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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Ouch I just read that the Gundam game for the PS3 is horrible, slow frame rate, bland maping and small areas to venture out too, and with no online play it makes multiplayer boring since it uses splitscreen. And there are only a handful of mobile suits apparently available. Guess I'll just wait for Mobile Ops for the 360 since it uses online play and alot of other stuff.
  2. God it just really makes me sick that there are people out there who want to play the games and keep good care of their system, and they can't get one cause dip shits want to sell theirs to get more money in life. No offense to some, but it really pisses me off that people do this.....espicalliy like that one guy who bought 100 of those and plans to sell them all...... It also really pisses me off seeing people having fights and riots over a stupid game system that's going to be around for ever.....I don't get wha the attraction is to get a system on launch day, sure it seems cool at first, but once you get down to it, you feel stupid.....I've felt that way twice, once with the PSP and then with the 360, yeah I was happy I got mine, but damn did I feel like such a dork later.
  3. Thanks, yeah I'd like to put it on DVD and I do have a master copy of it on DVD with original cover art by a fellow MW'er and I'm talking it out with someone I work with on other fandub projects like Casshern on doing a fully functional animated menu like what the pro's do. I did get another audition for Roy, so it's being saved so when the time comes and I get enough auditions in, I'll do up a poll or something if I can and let you guys decide.
  4. Some of them are just kids, carrying money they've saved up for maybe the last year....honestly I don't know what I'd do if I spent my days standing in line for a game system....the 360 was simple cause it was an exclusive thing at Gamestop since they could only get 24 units at the store......so they only told those 24 that the store would be open from midnight to 1 AM....and I think out of that 24, there were 40 of us, but that's cause alot of us brought friends along to share in the experince. But I mostly just stayed in my car with my friend stayin warm instead of hanging outside being teased by the GS guys who hugged the 360 infront of everyone. If I were standing in line for days, I'd put my inside my pants, not in my pockets but in my pants....I'd just tell the guy "Sorry, but once the store opens I call my place up and my folks bring me my money, your SOL" Oh I just remembered, I got an email from GS/EB sayign that they still have a small quantity of 20Gig PS3's left....this will be my target to get this instead of the 60 gig, I really don't need all that space in a game system......so in the later months I'll be able to find a 20 gig much faster then the 60.
  5. yes it would be a blind vote if I can get enough actors to audition. Still only got one guy, no clue who it is though... No clue who it was that auditioned, but I can probably find out soon. I'm keeping the email handy, my guess it was someone here in MW seeing from the Email Addy. Good question, actually if you go thru my youtube video files you can find them there. But because I'm such a nice guy and that the original thread is gone I'll give you guys the links to view M0 in English. Macross Zero EP1A Macross Zero Episode 1 B Macross Zero Episode 1 C Macross Zero Episode 1 D (conclusion)
  6. Man that makes me sick seeing people are willing to spend 10 grand on a stupid gaming platform. People really do need to get a life and realize, it's still going to be there.........2 years from now......it was on record sony wont even do a PS4 for almost a decade. Here in oregon, there are a group of ppl by Portland Airport who have been waiting in line since Monday, in another location a group of guys got robbed at gunpoint and had all their crap taken away. Me, I'll probably wait till Janurary or Feb before I even decide to get a PS3 if I'm lucky.
  7. Hey just an idea, if I end up getting a fair amount of Male VA's trying out for Roy, but maybe have a poll, judged by MW'ers who pick out the best Roy Fokker Voice.......I've only recieved one audition today, but if we can get multiples, would that be interesting or just blah?
  8. Well if you think you got the voice for the character you're more then welcome to try. Really anyone from MW who has a mic that doesn't pick up alot of feedback and knows how to atleast act without sounding flat, is more then welcome to get a role as something. Seriously I can't stress this enough, for alot of mecha shows example as Macross, there are LOTS of male voice talents.....and lots of Ameature male VA's have this tendency that if it isn't the main role or something cool and well known, they don't go for it, it's one of the problems I have because I tend to lean towards 80's shows that were a big hit for the X gen groups like ourselves who still to this day go "WOW......that was so cool" When we watch those old shows. I'm giving this a PG Raiting, no higher then PG-13....now I'm not saying I'm cutting out the gore, like Miriya's skull crunching or anything like that......but the worst word you'll hear is "Sl-l1t" like......maybe 3 times in the entire film, and B1tch maybe twice (still working on the second half of the script) via Hikaru commenting bout Misa, and Damn maybe here and there. So I'd give it no higher then PG-13, same as ADV's stuff. I'm also looking for a guy to do Kaifun, the one who was originally going to do it can't because of his lack of time and his involvement in my other projects. Again, I'm not looking for anything "special" for Kaifun since he only appears in a few scenes and his only big lime light scene is just before the Zentradie capture the group. I may also be looking for an Exadore, it'll be to difficult for me to do the role since I'm tied up with Ichijo myself.....shocking still how I get more approvals over Ichijo then I do for Shin......but I don't really mind I like Ichijo more. So everyones welcome to help just send me a PM or shout out here!
