 cause so many of the cast members are slacking off with personal issues...I should of had episode 3 released by now, and Episode 4 is the making......the original Goal was too complete Zero before I started DYRL......oh well. Thanks, I should have another trailer up hopefully within the next few weeks or so. Misa's voice will sound more commanding as the movie progresses, I may have her redo that area of the film where she chews Hikaru's ass off on the bridge to sound more powerful. And thank you again for the comments on Hikaru's voice, I really enjoy playing him he's one favorite character in any anime series I've ever watched, he's always number one.
  25. Interesting there. I'll have to check that out if I manage to get enough money in time for the wii. Which I have doubts.....since some draw backs popped up recently.
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