  9. Got your PM's and course been Pming you back, can't wait to hear what you got, I like using those with the actual experince cause they can understand what I'm trying to go for, and understand what quality is. You'll be the third "Experinced" VA I'll have on the cast. You have no clue how many times I've heard that from people cause it's an English Dub. Lots of people get the notion "It's in English, so it's going to suck." And ya know, a quarter of the time they're right. I don't really blame the actors, I blame the ADR Directors and producers etc....cause they don't have squat of knowledge of the show, they think they do but they don't. Yeah that does somewhat happen. Although I have used English people for good guys like from my Gundam SEED Astray dubs from few years back, I pictured Liam with his gramar and attitude to be rather English/British like, and bam I managed to get a guy straight from there who made the role incredible. Same thing with Elijah from the Serpents tail, unfortuantly he was no longer available so I had to go with another guy. But I've got LOTS of room for extras, and generally extras get Civilian/Pilot/Zentradie/Meltrandie roles pending on who they are....when this current cast finishes up the first 13 minutes, I can start checking over the script and then put people into the extras like reporters, and civilians for when Minmay and Hikaru are found......since most of the next 10 minutes revolves around them and their developing relationship. In specifics, it would be City SFX's...people roaming around jibber jabbering and cars driving on the roads, those are the toughest things to gather cause for 1) I live no where near a city 2)I don't have portable equipment to get the sounds I need. Anime wise, for something so specific from the 80's....it's really hard to gather the right SFX's...but I think I've bout got what I needed since I can use the original Macross recordings from both DYRL and the TV series. But if I need anything I'll let ya know. It'd be GREAT to have MWer's to help out, they're the fans I wanna reach out too.
  10. Well I'm looking for a new Roy Fokker now, the original actor can't turn in lines and keeps making promises he can't commit too anymore and he hasn't been online for a rather long time. So if anyone is interested http://voiceactingalliance.com/board/pm/?id=105 this is a link to show the auditions. Howoever if you think you got what it takes go ahead and email me some sort of a Roy Fokker Voice Over line and you might be the next Roy Fokker for the movie and possibly Macross Zero.
  11. Honestly I hope he kind of leaves it alone. For bout a decade now Kawamori has been going with enviormental/earthy themes to his shows with outragious looking mecha.....I don't think Macross Zero was really favored by the fans new and old.....while his designs were good, his story sort of sucked.
  12. If the parents have money, then those are spoiled lil bastards who don't get swated on the ass as much as they should be.
  13. Ya know, lookin at these, I really wish I could build a model kit again, I haven't in SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long.......I think my Gundam MKII 2.0 was the last kit I put together. That was nearly a year ago
  14. True, but Starscream was not, mostly due to easier packaging in Alternate mode then robot..... I never bought anything from BBTS and I really don't plan too if they decide to go this route.
  15. 0_o ahhhhh now I'm going up against ram and died a few times....Dom keeps getting killed and I'm not getting enough time to get some clean head shots or much of any head shots since the krylls wont scatter along.....this really pisses me off
  16. For some reason I was having a tough time getting out of the Fenix Estate near the end when your pitted against like 3 or 4 rocket locust guys and a small plattoon of Grubs....I kept running out of time or getting killed. I finally just started butting some of the guys and doing summer saults and quick dodge moves to get out of there with 3 seconds to spare. I had some issue also getting that Beserker to the rear cart mostly cause my Point of Interest view wasn't aligned with what I was suppose to do......but I finally got that damn thing outta there, Beserkers scare me for some reason : / dunno why.
  17. Wow one just 30 miles from here is carying almost 150+ units....how lame is that that most of these are in the 30's....yet this target store gets 150 units lol.
  18. Sadly I didn't like Chromehounds, but that's mostly because the game is met for Online play since it's Storymode was just boring and a complete lack luster. Oblivion is good looking, but I never got the game, I don't think I ever will since I got a few other games on my list right now that I can't get till Xmas. The Gundam game will be very good lookin......the problem is there isn't even a release date.
  19. Looks like Ali is loosing this debate......gotta agree with the others......call signs in anime or TV drama are pointless unless the character is constantly called that amongst their pears. And in Macross considering it was a "Soap Opera" and not a big action thriller where everyone was military, the point of call signs would be worthless.
  20. He probably does sound like the cool-aid man. I'm on Act 4 now, but yeah the graphics and textures are fantastic, and the rain was a nice touch of realism....I hate those wenches or what ever they're called after they start glowing in the dark and explode 0_o it's like suicide bombers dream pet. What irritates me though is so far on casual unlocked features are only worth 10 points each.....I hope that as you move to the tougher settings the points increase cause there isn't much to wanna complete in the game. Also gamespot said they didn't think those Cog tags existed in Casual Mode, I've so far found 4, meh.
  21. Yeah.....it pretty much was a big advertisment for the model kits....sad.....the new hobby store that opened near work has got some Stargazer 1/144 kits.....but I wasn't too impressed with how they look. Hmmm.....ah well it was good while it lasted, maybe the show can die now.
  22. Nope quit fry's 4 months ago...and even if I was still working there Employees aren't allowed to buy hot products like the PS3 or Wii till the third month after its release so the craze fades out. But they cut my hours back at where I'm working at now due to loss of car sales...3 of the 4 of us got affected by it, the other is the bosses daughter, no one wants to mess with her or else she'll tattle tail or something....she's a real lazy person.
  23. Surprisingly there really isn't a circulation for the DVD's in Oregon...I think out of the 6 volumes I mostly just see Volume 2 and the 1DVD with the box set.....nothing more...
  24. Man! I remember that box set, I think I was a Junior or Senior in HS when RightStuff <<<think it was them had a preorder and man it was a huge price...I put it on preorder but I canceled it a month before release cause Ijust couldn't come up with the cash. I'm satasfied though with my box sets, and surprisingly no cracking on the cases or anything....the DVD's are in near mint condition still cause I don't watch the series that much except during Xmas time.
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